24.08.2010 Codeplex页面现在在这里:http://extensionoverflow.codeplex.com/
11.11.2008 XmlSerialize / XmlDeserialize现在是实现和单元测试。
11.11.2008 FormatWith现在是实现和单元测试。
我们需要更多的开发人员。: -)
09.11.2008 ThrowIfArgumentIsNull现已在Codeplex上实现和单元测试。
public static class FluentOrderingExtensions
public class FluentOrderer<T> : IEnumerable<T>
internal List<Comparison<T>> Comparers = new List<Comparison<T>>();
internal IEnumerable<T> Source;
public FluentOrderer(IEnumerable<T> source)
Source = source;
#region Implementation of IEnumerable
public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
var workingArray = Source.ToArray();
Array.Sort(workingArray, IterativeComparison);
foreach(var element in workingArray) yield return element;
private int IterativeComparison(T a, T b)
foreach (var comparer in Comparers)
var result = comparer(a,b);
if(result != 0) return result;
return 0;
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
public static FluentOrderer<T> OrderFluentlyBy<T,TResult>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Func<T,TResult> predicate)
where TResult : IComparable<TResult>
var result = new FluentOrderer<T>(source);
return result;
public static FluentOrderer<T> OrderFluentlyByDescending<T,TResult>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Func<T,TResult> predicate)
where TResult : IComparable<TResult>
var result = new FluentOrderer<T>(source);
result.Comparers.Add((a,b)=>predicate(a).CompareTo(predicate(b)) * -1);
return result;
public static FluentOrderer<T> ThenBy<T, TResult>(this FluentOrderer<T> source, Func<T, TResult> predicate)
where TResult : IComparable<TResult>
source.Comparers.Add((a, b) => predicate(a).CompareTo(predicate(b)));
return source;
public static FluentOrderer<T> ThenByDescending<T, TResult>(this FluentOrderer<T> source, Func<T, TResult> predicate)
where TResult : IComparable<TResult>
source.Comparers.Add((a, b) => predicate(a).CompareTo(predicate(b)) * -1);
return source;
var myFluentlyOrderedList = GetABunchOfComplexObjects()
... 当然,假设所有的谓词都返回与自身icomcomparable的类型。如果使用像MergeSort这样的稳定排序,而不是。net内置的快速排序,它会更好地工作,但它提供了类似于SQL的可读多字段排序能力(无论如何,它是方法链所能获得的最接近的功能)。您可以通过定义重载来接受比较lambda,而不是基于谓词创建它,从而扩展它以容纳非IComparable的成员。
EDIT: A little explanation, since the commenter got some upticks: this set of methods improves upon the basic OrderBy() functionality by allowing you to sort based on multiple fields in descending order of importance. A real-world example would be sorting a list of invoices by customer, then by invoice number (or invoice date). Other methods of getting the data in this order either wouldn't work (OrderBy() uses an unstable sort, so it cannot be chained) or would be inefficient and not look like it does what you're trying to do.
public static bool CompareEx(this string strA, string strB, CultureInfo culture, bool ignoreCase)
return string.Compare(strA, strB, ignoreCase, culture) == 0;
下面是我经常使用的一些扩展方法。有了这些,除了Next和NextDouble, Random类还提供了NextBool, NextChar, NextDateTime, NextTimeSpan, NextDouble(接受minValue和maxValue参数),以及我个人最喜欢的NextString。还有更多(NextByte, NextShort, NextLong等);但这些主要是为了完整性,并不经常使用。所以我没有在这里包含它们(这段代码已经足够长了!)。
// todo: implement additional CharType values (e.g., AsciiAny)
public enum CharType {
public static class RandomExtensions {
// 10 digits vs. 52 alphabetic characters (upper & lower);
// probability of being numeric: 10 / 62 = 0.1612903225806452
private const double AlphanumericProbabilityNumericAny = 10.0 / 62.0;
// 10 digits vs. 26 alphabetic characters (upper OR lower);
// probability of being numeric: 10 / 36 = 0.2777777777777778
private const double AlphanumericProbabilityNumericCased = 10.0 / 36.0;
public static bool NextBool(this Random random, double probability) {
return random.NextDouble() <= probability;
public static bool NextBool(this Random random) {
return random.NextDouble() <= 0.5;
public static char NextChar(this Random random, CharType mode) {
switch (mode) {
case CharType.AlphabeticAny:
return random.NextAlphabeticChar();
case CharType.AlphabeticLower:
return random.NextAlphabeticChar(false);
case CharType.AlphabeticUpper:
return random.NextAlphabeticChar(true);
case CharType.AlphanumericAny:
return random.NextAlphanumericChar();
case CharType.AlphanumericLower:
return random.NextAlphanumericChar(false);
case CharType.AlphanumericUpper:
return random.NextAlphanumericChar(true);
case CharType.Numeric:
return random.NextNumericChar();
return random.NextAlphanumericChar();
public static char NextChar(this Random random) {
return random.NextChar(CharType.AlphanumericAny);
private static char NextAlphanumericChar(this Random random, bool uppercase) {
bool numeric = random.NextBool(AlphanumericProbabilityNumericCased);
if (numeric)
return random.NextNumericChar();
return random.NextAlphabeticChar(uppercase);
private static char NextAlphanumericChar(this Random random) {
bool numeric = random.NextBool(AlphanumericProbabilityNumericAny);
if (numeric)
return random.NextNumericChar();
return random.NextAlphabeticChar(random.NextBool());
private static char NextAlphabeticChar(this Random random, bool uppercase) {
if (uppercase)
return (char)random.Next(65, 91);
return (char)random.Next(97, 123);
private static char NextAlphabeticChar(this Random random) {
return random.NextAlphabeticChar(random.NextBool());
private static char NextNumericChar(this Random random) {
return (char)random.Next(48, 58);
public static DateTime NextDateTime(this Random random, DateTime minValue, DateTime maxValue) {
return DateTime.FromOADate(
random.NextDouble(minValue.ToOADate(), maxValue.ToOADate())
public static DateTime NextDateTime(this Random random) {
return random.NextDateTime(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue);
public static double NextDouble(this Random random, double minValue, double maxValue) {
if (maxValue < minValue)
throw new ArgumentException("Minimum value must be less than maximum value.");
double difference = maxValue - minValue;
if (!double.IsInfinity(difference))
return minValue + (random.NextDouble() * difference);
else {
// to avoid evaluating to Double.Infinity, we split the range into two halves:
double halfDifference = (maxValue * 0.5) - (minValue * 0.5);
// 50/50 chance of returning a value from the first or second half of the range
if (random.NextBool())
return minValue + (random.NextDouble() * halfDifference);
return (minValue + halfDifference) + (random.NextDouble() * halfDifference);
public static string NextString(this Random random, int numChars, CharType mode) {
char[] chars = new char[numChars];
for (int i = 0; i < numChars; ++i)
chars[i] = random.NextChar(mode);
return new string(chars);
public static string NextString(this Random random, int numChars) {
return random.NextString(numChars, CharType.AlphanumericAny);
public static TimeSpan NextTimeSpan(this Random random, TimeSpan minValue, TimeSpan maxValue) {
return TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(
random.NextDouble(minValue.TotalMilliseconds, maxValue.TotalMilliseconds)
public static TimeSpan NextTimeSpan(this Random random) {
return random.NextTimeSpan(TimeSpan.MinValue, TimeSpan.MaxValue);