I was wondering if it's possible to determine what kind of iPhone (for example) the currentdevice is? I know it's possible to get the model through NSString *deviceType = [[UIDevice currentDevice] model]; which will just return whether I have an "iPhone" or an "iPod", BUT I was wondering if it's possible to detect/know if I have an iPhone 3GS vs. and iPhone 4 vs. an iPhone 4S (in actuality, all I really want to do is determine if I have a 3G or not, because I'm doing fairly graphics intensive stuff).




memScoped {
            val q = alloc<utsname>()
            val identifier = NSString.stringWithCString(q.machine, encoding = NSUTF8StringEncoding)


你可以试试这个库:http://github.com/erica/uidevice-extension/(作者Erica Sadun)。(图书馆有7-8年的历史,已经过时了)


    [[UIDevice currentDevice] platformType]   // ex: UIDevice4GiPhone
    [[UIDevice currentDevice] platformString] // ex: @"iPhone 4G"



objective - c

    #import <sys/utsname.h> // import it in your header or implementation file.

    NSString* deviceName()
        struct utsname systemInfo;
        return [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine


    extension UIDevice {
        var modelName: String {
            var systemInfo = utsname()
            let machineMirror = Mirror(reflecting: systemInfo.machine)
            let identifier = machineMirror.children.reduce("") { identifier, element in
                guard let value = element.value as? Int8, value != 0 else { return identifier }
                return identifier + String(UnicodeScalar(UInt8(value)))
            return identifier



// Output on a simulator
@"i386"      on 32-bit Simulator
@"x86_64"    on 64-bit Simulator

// Output on an iPhone
@"iPhone1,1" on iPhone
@"iPhone1,2" on iPhone 3G
@"iPhone2,1" on iPhone 3GS
@"iPhone3,1" on iPhone 4 (GSM)
@"iPhone3,2" on iPhone 4 (GSM Rev A)
@"iPhone3,3" on iPhone 4 (CDMA/Verizon/Sprint)
@"iPhone4,1" on iPhone 4S
@"iPhone5,1" on iPhone 5 (model A1428, AT&T/Canada)
@"iPhone5,2" on iPhone 5 (model A1429, everything else)
@"iPhone5,3" on iPhone 5c (model A1456, A1532 | GSM)
@"iPhone5,4" on iPhone 5c (model A1507, A1516, A1526 (China), A1529 | Global)
@"iPhone6,1" on iPhone 5s (model A1433, A1533 | GSM)
@"iPhone6,2" on iPhone 5s (model A1457, A1518, A1528 (China), A1530 | Global)
@"iPhone7,1" on iPhone 6 Plus
@"iPhone7,2" on iPhone 6
@"iPhone8,1" on iPhone 6S
@"iPhone8,2" on iPhone 6S Plus
@"iPhone8,4" on iPhone SE
@"iPhone9,1" on iPhone 7 (CDMA)
@"iPhone9,3" on iPhone 7 (GSM)
@"iPhone9,2" on iPhone 7 Plus (CDMA)
@"iPhone9,4" on iPhone 7 Plus (GSM)
@"iPhone10,1" on iPhone 8 (CDMA)
@"iPhone10,4" on iPhone 8 (GSM)
@"iPhone10,2" on iPhone 8 Plus (CDMA)
@"iPhone10,5" on iPhone 8 Plus (GSM)
@"iPhone10,3" on iPhone X (CDMA)
@"iPhone10,6" on iPhone X (GSM)
@"iPhone11,2" on iPhone XS
@"iPhone11,4" on iPhone XS Max
@"iPhone11,6" on iPhone XS Max China
@"iPhone11,8" on iPhone XR
@"iPhone12,1" on iPhone 11
@"iPhone12,3" on iPhone 11 Pro
@"iPhone12,5" on iPhone 11 Pro Max
@"iPhone12,8" on iPhone SE (2nd Gen)
@"iPhone13,1" on iPhone 12 Mini
@"iPhone13,2" on iPhone 12
@"iPhone13,3" on iPhone 12 Pro
@"iPhone13,4" on iPhone 12 Pro Max

//iPad 1
@"iPad1,1" on iPad - Wifi (model A1219)
@"iPad1,2" on iPad - Wifi + Cellular (model A1337)

//iPad 2
@"iPad2,1" - Wifi (model A1395)
@"iPad2,2" - GSM (model A1396)
@"iPad2,3" - 3G (model A1397)
@"iPad2,4" - Wifi (model A1395)

