我用c++写了一个程序来寻找ab = C的所有解,其中a, b和C一起使用所有的数字0-9,只使用一次。程序循环遍历a和b的值,并每次对a、b和ab运行数字计数例程,以检查是否满足数字条件。


unsigned long b, c, c_test;
c_test=c*b;         // Possible overflow
if (c_test/b != c) {/* There has been an overflow*/}
else c=c_test;      // No overflow


注意,有符号int溢出在C和c++中是未定义的行为,因此您必须在不实际引起它的情况下检测它。对于加法前的有符号整型溢出,请参见在C/ c++中检测有符号溢出。


警告:GCC在使用-O2编译时会优化掉溢出检查。 选项-Wall会在某些情况下给你一个警告

if (a + b < a) { /* Deal with overflow */ }


b = abs(a);
if (b < 0) { /* Deal with overflow */ }





用double计算结果。它们有15位有效数字。您的要求在c上有一个硬上限108 -它最多可以有8位数字。因此,如果它在范围内,结果将是精确的,否则它将不会溢出。

CERT开发了一种新方法,使用“as-if”无限范围(AIR)整数模型来检测和报告有符号整数溢出、无符号整数包装和整数截断。CERT已经发布了一份描述该模型的技术报告,并生成了一个基于GCC 4.4.0和GCC 4.5.0的工作原型。


I see that a lot of people answered the question about overflow, but I wanted to address his original problem. He said the problem was to find ab=c such that all digits are used without repeating. Ok, that's not what he asked in this post, but I'm still think that it was necessary to study the upper bound of the problem and conclude that he would never need to calculate or detect an overflow (note: I'm not proficient in math so I did this step by step, but the end result was so simple that this might have a simple formula).

重点是问题要求的a b c的上限是98.765.432。不管怎样,先把问题分成琐碎部分和非琐碎部分:

X0 == 1(9、8、7、6、5、4、3、2的所有排列都是解) X1 == x(无解) 0b == 0(不可能解) 1b == 1(无解) Ab, a > 1, b > 1(非平凡)

Now we just need to show that no other solution is possible and only the permutations are valid (and then the code to print them is trivial). We go back to the upper bound. Actually the upper bound is c ≤ 98.765.432. It's the upper bound because it's the largest number with 8 digits (10 digits total minus 1 for each a and b). This upper bound is only for c because the bounds for a and b must be much lower because of the exponential growth, as we can calculate, varying b from 2 to the upper bound:

    9938.08^2 == 98765432
    462.241^3 == 98765432
    99.6899^4 == 98765432
    39.7119^5 == 98765432
    21.4998^6 == 98765432
    13.8703^7 == 98765432
    9.98448^8 == 98765432
    7.73196^9 == 98765432
    6.30174^10 == 98765432
    5.33068^11 == 98765432
    4.63679^12 == 98765432
    4.12069^13 == 98765432
    3.72429^14 == 98765432
    3.41172^15 == 98765432
    3.15982^16 == 98765432
    2.95305^17 == 98765432
    2.78064^18 == 98765432
    2.63493^19 == 98765432
    2.51033^20 == 98765432
    2.40268^21 == 98765432
    2.30883^22 == 98765432
    2.22634^23 == 98765432
    2.15332^24 == 98765432
    2.08826^25 == 98765432
    2.02995^26 == 98765432
    1.97741^27 == 98765432

注意,例如最后一行:它说1.97^27 ~98M。因此,例如,1^27 == 1和2^27 == 134.217.728,这不是一个解决方案,因为它有9位数字(2 > 1.97,所以它实际上比应该测试的要大)。可以看到,用于测试a和b的组合非常小。对于b == 14,我们需要尝试2和3。对于b == 3,我们从2开始,到462结束。结果均小于~98M。


