enum Suit: String {
    case spades = "♠"
    case hearts = "♥"
    case diamonds = "♦"
    case clubs = "♣"


for suit in Suit {
    // do something with suit




对不起,我的回答是具体到我如何在我需要做的事情中使用这篇文章。对于那些无意中遇到这个问题的人,寻找一种方法在枚举中找到一个case,这是一种方法(Swift 2新增):

编辑:小写驼峰现在是Swift 3 enum值的标准

// From apple docs: If the raw-value type is specified as String and you don’t assign values to the cases explicitly, each unassigned case is implicitly assigned a string with the same text as the name of that case.

enum Theme: String
    case white, blue, green, lavender, grey

func loadTheme(theme: String)
    // this checks the string against the raw value of each enum case (note that the check could result in a nil value, since it's an optional, which is why we introduce the if/let block
    if let testTheme = Theme(rawValue: theme)
        // testTheme is guaranteed to have an enum value at this point






public struct Suit{

    // the values
    let spades = "♠"
    let hearts = "♥"
    let diamonds = "♦"
    let clubs = "♣"

    // make a single instance of the Suit struct, Suit.instance
    struct SStruct{static var instance: Suit = Suit()}
    static var instance : Suit{
        get{return SStruct.instance}
        set{SStruct.instance = newValue}

    // an array with all of the raw values
    static var allValues: [String]{
        var values = [String]()

        let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: Suit.instance)
        for (_, v) in mirror.children{
            guard let suit = v as? String else{continue}

        return values



public struct SuitType{

    // store multiple things for each suit
    let spades = Suit("♠", order: 4)
    let hearts = Suit("♥", order: 3)
    let diamonds = Suit("♦", order: 2)
    let clubs = Suit("♣", order: 1)

    struct SStruct{static var instance: SuitType = SuitType()}
    static var instance : SuitType{
        get{return SStruct.instance}
        set{SStruct.instance = newValue}

    // a dictionary mapping the raw values to the values
    static var allValuesDictionary: [String : Suit]{
        var values = [String : Suit]()

        let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: SuitType.instance)
        for (_, v) in mirror.children{
            guard let suit = v as? Suit else{continue}
            values[suit.rawValue] = suit

        return values

public struct Suit: RawRepresentable, Hashable{
    public var rawValue: String
    public typealias RawValue = String

    public var hashValue: Int{
        // find some integer that can be used to uniquely identify
        // each value. In this case, we could have used the order
        // variable because it is a unique value, yet to make this
        // apply to more cases, the hash table address of rawValue
        // will be returned, which should work in almost all cases
        // you could also add a hashValue parameter to init() and
        // give each suit a different hash value
        return rawValue.hash

    public var order: Int
    public init(_ value: String, order: Int){
        self.rawValue = value
        self.order = order

    // an array of all of the Suit values
    static var allValues: [Suit]{
        var values = [Suit]()

        let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: SuitType.instance)
        for (_, v) in mirror.children{
            guard let suit = v as? Suit else{continue}

        return values

    // allows for using Suit(rawValue: "♦"), like a normal enum
    public init?(rawValue: String){
        // get the Suit from allValuesDictionary in SuitType, or return nil if that raw value doesn't exist
        guard let suit = SuitType.allValuesDictionary[rawValue] else{return nil}
        // initialize a new Suit with the same properties as that with the same raw value
        self.init(suit.rawValue, order: suit.order)


let allSuits: [Suit] = Suit.allValues


for suit in Suit.allValues{
   print("The suit \(suit.rawValue) has the order \(suit.order)")


public struct Suit: RawRepresentable, Hashable{
   // ...your code...

   static var type = SuitType.instance

   // ...more of your code...


enum Rank: Int
    case Ace = 0
    case Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seve, Eight, Nine, Ten
    case Jack, Queen, King
    case Count

enum Suit : Int
    case Spades = 0
    case Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs
    case Count

struct Card
    var rank:Rank
    var suit:Suit

class Test
    func makeDeck() -> Card[]
        let suitsCount:Int = Suit.Count.toRaw()
        let rankCount:Int = Rank.Count.toRaw()
        let repeatedCard:Card = Card(rank:Rank.Ace, suit:Suit.Spades)
        let deck:Card[] = Card[](count:suitsCount*rankCount, repeatedValue:repeatedCard)

        for i:Int in 0..rankCount
            for j:Int in 0..suitsCount
                deck[i*suitsCount+j] = Card(rank: Rank.fromRaw(i)!, suit: Suit.fromRaw(j)!)
        return deck


enum Rank: Int {
    case Ace = 1
    case Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
    case Jack, Queen, King

    func simpleDescription() -> String {
        switch self {
        case .Ace: return "ace"
        case .Jack: return "jack"
        case .Queen: return "queen"
        case .King: return "king"
        default: return String(self.toRaw())

enum Suit: Int {
    case Spades = 1
    case Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs

    func simpleDescription() -> String {
        switch self {
        case .Spades: return "spades"
        case .Hearts: return "hearts"
        case .Diamonds: return "diamonds"
        case .Clubs: return "clubs"

    func color() -> String {
        switch self {
        case .Spades, .Clubs: return "black"
        case .Hearts, .Diamonds: return "red"

struct Card {
    var rank: Rank
    var suit: Suit
    func simpleDescription() -> String {
        return "The \(rank.simpleDescription()) of \(suit.simpleDescription())"

    static func createPokers() -> Card[] {
        let ranks = Array(Rank.Ace.toRaw()...Rank.King.toRaw())
        let suits = Array(Suit.Spades.toRaw()...Suit.Clubs.toRaw())
        let cards = suits.reduce(Card[]()) { (tempCards, suit) in
            tempCards + ranks.map { rank in
                Card(rank: Rank.fromRaw(rank)!, suit: Suit.fromRaw(suit)!)
        return cards

Xcode 10与Swift 4.2

enum Filter: String, CaseIterable {

    case salary = "Salary"
    case experience = "Experience"
    case technology = "Technology"
    case unutilized = "Unutilized"
    case unutilizedHV = "Unutilized High Value"

    static let allValues = Filter.allCases.map { $0.rawValue }







enum Filter: Int {
    case salary
    case experience
    case technology
    case unutilized
    case unutilizedHV
    static let allRawValues = salary.rawValue...unutilizedHV.rawValue  // First to last case
    static let allValues = allRawValues.map { Filter(rawValue: $0)!.rawValue }




[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]


enum Filter: Int {
    case salary
    case experience
    case technology
    case unutilized
    case unutilizedHV
    static let allRawValues = salary.rawValue...unutilizedHV.rawValue  // First to last case
    static let allValues = allRawValues.map { Filter(rawValue: $0)!.description }

extension Filter: CustomStringConvertible {
    var description: String {
        switch self {
        case .salary: return "Salary"
        case .experience: return "Experience"
        case .technology: return "Technology"
        case .unutilized: return "Unutilized"
        case .unutilizedHV: return "Unutilized High Value"





在处理Swift 2.0时,以下是我的建议:

我已经将原始类型添加到Suit enum

enum Suit: Int {


struct Card {
    var rank: Rank
    var suit: Suit

    func fullDeck()-> [Card] {

        var deck = [Card]()

        for i in Rank.Ace.rawValue...Rank.King.rawValue {

            for j in Suit.Spades.rawValue...Suit.Clubs.rawValue {

                deck.append(Card(rank:Rank(rawValue: i)! , suit: Suit(rawValue: j)!))

        return deck