I was wondering if it's possible to determine what kind of iPhone (for example) the currentdevice is? I know it's possible to get the model through NSString *deviceType = [[UIDevice currentDevice] model]; which will just return whether I have an "iPhone" or an "iPod", BUT I was wondering if it's possible to detect/know if I have an iPhone 3GS vs. and iPhone 4 vs. an iPhone 4S (in actuality, all I really want to do is determine if I have a 3G or not, because I'm doing fairly graphics intensive stuff).



[[UIDevice currentDevice] model]只返回iPhone或iPod,你不会得到能让你区分不同代设备的型号的数字。


#include <sys/sysctl.h>

+ (NSString *)getModel {
    size_t size;
    sysctlbyname("hw.machine", NULL, &size, NULL, 0);
    char *model = malloc(size);
    sysctlbyname("hw.machine", model, &size, NULL, 0);
    NSString *deviceModel = [NSString stringWithCString:model encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
    return deviceModel;

当你需要模型的时候调用方法[self getModel],你会得到例如:"iPhone5,1"对于超薄而快速的iPhone5。

一个好的做法是创建一个名为Utils.h/Utils的类。m并在那里放置像getModel这样的方法,这样你就可以从应用程序的任何地方获得这些信息,只需导入类并调用[Utils getModel];



+ (NSString*)deviceName {

  static NSDictionary* deviceNamesByCode = nil;
  static NSString* deviceName = nil;

  if (deviceName) {
    return deviceName;

  deviceNamesByCode = @{
    @"i386"      :@"Simulator",
    @"iPod1,1"   :@"iPod Touch",      // (Original)
    @"iPod2,1"   :@"iPod Touch",      // (Second Generation)
    @"iPod3,1"   :@"iPod Touch",      // (Third Generation)
    @"iPod4,1"   :@"iPod Touch",      // (Fourth Generation)
    @"iPhone1,1" :@"iPhone",          // (Original)
    @"iPhone1,2" :@"iPhone",          // (3G)
    @"iPhone2,1" :@"iPhone",          // (3GS)
    @"iPad1,1"   :@"iPad",            // (Original)
    @"iPad2,1"   :@"iPad 2",          //
    @"iPad3,1"   :@"iPad",            // (3rd Generation)
    @"iPhone3,1" :@"iPhone 4",        //
    @"iPhone4,1" :@"iPhone 4S",       //
    @"iPhone5,1" :@"iPhone 5",        // (model A1428, AT&T/Canada)
    @"iPhone5,2" :@"iPhone 5",        // (model A1429, everything else)
    @"iPad3,4"   :@"iPad",            // (4th Generation)
    @"iPad2,5"   :@"iPad Mini",       // (Original)
    @"iPhone5,3" :@"iPhone 5c",       // (model A1456, A1532 | GSM)
    @"iPhone5,4" :@"iPhone 5c",       // (model A1507, A1516, A1526 (China), A1529 | Global)
    @"iPhone6,1" :@"iPhone 5s",       // (model A1433, A1533 | GSM)
    @"iPhone6,2" :@"iPhone 5s",       // (model A1457, A1518, A1528 (China), A1530 | Global)
    @"iPad4,1"   :@"iPad Air",        // 5th Generation iPad (iPad Air) - Wifi
    @"iPad4,2"   :@"iPad Air",        // 5th Generation iPad (iPad Air) - Cellular
    @"iPad4,4"   :@"iPad Mini",       // (2nd Generation iPad Mini - Wifi)
    @"iPad4,5"   :@"iPad Mini"        // (2nd Generation iPad Mini - Cellular)

  struct utsname systemInfo;
  NSString* code = [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

  deviceName = [deviceNamesByCode objectForKey:code];

  if (!deviceName) {
    // Not found in database. At least guess main device type from string contents:

    if ([code rangeOfString:@"iPod"].location != NSNotFound) {
      deviceName = @"iPod Touch";
    } else if([code rangeOfString:@"iPad"].location != NSNotFound) {
      deviceName = @"iPad";
    } else if([code rangeOfString:@"iPhone"].location != NSNotFound){
      deviceName = @"iPhone";
    } else {
      deviceName = @"Simulator";

  return deviceName;


为了节省别人的时间。 因为接受,必须投票回答建议库使用私人API和我的应用程序被拒绝,因为uidevice-extension就在昨天! 我切换到GBDeviceInfo库,安装为pod以及,现在它看起来不错,维护和更新到最新的设备。

虽然这个问题在2012年就被提出了,但苹果仍然没有给出将设备模式标识符转换为设备名称的方法。 有很多答案依赖于硬编码这些名称,不幸的是,当苹果发布新设备时,这些名称很快就过时了。




memScoped {
            val q = alloc<utsname>()
            val identifier = NSString.stringWithCString(q.machine, encoding = NSUTF8StringEncoding)
#import <sys/utsname.h>

#define HARDWARE @{@"i386": @"Simulator",@"x86_64": @"Simulator",@"iPod1,1": @"iPod Touch",@"iPod2,1": @"iPod Touch 2nd Generation",@"iPod3,1": @"iPod Touch 3rd Generation",@"iPod4,1": @"iPod Touch 4th Generation",@"iPhone1,1": @"iPhone",@"iPhone1,2": @"iPhone 3G",@"iPhone2,1": @"iPhone 3GS",@"iPhone3,1": @"iPhone 4",@"iPhone4,1": @"iPhone 4S",@"iPhone5,1": @"iPhone 5",@"iPhone5,2": @"iPhone 5",@"iPhone5,3": @"iPhone 5c",@"iPhone5,4": @"iPhone 5c",@"iPhone6,1": @"iPhone 5s",@"iPhone6,2": @"iPhone 5s",@"iPad1,1": @"iPad",@"iPad2,1": @"iPad 2",@"iPad3,1": @"iPad 3rd Generation ",@"iPad3,4": @"iPad 4th Generation ",@"iPad2,5": @"iPad Mini",@"iPad4,4": @"iPad Mini 2nd Generation - Wifi",@"iPad4,5": @"iPad Mini 2nd Generation - Cellular",@"iPad4,1": @"iPad Air 5th Generation - Wifi",@"iPad4,2": @"iPad Air 5th Generation - Cellular"}

@interface ViewController ()

@implementation ViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
    struct utsname systemInfo;
    NSLog(@"hardware: %@",[HARDWARE objectForKey:[NSString stringWithCString: systemInfo.machine encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]);