enum Suit: String {
    case spades = "♠"
    case hearts = "♥"
    case diamonds = "♦"
    case clubs = "♣"


for suit in Suit {
    // do something with suit




Swift 5解决方案:

enum Suit: String, CaseIterable {
    case spades = "♠"
    case hearts = "♥"
    case diamonds = "♦"
    case clubs = "♣"

// access cases like this:

for suitKey in Suit.allCases {



Xcode 6.1在如何使用rawValue获取enum成员方面做了一点改变,所以我修正了listing。还修复了第一个rawValue错误的小错误。

enum ValidSuits: Int {
    case Clubs = 0, Spades, Hearts, Diamonds
    func description() -> String {
        switch self {
        case .Clubs:
            return "♣︎"
        case .Spades:
            return "♠︎"
        case .Diamonds:
            return "♦︎"
        case .Hearts:
            return "♥︎"

    static var allSuits: [ValidSuits] {
        return Array(
            SequenceOf {
                () -> GeneratorOf<ValidSuits> in
                var i=0
                return GeneratorOf<ValidSuits> {
                    return ValidSuits(rawValue: i++)



enum Suit: Int, CustomStringConvertible {
    case Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs
    var description: String {
        switch self {
        case .Spades:   return "Spades"
        case .Hearts:   return "Hearts"
        case .Diamonds: return "Diamonds"
        case .Clubs:    return "Clubs"
    static func enumerate() -> AnyGenerator<Suit> {
        var nextIndex = Spades.rawValue
        return anyGenerator { Suit(rawValue: nextIndex++) }
// You can now use it like this:
for suit in Suit.enumerate() {
// or like this:
let allSuits: [Suit] = Array(Suit.enumerate())

然而,这看起来像一个相当常见的模式,如果我们可以通过简单地遵循协议使任何枚举类型可枚举,这不是很好吗?有了Swift 2.0和协议扩展,现在我们可以了!


protocol EnumerableEnum {
    init?(rawValue: Int)
    static func firstValue() -> Int
extension EnumerableEnum {
    static func enumerate() -> AnyGenerator<Self> {
        var nextIndex = firstRawValue()
        return anyGenerator { Self(rawValue: nextIndex++) }
    static func firstRawValue() -> Int { return 0 }


enum Rank: Int, EnumerableEnum {
    case Ace, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Jack, Queen, King
// ...
for rank in Rank.enumerate() { ... }


enum DeckColor: Int, EnumerableEnum {
    case Red = 10, Blue, Black
    static func firstRawValue() -> Int { return Red.rawValue }
// ...
let colors = Array(DeckColor.enumerate())


enum Suit: Int, CustomStringConvertible, EnumerableEnum {
    case Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs
    var description: String {
        switch self {
        case .Spades:   return "Spades"
        case .Hearts:   return "Hearts"
        case .Diamonds: return "Diamonds"
        case .Clubs:    return "Clubs"
// ...
for suit in Suit.enumerate() {

Swift 3语法:

protocol EnumerableEnum {
    init?(rawValue: Int)
    static func firstRawValue() -> Int

extension EnumerableEnum {
    static func enumerate() -> AnyIterator<Self> {
        var nextIndex = firstRawValue()

        let iterator: AnyIterator<Self> = AnyIterator {
            defer { nextIndex = nextIndex + 1 }
            return Self(rawValue: nextIndex)

        return iterator

    static func firstRawValue() -> Int {
        return 0



enum Rank: Int, ForwardIndexType {
    case Ace = 1
    case Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
    case Jack, Queen, King

    // ... other functions

    // Option 1 - Figure it out by hand
    func successor() -> Rank {
        switch self {
            case .Ace:
              return .Two
            case .Two:
              return .Three

            // ... etc.

              return .King

    // Option 2 - Define an operator!
    func successor() -> Rank {
        return self + 1

// NOTE: The operator is defined OUTSIDE the class
func + (left: Rank, right: Int) -> Rank {
    // I'm using to/from raw here, but again, you can use a case statement
    // or whatever else you can think of

    return left == .King ? .King : Rank(rawValue: left.rawValue + right)!


// Under the covers, successor(Rank.King) and successor(Rank.Ace) are called to establish limits
for r in Rank.Ace...Rank.King {
    // Do something useful


enum Suit: String {
    case spades = "♠"
    case hearts = "♥"
    case diamonds = "♦"
    case clubs = "♣"

    static var count: Int {
        return 4   

    init(index: Int) {
        switch index {
            case 0: self = .spades
            case 1: self = .hearts
            case 2: self = .diamonds
            default: self = .clubs

for i in 0..<Suit.count {
    print(Suit(index: i).rawValue)

Swift 4 + 2。

从Swift 4.2 (Xcode 10)开始,只需将协议一致性添加到CaseIterable中,就可以从allCases中受益。要添加这个协议一致性,你只需要在某个地方写:

extension Suit: CaseIterable {}


enum Suit: String, CaseIterable { case spades = "♠"; case hearts = "♥"; case diamonds = "♦"; case clubs = "♣" }


Suit.allCases.forEach {


如果您需要支持Swift 3。x或4.0,你可以通过添加以下代码来模仿Swift 4.2的实现:

#if !swift(>=4.2)
public protocol CaseIterable {
    associatedtype AllCases: Collection where AllCases.Element == Self
    static var allCases: AllCases { get }
extension CaseIterable where Self: Hashable {
    static var allCases: [Self] {
        return [Self](AnySequence { () -> AnyIterator<Self> in
            var raw = 0
            var first: Self?
            return AnyIterator {
                let current = withUnsafeBytes(of: &raw) { $0.load(as: Self.self) }
                if raw == 0 {
                    first = current
                } else if current == first {
                    return nil
                raw += 1
                return current