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SQL error: database is locked







If a crash or power loss does occur and a hot journal is left on the disk, it is essential that the original database file and the hot journal remain on disk with their original names until the database file is opened by another SQLite process and rolled back. [...] We suspect that a common failure mode for SQLite recovery happens like this: A power failure occurs. After power is restored, a well-meaning user or system administrator begins looking around on the disk for damage. They see their database file named "important.data". This file is perhaps familiar to them. But after the crash, there is also a hot journal named "important.data-journal". The user then deletes the hot journal, thinking that they are helping to cleanup the system. We know of no way to prevent this other than user education.

The rollback is supposed to happen automatically the next time the database is opened, but it will fail if the process can't lock the database. As others have said, one possible reason for this is that another process currently has it open. Another possibility is a stale NFS lock, if the database is on an NFS volume. In that case, a workaround is to replace the database file with a fresh copy that isn't locked on the NFS server (mv database.db original.db; cp original.db database.db). Note that the sqlite FAQ recommends caution regarding concurrent access to databases on NFS volumes, because of buggy implementations of NFS file locking.



SQLite db文件只是文件,所以第一步是确保它不是只读的。另一件要做的事情是确保在DB打开时没有某种GUI SQLite DB查看器。可以在另一个shell中打开DB,也可以在代码中打开DB。通常情况下,如果不同的线程或应用程序(如SQLite Database Browser)打开了数据库以便写入,则会看到这种情况。




因此,最好/唯一的方法来检查您的数据库是否被锁定,因为一个进程正在积极地写入它(因此你应该让它独自呆着,直到它完成它的操作)是md5(或md5sum在某些系统)文件两次。 如果你得到一个不同的校验和,数据库正在被写入,你真的真的真的不想杀死这个进程,因为如果你这样做,你很容易得到一个损坏的表/数据库。


The only way to create this locked-but-not-being-written-to situation is if your program runs BEGIN EXCLUSIVE, because it wanted to do some table alterations or something, then for whatever reason never sends an END afterwards, and the process never terminates. All three conditions being met is highly unlikely in any properly-written code, and as such 99 times out of 100 when someone wants to kill -9 their locking process, the locking process is actually locking your database for a good reason. Programmers don't typically add the BEGIN EXCLUSIVE condition unless they really need to, because it prevents concurrency and increases user complaints. SQLite itself only adds it when it really needs to (like when indexing).

Finally, the 'locked' status does not exist INSIDE the file as several answers have stated - it resides in the Operating System's kernel. The process which ran BEGIN EXCLUSIVE has requested from the OS a lock be placed on the file. Even if your exclusive process has crashed, your OS will be able to figure out if it should maintain the file lock or not!! It is not possible to end up with a database which is locked but no process is actively locking it!! When it comes to seeing which process is locking the file, it's typically better to use lsof rather than fuser (this is a good demonstration of why: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/94316/fuser-vs-lsof-to-check-files-in-use). Alternatively if you have DTrace (OSX) you can use iosnoop on the file.