// iPad Mini
@"iPad2,5" - Wifi (model A1432)
@"iPad2,6" - Wifi + Cellular (model  A1454)
@"iPad2,7" - Wifi + Cellular (model  A1455)

//iPad 3
@"iPad3,1" - Wifi (model A1416)
@"iPad3,2" - Wifi + Cellular (model  A1403)
@"iPad3,3" - Wifi + Cellular (model  A1430)

//iPad 4
@"iPad3,4" - Wifi (model A1458)
@"iPad3,5" - Wifi + Cellular (model  A1459)
@"iPad3,6" - Wifi + Cellular (model  A1460)

//iPad AIR
@"iPad4,1" - Wifi (model A1474)
@"iPad4,2" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1475)
@"iPad4,3" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1476)

// iPad Mini 2
@"iPad4,4" - Wifi (model A1489)
@"iPad4,5" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1490)
@"iPad4,6" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1491)

// iPad Mini 3
@"iPad4,7" - Wifi (model A1599)
@"iPad4,8" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1600)
@"iPad4,9" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1601)

// iPad Mini 4
@"iPad5,1" - Wifi (model A1538)
@"iPad5,2" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1550)

//iPad AIR 2
@"iPad5,3" - Wifi (model A1566)
@"iPad5,4" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1567)

// iPad PRO 9.7"
@"iPad6,3" - Wifi (model A1673)
@"iPad6,4" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1674)
@"iPad6,4" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1675)

//iPad PRO 12.9"
@"iPad6,7" - Wifi (model A1584)
@"iPad6,8" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1652)

//iPad (5th generation)
@"iPad6,11" - Wifi (model A1822)
@"iPad6,12" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1823)
//iPad PRO 12.9" (2nd Gen)
@"iPad7,1" - Wifi (model A1670)
@"iPad7,2" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1671)
@"iPad7,2" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1821)
//iPad PRO 10.5"
@"iPad7,3" - Wifi (model A1701)
@"iPad7,4" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1709)

// iPad (6th Gen)
@"iPad7,5" - WiFi
@"iPad7,6" - WiFi + Cellular

// iPad (7th Gen)
@"iPad7,11" - WiFi
@"iPad7,12" - WiFi + Cellular

//iPad PRO 11"
@"iPad8,1" - WiFi
@"iPad8,2" - 1TB, WiFi
@"iPad8,3" - WiFi + Cellular
@"iPad8,4" - 1TB, WiFi + Cellular

//iPad PRO 12.9" (3rd Gen)
@"iPad8,5" - WiFi
@"iPad8,6" - 1TB, WiFi
@"iPad8,7" - WiFi + Cellular
@"iPad8,8" - 1TB, WiFi + Cellular

//iPad PRO 11" (2nd Gen)
@"iPad8,9" - WiFi
@"iPad8,10" - 1TB, WiFi

//iPad PRO 12.9" (4th Gen)
@"iPad8,11" - (WiFi)
@"iPad8,12" - (WiFi+Cellular)

// iPad mini 5th Gen
@"iPad11,1" - WiFi
@"iPad11,2" - Wifi  + Cellular

// iPad Air 3rd Gen
@"iPad11,3" - Wifi 
@"iPad11,4" - Wifi  + Cellular

// iPad (8th Gen)
@"iPad11,6" - iPad 8th Gen (WiFi)
@"iPad11,7" - iPad 8th Gen (WiFi+Cellular)

// iPad Air 4th Gen
@"iPad13,1" - iPad air 4th Gen (WiFi)
@"iPad13,2" - iPad air 4th Gen (WiFi+Cellular)

//iPod Touch
@"iPod1,1"   on iPod Touch
@"iPod2,1"   on iPod Touch Second Generation
@"iPod3,1"   on iPod Touch Third Generation
@"iPod4,1"   on iPod Touch Fourth Generation
@"iPod5,1"   on iPod Touch 5th Generation
@"iPod7,1"   on iPod Touch 6th Generation
@"iPod9,1"   on iPod Touch 7th Generation

