
目前我正在使用一个帮助方法(它是。net 2.0,所以我有一大堆类似于LINQ的铸造/投影帮助方法),但这似乎很愚蠢:

public static class IEnumerableExt
    // usage: IEnumerableExt.FromSingleItem(someObject);
    public static IEnumerable<T> FromSingleItem<T>(T item)
        yield return item; 



public static class IEnumerableExt
    // usage: someObject.SingleItemAsEnumerable();
    public static IEnumerable<T> SingleItemAsEnumerable<T>(this T item)
        yield return item; 



public static class IEnumerableExt
    /// <summary>
    /// Wraps this object instance into an IEnumerable&lt;T&gt;
    /// consisting of a single item.
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T"> Type of the object. </typeparam>
    /// <param name="item"> The instance that will be wrapped. </param>
    /// <returns> An IEnumerable&lt;T&gt; consisting of a single item. </returns>
    public static IEnumerable<T> Yield<T>(this T item)
        yield return item;



public static void PerformAction(params YourType[] items)
    // Forward call to IEnumerable overload

public static void PerformAction(IEnumerable<YourType> items)
    foreach (YourType item in items)
        // Do stuff





我来晚了一点,但我还是要分享我的方式。 我的问题是,我想将ItemSource或WPF TreeView绑定到单个对象。层次结构是这样的:

项目>图(s) >室(s)

总是只有一个项目,但我仍然想在树中显示项目,而不必像一些人建议的那样传递一个只有一个对象的集合。 因为你只能传递IEnumerable对象作为ItemSource,我决定让我的类IEnumerable:

public class ProjectClass : IEnumerable<ProjectClass>
    private readonly SingleItemEnumerator<AufmassProjekt> enumerator;


    public IEnumerator<ProjectClass > GetEnumerator() => this.enumerator;

    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => this.GetEnumerator();


public class SingleItemEnumerator : IEnumerator
    private bool hasMovedOnce;

    public SingleItemEnumerator(object current)
        this.Current = current;

    public bool MoveNext()
        if (this.hasMovedOnce) return false;
        this.hasMovedOnce = true;
        return true;

    public void Reset()
    { }

    public object Current { get; }

public class SingleItemEnumerator<T> : IEnumerator<T>
    private bool hasMovedOnce;

    public SingleItemEnumerator(T current)
        this.Current = current;

    public void Dispose() => (this.Current as IDisposable).Dispose();

    public bool MoveNext()
        if (this.hasMovedOnce) return false;
        this.hasMovedOnce = true;
        return true;

    public void Reset()
    { }

    public T Current { get; }

    object IEnumerator.Current => this.Current;


编辑 为了维护单一职责原则,正如@Groo指出的,我创建了一个新的包装器类:

public class SingleItemWrapper : IEnumerable
    private readonly SingleItemEnumerator enumerator;

    public SingleItemWrapper(object item)
        this.enumerator = new SingleItemEnumerator(item);

    public object Item => this.enumerator.Current;

    public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() => this.enumerator;

public class SingleItemWrapper<T> : IEnumerable<T>
    private readonly SingleItemEnumerator<T> enumerator;

    public SingleItemWrapper(T item)
        this.enumerator = new SingleItemEnumerator<T>(item);

    public T Item => this.enumerator.Current;

    public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator() => this.enumerator;

    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => this.GetEnumerator();


TreeView.ItemSource = new SingleItemWrapper(itemToWrap);

编辑2 我用MoveNext()方法更正了一个错误。


Enumerable.Range(0, 1).Select(i => item);



"_".Select(_ => 3.14)  // or whatever; any type is fine


from _ in "_" select 3.14


static IEnumerable<T> Enumerate (params T[] v) => v;
// usage:
IEnumerable<double> example = Enumerate(1.234);


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public class Program {
    public static IEnumerable<T> ToEnumerable1 <T> (T v) {
        yield return v;
    public static T[] ToEnumerable2 <T> (params T[] vs) => vs;
    public static void Main () {
        static IEnumerable<T> ToEnumerable3 <T> (params T[] v) => v;
        p( new string[] { "three" } );
        p( new List<string> { "three" } );
        p( ToEnumerable1("three") ); // our utility function (yield return)
        p( ToEnumerable2("three") ); // our utility function (params)
        p( ToEnumerable3("three") ); // our local utility function (params)
        p( Enumerable.Empty<string>().Append("three") );
        p( Enumerable.Empty<string>().DefaultIfEmpty("three") );
        p( Enumerable.Empty<string>().Prepend("three") );
        p( Enumerable.Range(3, 1) ); // only for int
        p( Enumerable.Range(0, 1).Select(_ => "three") );
        p( Enumerable.Repeat("three", 1) );
        p( "_".Select(_ => "three") ); // doesn't have to be "_"; just any one character
        p( "_".Select(_ => 3.3333) );
        p( from _ in "_" select 3.0f );
        p( "a" ); // only for char
        // these weren't available for me to test (might not even be valid):
        //   new Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringValues("three")

    static void p <T> (IEnumerable<T> e) =>
        Console.WriteLine(string.Join(' ', e.Select((v, k) => $"[{k}]={v,-8}:{v.GetType()}").DefaultIfEmpty("<empty>")));



public struct SingleSequence<T> : IEnumerable<T> {
    public struct SingleEnumerator : IEnumerator<T> {
        private readonly SingleSequence<T> _parent;
        private bool _couldMove;
        public SingleEnumerator(ref SingleSequence<T> parent) {
            _parent = parent;
            _couldMove = true;
        public T Current => _parent._value;
        object IEnumerator.Current => Current;
        public void Dispose() { }

        public bool MoveNext() {
            if (!_couldMove) return false;
            _couldMove = false;
            return true;
        public void Reset() {
            _couldMove = true;
    private readonly T _value;
    public SingleSequence(T value) {
        _value = value;
    public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator() {
        return new SingleEnumerator(ref this);
    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() {
        return new SingleEnumerator(ref this);


    // Fastest among seqs, but still 30x times slower than direct sum
    // 49 mops vs 37 mops for yield, or c.30% faster
    public void SingleSequenceStructForEach() {
        var sw = new Stopwatch();
        long sum = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {
            foreach (var single in new SingleSequence<int>(i)) {
                sum += single;
        Console.WriteLine($"Elapsed {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Mops {100000.0 / sw.ElapsedMilliseconds * 1.0}");