    ['0', '2', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8'] 84^2 = 7056
    ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '8', '9'] 59^2 = 3481
    ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '8', '9'] 59^2 = 3481 (+leading zero)
    ['1', '2', '3', '5', '8'] 8^3 = 512
    ['0', '1', '2', '3', '5', '8'] 8^3 = 512 (+leading zero)
    ['1', '2', '4', '6'] 4^2 = 16
    ['0', '1', '2', '4', '6'] 4^2 = 16 (+leading zero)
    ['1', '2', '4', '6'] 2^4 = 16
    ['0', '1', '2', '4', '6'] 2^4 = 16 (+leading zero)
    ['1', '2', '8', '9'] 9^2 = 81
    ['0', '1', '2', '8', '9'] 9^2 = 81 (+leading zero)
    ['1', '3', '4', '8'] 3^4 = 81
    ['0', '1', '3', '4', '8'] 3^4 = 81 (+leading zero)
    ['2', '3', '6', '7', '9'] 3^6 = 729
    ['0', '2', '3', '6', '7', '9'] 3^6 = 729 (+leading zero)
    ['2', '3', '8'] 2^3 = 8
    ['0', '2', '3', '8'] 2^3 = 8 (+leading zero)
    ['2', '3', '9'] 3^2 = 9
    ['0', '2', '3', '9'] 3^2 = 9 (+leading zero)
    ['2', '4', '6', '8'] 8^2 = 64
    ['0', '2', '4', '6', '8'] 8^2 = 64 (+leading zero)
    ['2', '4', '7', '9'] 7^2 = 49
    ['0', '2', '4', '7', '9'] 7^2 = 49 (+leading zero)



    import math

    m = 98765432
    l = []
    for i in xrange(2, 98765432):
        inv = 1.0/i
        r = m**inv
        if (r < 2.0): break
        top = int(math.floor(r))
        assert(top <= m)

        for j in xrange(2, top+1):
            s = str(i) + str(j) + str(j**i)
            l.append((sorted(s), i, j, j**i))
            assert(j**i <= m)

    for s, i, j, ji in l:
        assert(ji <= m)
        ss = sorted(set(s))
        if s == ss:
            print '%s %d^%d = %d' % (s, i, j, ji)

        # Try with non significant zero somewhere
        s = ['0'] + s
        ss = sorted(set(s))
        if s == ss:
            print '%s %d^%d = %d (+leading zero)' % (s, i, j, ji)


uint8_t x, y;    /* Give these values */
const uint16_t data16    = x + y;
const bool carry        = (data16 > 0xFF);
const bool overflow     = ((~(x ^ y)) & (x ^ data16) & 0x80);


对于一个32位的例子,0xFF变成0xFFFFFFFF, 0x80变成0x80000000,最后uint16_t变成uint64_t。



其思想是,正是因为处理器会让值归零,而C/ c++是从任何特定的处理器抽象出来的,你可以:

uint32_t x, y;
uint32_t value = x + y;
bool overflow = value < (x | y);

这既确保了如果一个操作数为零,另一个操作数为零,则不会错误地检测到溢出,而且比前面建议的许多NOT/XOR/ and /test操作要快得多。


uint32_t x, y;
uint32_t value = x + y;
const bool overflow = value < x; // Alternatively "value < y" should also work


uint32_t x, y;
const uint32_t a = (x >> 16U) * (y & 0xFFFFU);
const uint32_t b = (x & 0xFFFFU) * (y >> 16U);
const bool overflow = ((x >> 16U) * (y >> 16U)) +
    (a >> 16U) + (b >> 16U);
uint32_t value = overflow ? UINT32_MAX : x * y;




uint32_t x, y;
const bool overflow
    [](const uint32_t x, const uint32_t y) noexcept -> bool
        const uint32_t a{(x >> 16U) * uint16_t(y)};
        const uint32_t b{uint16_t(x) * (y >> 16U)};
        return ((x >> 16U) * (y >> 16U)) + (a >> 16U) + (b >> 16U);
    }(x, y)
uint32_t value{overflow ? UINT32_MAX : x * y};