// Apple Watch
@"Watch1,1" on Apple Watch 38mm case
@"Watch1,2" on Apple Watch 38mm case
@"Watch2,6" on Apple Watch Series 1 38mm case
@"Watch2,7" on Apple Watch Series 1 42mm case
@"Watch2,3" on Apple Watch Series 2 38mm case
@"Watch2,4" on Apple Watch Series 2 42mm case
@"Watch3,1" on Apple Watch Series 3 38mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch3,2" on Apple Watch Series 3 42mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch3,3" on Apple Watch Series 3 38mm case (GPS)
@"Watch3,4" on Apple Watch Series 3 42mm case (GPS)
@"Watch4,1" on Apple Watch Series 4 40mm case (GPS)
@"Watch4,2" on Apple Watch Series 4 44mm case (GPS)
@"Watch4,3" on Apple Watch Series 4 40mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch4,4" on Apple Watch Series 4 44mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch5,1" on Apple Watch Series 5 40mm case (GPS)
@"Watch5,2" on Apple Watch Series 5 44mm case (GPS)
@"Watch5,3" on Apple Watch Series 5 40mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch5,4" on Apple Watch Series 5 44mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch5,9" on Apple Watch SE 40mm case (GPS)
@"Watch5,10" on Apple Watch SE 44mm case (GPS)
@"Watch5,11" on Apple Watch SE 40mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch5,12" on Apple Watch SE 44mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch6,1" on Apple Watch Series 6 40mm case (GPS)
@"Watch6,2" on Apple Watch Series 6 44mm case (GPS)
@"Watch6,3" on Apple Watch Series 6 40mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch6,4" on Apple Watch Series 6 44mm case (GPS+Cellular)

为了节省别人的时间。 因为接受,必须投票回答建议库使用私人API和我的应用程序被拒绝,因为uidevice-extension就在昨天! 我切换到GBDeviceInfo库,安装为pod以及,现在它看起来不错,维护和更新到最新的设备。


func DeviceName()-> String {

        var myDeviceName : String = String()

        var systemInfo = [UInt8](count: sizeof(utsname), repeatedValue: 0)

        let model = systemInfo.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { (inout body: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt8>) -> String? in

            if uname(UnsafeMutablePointer(body.baseAddress)) != 0 {
                return nil

            return String.fromCString(UnsafePointer(body.baseAddress.advancedBy(Int(_SYS_NAMELEN * 4))))

        let deviceNamesByCode : [String: String] = ["iPod1,1":"iPod Touch 1",
                                                    "iPod2,1":"iPod Touch 2",
                                                    "iPod3,1":"iPod Touch 3",
                                                    "iPod4,1":"iPod Touch 4",
                                                    "iPod5,1":"iPod Touch 5",
                                                    "iPod7,1":"iPod Touch 6",
                                                    "iPhone1,2":"iPhone ",
                                                    "iPhone2,1":"iPhone ",
                                                    "iPhone3,1":"iPhone 4",
                                                    "iPhone3,2":"iPhone 4",
                                                    "iPhone3,3":"iPhone 4",
                                                    "iPhone4,1":"iPhone 4s",
                                                    "iPhone5,1":"iPhone 5",
                                                    "iPhone5,2":"iPhone 5",
                                                    "iPhone5,3":"iPhone 5c",
                                                    "iPhone5,4":"iPhone 5c",
                                                    "iPhone6,1":"iPhone 5s",
                                                    "iPhone6,2":"iPhone 5s",
                                                    "iPhone7,2":"iPhone 6",
                                                    "iPhone7,1":"iPhone 6 Plus",
                                                    "iPhone8,1":"iPhone 6s",
                                                    "iPhone8,2":"iPhone 6s Plus",
                                                    "iPhone8,4":"iPhone SE",
                                                    "iPad2,1":"iPad 2",
                                                    "iPad2,2":"iPad 2",
                                                    "iPad2,3":"iPad 2",
                                                    "iPad2,4":"iPad 2",
                                                    "iPad3,1":"iPad 3",
                                                    "iPad3,2":"iPad 3",
                                                    "iPad3,3":"iPad 3",
                                                    "iPad3,4":"iPad 4",
                                                    "iPad3,5":"iPad 4",
                                                    "iPad3,6":"iPad 4",
                                                    "iPad4,1":"iPad Air",
                                                    "iPad4,2":"iPad Air",
                                                    "iPad4,3":"iPad Air",
                                                    "iPad5,3":"iPad Air 2",
                                                    "iPad5,4":"iPad Air 2",
                                                    "iPad2,5":"iPad Mini",
                                                    "iPad2,6":"iPad Mini",
                                                    "iPad2,7":"iPad Mini",
                                                    "iPad4,4":"iPad Mini 2",
                                                    "iPad4,5":"iPad Mini 2",
                                                    "iPad4,6":"iPad Mini 2",
                                                    "iPad4,7":"iPad Mini 3",
                                                    "iPad4,8":"iPad Mini 3",
                                                    "iPad4,9":"iPad Mini 3",
                                                    "iPad5,1":"iPad Mini 4",
                                                    "iPad5,2":"iPad Mini 4",
                                                    "iPad6,3":"iPad Pro",
                                                    "iPad6,4":"iPad Pro",
                                                    "iPad6,7":"iPad Pro",
                                                    "iPad6,8":"iPad Pro",
                                                    "AppleTV5,3":"Apple TV",


