这里有人用过c++的“placement new”吗?如果有,为什么?在我看来,它只在内存映射硬件上有用。
The one place I've run across it is in containers which allocate a contiguous buffer and then fill it with objects as required. As mentioned, std::vector might do this, and I know some versions of MFC CArray and/or CList did this (because that's where I first ran across it). The buffer over-allocation method is a very useful optimization, and placement new is pretty much the only way to construct objects in that scenario. It is also used sometimes to construct objects in memory blocks allocated outside of your direct code.
脚本引擎可以在本机接口中使用它来从脚本分配本机对象。有关示例,请参阅Angelscript (www.angelcode.com/angelscript)。
Even when a very good malloc implementation is used (or similar memory management function) it's very difficult to deal with fragmentation for a long time. At some point if you don't manage cleverly the memory reservation/release calls you could end up with a lot of small gaps that are difficult to reuse (assign to new reservations). So, one of the solutions that are used in this case is to use a memory pool to allocate before hand the memory for the application objects. After-wards each time you need memory for some object you just use the new placement to create a new object on the already reserved memory.
我在实践中看到过这种情况,特别是在VxWorks RTOS中,因为它的默认内存分配系统受到了很多碎片的影响。因此,通过标准的new/malloc方法分配内存在项目中基本上是被禁止的。所有的内存预留都应该到一个专用的内存池中。
class Pool {
Pool() { /* implementation details irrelevant */ };
virtual ~Pool() { /* ditto */ };
virtual void *allocate(size_t);
virtual void deallocate(void *);
static Pool *Pool::misc_pool() { return misc_pool_p; /* global MiscPool for general use */ }
class ClusterPool : public Pool { /* ... */ };
class FastPool : public Pool { /* ... */ };
class MapPool : public Pool { /* ... */ };
class MiscPool : public Pool { /* ... */ };
// elsewhere...
void *pnew_new(size_t size)
return Pool::misc_pool()->allocate(size);
void *pnew_new(size_t size, Pool *pool_p)
if (!pool_p) {
return Pool::misc_pool()->allocate(size);
else {
return pool_p->allocate(size);
void pnew_delete(void *p)
Pool *hp = Pool::find_pool(p);
// note: if p == 0, then Pool::find_pool(p) will return 0.
if (hp) {
// elsewhere...
class Obj {
// misc ctors, dtors, etc.
// just a sampling of new/del operators
void *operator new(size_t s) { return pnew_new(s); }
void *operator new(size_t s, Pool *hp) { return pnew_new(s, hp); }
void operator delete(void *dp) { pnew_delete(dp); }
void operator delete(void *dp, Pool*) { pnew_delete(dp); }
void *operator new[](size_t s) { return pnew_new(s); }
void *operator new[](size_t s, Pool* hp) { return pnew_new(s, hp); }
void operator delete[](void *dp) { pnew_delete(dp); }
void operator delete[](void *dp, Pool*) { pnew_delete(dp); }
// elsewhere...
ClusterPool *cp = new ClusterPool(arg1, arg2, ...);
Obj *new_obj = new (cp) Obj(arg_a, arg_b, ...);
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