这里有人用过c++的“placement new”吗?如果有,为什么?在我看来,它只在内存映射硬件上有用。
这里是c++ in-place构造函数的杀手级用法:对齐缓存线,以及其他2边界的幂。以下是我的超快速指针对齐算法,使用5个或更少的单周期指令,达到2边界的任意幂:
/* Quickly aligns the given pointer to a power of two boundary IN BYTES.
@return An aligned pointer of typename T.
@brief Algorithm is a 2's compliment trick that works by masking off
the desired number in 2's compliment and adding them to the
@param pointer The pointer to align.
@param boundary_byte_count The boundary byte count that must be an even
power of 2.
@warning Function does not check if the boundary is a power of 2! */
template <typename T = char>
inline T* AlignUp(void* pointer, uintptr_t boundary_byte_count) {
uintptr_t value = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(pointer);
value += (((~value) + 1) & (boundary_byte_count - 1));
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(value);
struct Foo { Foo () {} };
char buffer[sizeof (Foo) + 64];
Foo* foo = new (AlignUp<Foo> (buffer, 64)) Foo ();
这是不是让你的脸上露出了微笑(:)。我♥♥♥c++ 1x
Head Geek: BINGO! You got it totally - that's exactly what it's perfect for. In many embedded environments, external constraints and/or the overall use scenario forces the programmer to separate the allocation of an object from its initialization. Lumped together, C++ calls this "instantiation"; but whenever the constructor's action must be explicitly invoked WITHOUT dynamic or automatic allocation, placement new is the way to do it. It's also the perfect way to locate a global C++ object that is pinned to the address of a hardware component (memory-mapped I/O), or for any static object that, for whatever reason, must reside at a fixed address.
The one place I've run across it is in containers which allocate a contiguous buffer and then fill it with objects as required. As mentioned, std::vector might do this, and I know some versions of MFC CArray and/or CList did this (because that's where I first ran across it). The buffer over-allocation method is a very useful optimization, and placement new is pretty much the only way to construct objects in that scenario. It is also used sometimes to construct objects in memory blocks allocated outside of your direct code.
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