        if model!.characters.count > 0 {
            myDeviceName = deviceNamesByCode[model!]!
            myDeviceName = UIDevice.currentDevice().model

        return myDeviceName


用以下代码添加一个新文件,并简单地调用UIDevice。modelName包含迄今为止发布的所有型号,包括iPhone 13系列和Swift 5.0

import UIKit
import SystemConfiguration

public extension UIDevice {
    static let modelName: String = {
        var systemInfo = utsname()
        let machineMirror = Mirror(reflecting: systemInfo.machine)
        let identifier = machineMirror.children.reduce("") { identifier, element in
            guard let value = element.value as? Int8, value != 0 else { return identifier }
            return identifier + String(UnicodeScalar(UInt8(value)))
        let deviceMapping = ["i386": "iPhone Simulator",
         "x86_64": "iPhone Simulator",
         "arm64": "iPhone Simulator",
         "iPhone1,1": "iPhone",
         "iPhone1,2": "iPhone 3G",
         "iPhone2,1": "iPhone 3GS",
         "iPhone3,1": "iPhone 4",
         "iPhone3,2": "iPhone 4 GSM Rev A",
         "iPhone3,3": "iPhone 4 CDMA",
         "iPhone4,1": "iPhone 4S",
         "iPhone5,1": "iPhone 5 (GSM)",
         "iPhone5,2": "iPhone 5 (GSM+CDMA)",
         "iPhone5,3": "iPhone 5C (GSM)",
         "iPhone5,4": "iPhone 5C (Global)",
         "iPhone6,1": "iPhone 5S (GSM)",
         "iPhone6,2": "iPhone 5S (Global)",
         "iPhone7,1": "iPhone 6 Plus",
         "iPhone7,2": "iPhone 6",
         "iPhone8,1": "iPhone 6s",
         "iPhone8,2": "iPhone 6s Plus",
         "iPhone8,4": "iPhone SE (GSM)",
         "iPhone9,1": "iPhone 7",
         "iPhone9,2": "iPhone 7 Plus",
         "iPhone9,3": "iPhone 7",
         "iPhone9,4": "iPhone 7 Plus",
         "iPhone10,1": "iPhone 8",
         "iPhone10,2": "iPhone 8 Plus",
         "iPhone10,3": "iPhone X Global",
         "iPhone10,4": "iPhone 8",
         "iPhone10,5": "iPhone 8 Plus",
         "iPhone10,6": "iPhone X GSM",
         "iPhone11,2": "iPhone XS",
         "iPhone11,4": "iPhone XS Max",
         "iPhone11,6": "iPhone XS Max Global",
         "iPhone11,8": "iPhone XR",
         "iPhone12,1": "iPhone 11",
         "iPhone12,3": "iPhone 11 Pro",
         "iPhone12,5": "iPhone 11 Pro Max",
         "iPhone12,8": "iPhone SE 2nd Gen",
         "iPhone13,1": "iPhone 12 Mini",
         "iPhone13,2": "iPhone 12",
         "iPhone13,3": "iPhone 12 Pro",
         "iPhone13,4": "iPhone 12 Pro Max",
         "iPhone14,2": "iPhone 13 Pro",
         "iPhone14,3": "iPhone 13 Pro Max",
         "iPhone14,4": "iPhone 13 Mini",
         "iPhone14,5": "iPhone 13",
         "iPod1,1": "1st Gen iPod",
         "iPod2,1": "2nd Gen iPod",
         "iPod3,1": "3rd Gen iPod",
         "iPod4,1": "4th Gen iPod",
         "iPod5,1": "5th Gen iPod",
         "iPod7,1": "6th Gen iPod",
         "iPod9,1": "7th Gen iPod",
         "iPad1,1": "iPad",
         "iPad1,2": "iPad 3G",
         "iPad2,1": "2nd Gen iPad",
         "iPad2,2": "2nd Gen iPad GSM",
         "iPad2,3": "2nd Gen iPad CDMA",
         "iPad2,4": "2nd Gen iPad New Revision",
         "iPad3,1": "3rd Gen iPad",
         "iPad3,2": "3rd Gen iPad CDMA",
         "iPad3,3": "3rd Gen iPad GSM",
         "iPad2,5": "iPad mini",
         "iPad2,6": "iPad mini GSM+LTE",
         "iPad2,7": "iPad mini CDMA+LTE",
         "iPad3,4": "4th Gen iPad",
         "iPad3,5": "4th Gen iPad GSM+LTE",
         "iPad3,6": "4th Gen iPad CDMA+LTE",
         "iPad4,1": "iPad Air (WiFi)",
         "iPad4,2": "iPad Air (GSM+CDMA)",
         "iPad4,3": "1st Gen iPad Air (China)",
         "iPad4,4": "iPad mini Retina (WiFi)",
         "iPad4,5": "iPad mini Retina (GSM+CDMA)",
         "iPad4,6": "iPad mini Retina (China)",
         "iPad4,7": "iPad mini 3 (WiFi)",
         "iPad4,8": "iPad mini 3 (GSM+CDMA)",
         "iPad4,9": "iPad Mini 3 (China)",
         "iPad5,1": "iPad mini 4 (WiFi)",
         "iPad5,2": "4th Gen iPad mini (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad5,3": "iPad Air 2 (WiFi)",
         "iPad5,4": "iPad Air 2 (Cellular)",
         "iPad6,3": "iPad Pro (9.7 inch, WiFi)",
         "iPad6,4": "iPad Pro (9.7 inch, WiFi+LTE)",
         "iPad6,7": "iPad Pro (12.9 inch, WiFi)",
         "iPad6,8": "iPad Pro (12.9 inch, WiFi+LTE)",
         "iPad6,11": "iPad (2017)",
         "iPad6,12": "iPad (2017)",
