目前我正在使用一个帮助方法(它是。net 2.0,所以我有一大堆类似于LINQ的铸造/投影帮助方法),但这似乎很愚蠢:
public static class IEnumerableExt
// usage: IEnumerableExt.FromSingleItem(someObject);
public static IEnumerable<T> FromSingleItem<T>(T item)
yield return item;
public static class IEnumerableExt
// usage: someObject.SingleItemAsEnumerable();
public static IEnumerable<T> SingleItemAsEnumerable<T>(this T item)
yield return item;
public static class IEnumerableExt
/// <summary>
/// Wraps this object instance into an IEnumerable<T>
/// consisting of a single item.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"> Type of the object. </typeparam>
/// <param name="item"> The instance that will be wrapped. </param>
/// <returns> An IEnumerable<T> consisting of a single item. </returns>
public static IEnumerable<T> Yield<T>(this T item)
yield return item;
MyMethodThatExpectsAnIEnumerable(new[] { myObject });
MyMethodThatExpectsAnIEnumerable(Enumerable.Repeat(myObject, 1));
var x = MyMethodThatExpectsAnIEnumerable(Enumerable.Repeat(new { a = 0, b = "x" }, 0));
"_".Select(_ => 3.14) // or whatever; any type is fine
from _ in "_" select 3.14
static IEnumerable<T> Enumerate (params T[] v) => v;
// usage:
IEnumerable<double> example = Enumerate(1.234);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class Program {
public static IEnumerable<T> ToEnumerable1 <T> (T v) {
yield return v;
public static T[] ToEnumerable2 <T> (params T[] vs) => vs;
public static void Main () {
static IEnumerable<T> ToEnumerable3 <T> (params T[] v) => v;
p( new string[] { "three" } );
p( new List<string> { "three" } );
p( ToEnumerable1("three") ); // our utility function (yield return)
p( ToEnumerable2("three") ); // our utility function (params)
p( ToEnumerable3("three") ); // our local utility function (params)
p( Enumerable.Empty<string>().Append("three") );
p( Enumerable.Empty<string>().DefaultIfEmpty("three") );
p( Enumerable.Empty<string>().Prepend("three") );
p( Enumerable.Range(3, 1) ); // only for int
p( Enumerable.Range(0, 1).Select(_ => "three") );
p( Enumerable.Repeat("three", 1) );
p( "_".Select(_ => "three") ); // doesn't have to be "_"; just any one character
p( "_".Select(_ => 3.3333) );
p( from _ in "_" select 3.0f );
p( "a" ); // only for char
// these weren't available for me to test (might not even be valid):
// new Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringValues("three")
static void p <T> (IEnumerable<T> e) =>
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(' ', e.Select((v, k) => $"[{k}]={v,-8}:{v.GetType()}").DefaultIfEmpty("<empty>")));
I agree with @EarthEngine's comments to the original post, which is that 'AsSingleton' is a better name. See this wikipedia entry. Then it follows from the definition of singleton that if a null value is passed as an argument that 'AsSingleton' should return an IEnumerable with a single null value instead of an empty IEnumerable which would settle the if (item == null) yield break; debate. I think the best solution is to have two methods: 'AsSingleton' and 'AsSingletonOrEmpty'; where, in the event that a null is passed as an argument, 'AsSingleton' will return a single null value and 'AsSingletonOrEmpty' will return an empty IEnumerable. Like this:
public static IEnumerable<T> AsSingletonOrEmpty<T>(this T source)
if (source == null)
yield break;
yield return source;
public static IEnumerable<T> AsSingleton<T>(this T source)
yield return source;