PEP 8规定:




class SomeClass(object):

    def not_often_called(self)
        from datetime import datetime
        self.datetime =


from datetime import datetime

class SomeClass(object):

    def not_often_called(self)
        self.datetime =




我们可以移动模块底部的from导入之一。 我们可以将其中一个from导入移动到实际需要导入的函数或方法中(这并不总是可行的,因为您可能从多个地方使用它)。 我们可以把其中一个import改成import,就像import a





listdata.append(['tk font version', font_version])
listdata.append(['Gtk version', str(Gtk.get_major_version())+"."+

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

xmltree = ET.parse('/usr/share/gnome/gnome-version.xml')
xmlroot = xmltree.getroot()
result = []
for child in xmlroot:
listdata.append(['Gnome version', result[0]+"."+result[1]+"."+
                 result[2]+" "+result[3]])




I do not aspire to provide complete answer, because others have already done this very well. I just want to mention one use case when I find especially useful to import modules inside functions. My application uses python packages and modules stored in certain location as plugins. During application startup, the application walks through all the modules in the location and imports them, then it looks inside the modules and if it finds some mounting points for the plugins (in my case it is a subclass of a certain base class having a unique ID) it registers them. The number of plugins is large (now dozens, but maybe hundreds in the future) and each of them is used quite rarely. Having imports of third party libraries at the top of my plugin modules was a bit penalty during application startup. Especially some thirdparty libraries are heavy to import (e.g. import of plotly even tries to connect to internet and download something which was adding about one second to startup). By optimizing imports (calling them only in the functions where they are used) in the plugins I managed to shrink the startup from 10 seconds to some 2 seconds. That is a big difference for my users.


以下是对这个问题的最新答案总结 而且 相关的 的问题。

PEP 8 recommends putting imports at the top. It's often more convenient to get ImportErrors when you first run your program rather than when your program first calls your function. Putting imports in the function scope can help avoid issues with circular imports. Putting imports in the function scope helps keep maintain a clean module namespace, so that it does not appear among tab-completion suggestions. Start-up time: imports in a function won't run until (if) that function is called. Might get significant with heavy-weight libraries. Even though import statements are super fast on subsequent runs, they still incur a speed penalty which can be significant if the function is trivial but frequently in use. Imports under the __name__ == "__main__" guard seem very reasonable. Refactoring might be easier if the imports are located in the function where they're used (facilitates moving it to another module). It can also be argued that this is good for readability. However, most would argue the contrary, i.e. Imports at the top enhance readability, since you can see all your dependencies at a glance. It seems unclear if dynamic or conditional imports favour one style over another.


我想提一下我的一个用例,与@John Millikin和@ v.k.提到的用例非常相似:


我使用Jupyter Notebook进行数据分析,我使用相同的IPython Notebook作为所有分析的模板。在某些情况下,我需要导入Tensorflow来做一些快速的模型运行,但有时我工作的地方,Tensorflow没有设置/导入很慢。在这些情况下,我将依赖于tensorflow的操作封装在一个helper函数中,在该函数中导入tensorflow,并将其绑定到一个按钮。