         "iPad7,1": "iPad Pro 2nd Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad7,2": "iPad Pro 2nd Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad7,3": "iPad Pro 10.5-inch",
         "iPad7,4": "iPad Pro 10.5-inch",
         "iPad7,5": "iPad 6th Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad7,6": "iPad 6th Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad7,11": "iPad 7th Gen 10.2-inch (WiFi)",
         "iPad7,12": "iPad 7th Gen 10.2-inch (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad8,1": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad8,2": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen (1TB, WiFi)",
         "iPad8,3": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad8,4": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen (1TB, WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad8,5": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad8,6": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen (1TB, WiFi)",
         "iPad8,7": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad8,8": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen (1TB, WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad8,9": "iPad Pro 11 inch 4th Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad8,10": "iPad Pro 11 inch 4th Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad8,11": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 4th Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad8,12": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 4th Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad11,1": "iPad mini 5th Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad11,2": "iPad mini 5th Gen",
         "iPad11,3": "iPad Air 3rd Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad11,4": "iPad Air 3rd Gen",
         "iPad11,6": "iPad 8th Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad11,7": "iPad 8th Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad13,1": "iPad air 4th Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad13,2": "iPad air 4th Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad13,4": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen",
         "iPad13,5": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen",
         "iPad13,6": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen",
         "iPad13,7": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen",
         "iPad13,8": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 5th Gen",
         "iPad13,9": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 5th Gen",
         "iPad13,10": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 5th Gen",
         "iPad13,11": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 5th Gen"]
        return deviceMapping[identifier] ?? identifier


Objective-C: GitHub/DeviceUtil

吉hub /恶魔大师

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>

- (NSString*)hardwareDescription {
    NSString *hardware = [self hardwareString];
    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPhone1,1"]) return @"iPhone 2G";
    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPhone1,2"]) return @"iPhone 3G";
    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPhone3,1"]) return @"iPhone 4";
    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPhone4,1"]) return @"iPhone 4S";
    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPhone5,1"]) return @"iPhone 5";
    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPod1,1"]) return @"iPodTouch 1G";
    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPod2,1"]) return @"iPodTouch 2G";
    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPad1,1"]) return @"iPad";
    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPad2,6"]) return @"iPad Mini";
    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPad4,1"]) return @"iPad Air WIFI";
    //there are lots of other strings too, checkout the github repo
    //link is given at the top of this answer

    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"i386"]) return @"Simulator";
    if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"x86_64"]) return @"Simulator";

    return nil;

- (NSString*)hardwareString {
    size_t size = 100;
    char *hw_machine = malloc(size);
    int name[] = {CTL_HW,HW_MACHINE};
    sysctl(name, 2, hw_machine, &size, NULL, 0);
    NSString *hardware = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:hw_machine];
    return hardware;