The toolchain that comes with Xcode 4.2 introduces automatic reference counting (ARC) with the latest version of the LLVM compiler, that totally does away with this problem by getting the compiler to memory-manage your stuff for you. That's pretty cool, and it does cut lots of unnecessary, mundane development time and prevent a lot of careless memory leaks that are easy to fix with proper retain/release balance. Even autorelease pools need to be managed differently when you enable ARC for your Mac and iOS apps (as you shouldn't allocate your own NSAutoreleasePools anymore).
另外,Mac OS X和iOS上的ARC和Mac OS X上的垃圾收集有什么不同?
Another couple of significant memory-related concerns are the handling of Core Foundation objects and memory allocated using malloc() for types like char*. ARC does not manage these types, only Objective-C objects, so you'll still need to deal with them yourself. Core Foundation types can be particularly tricky, because sometimes they need to be bridged across to matching Objective-C objects, and vice versa. This means that control needs to be transferred back and forth from ARC when bridging between CF types and Objective-C. Some keywords related to this bridging have been added, and Mike Ash has a great description of various bridging cases in his lengthy ARC writeup.
关于垃圾收集与ARC的更多信息,请参阅Chris Lattner在Objective-C邮件列表上的这篇非常有趣的回复,在那里他列出了ARC相对于Objective-C 2.0垃圾收集的许多优点。我遇到过他描述的几个GC问题。