这是算法理论中的一个简单问题。 它们之间的区别是,在一种情况下,你计算节点的数量,在另一种情况下,计算根节点和具体节点之间最短路径上的边的数量。 哪个是哪个?




树的高度等于树的最大深度。节点的深度和高度不一定相等。这些概念的说明见Cormen et al.第三版的图B.6。





If n1, n2,...,nk is a sequence of nodes in the tree such that ni is the parent of ni+1 for 1<=i<k, then this sequence is called a path from n1 to nk. The length of the path is k−1. If there is a path from node R to node M, then R is an ancestor of M, and M is a descendant of R. Thus, all nodes in the tree are descendants of the root of the tree, while the root is the ancestor of all nodes. The depth of a node M in the tree is the length of the path from the root of the tree to M. The height of a tree is one more than the depth of the deepest node in the tree. All nodes of depth d are at level d in the tree. The root is the only node at level 0, and its depth is 0. Figure 7.2.1: A binary tree. Node A is the root. Nodes B and C are A's children. Nodes B and D together form a subtree. Node B has two children: Its left child is the empty tree and its right child is D. Nodes A, C, and E are ancestors of G. Nodes D, E, and F make up level 2 of the tree; node A is at level 0. The edges from A to C to E to G form a path of length 3. Nodes D, G, H, and I are leaves. Nodes A, B, C, E, and F are internal nodes. The depth of I is 3. The height of this tree is 4.


节点深度是指从该节点到树的根节点的边数。根节点的深度为0。 节点的高度是指从该节点到叶节点的最长路径上的边数。叶节点的高度为0。


树的高度是它的根节点的高度,或者等价地,是它最深节点的深度。 树的直径(或宽度)是任意两个叶节点之间的最长路径上的节点数。下面的树直径为6个节点。

Daniel A.A. pelsmaker的回答和Yesh的类比非常棒。我想从hackerrank教程中添加更多。希望这也能有所帮助。

节点的深度(或层次)是它的距离(即。从树的根节点开始。 高度是根节点和最远叶之间的边数。 height(node) = 1 + max(height(node. leftsubtree),height(node. rightsubtree)))。 在阅读下面的示例之前,请记住以下几点。 任何节点的高度都是1。 空子树的高度是-1。 单元素树或叶节点的高度为0。




树的高度等于树的最大深度。节点的深度和高度不一定相等。这些概念的说明见Cormen et al.第三版的图B.6。
