



function DeepObjectCompare(O1, O2)
    try {
        DOC_Val(O1, O2, ['O1->O2', O1, O2]);
        return DOC_Val(O2, O1, ['O2->O1', O1, O2]);
    } catch(e) {
function DOC_Error(Reason, Chain, Val1, Val2)

function DOC_Val(Val1, Val2, Chain)
    function DoThrow(Reason, NewChain) { throw(new DOC_Error(Reason, NewChain!==undefined ? NewChain : Chain, Val1, Val2)); }

        return DoThrow('Type Mismatch');
    if(Val1===null || Val1===undefined)
        return Val1!==Val2 ? DoThrow('Null/undefined mismatch') : true;
        return DoThrow('Constructor mismatch');
        case 'object':
            for(var m in Val1)
                var CurChain=Chain.concat([m]);
                    return DoThrow('Val2 missing property', CurChain);
                DOC_Val(Val1[m], Val2[m], CurChain);
            return true;
        case 'number':
                return !Number.isNaN(Val2) ? DoThrow('NaN mismatch') : true;
        case 'string':
        case 'boolean':
            return Val1!==Val2 ? DoThrow('Value mismatch') : true;
        case 'function':
                return DoThrow('Prototype mismatch');
                return DoThrow('Function mismatch');
            return true;
            return DoThrow('Val1 is unknown type');


如何确定部分对象(partial <T>)等于typescript中的原始对象(T)。

function compareTwoObjects<T>(original: T, partial: Partial<T>): boolean {
  return !Object.keys(partial).some((key) => partial[key] !== original[key]);



JSON。stringify({a: val1}) == JSON。stringify ({a: val2})


你需要用你的Object替换val1和val2 对于对象,必须对两侧对象进行递归排序(按键)



var equals = function ( objectA, objectB ) {
    var result = false,

    // Check if they are pointing at the same variable. If they are, no need to test further.
    if ( objectA === objectB ) {
        return true;

    // Check if they are the same type. If they are not, no need to test further.
    if ( typeof objectA !== typeof objectB ) {
        return false;

    // Check what kind of variables they are to see what sort of comparison we should make.
    if ( typeof objectA === "object" ) {
        // Check if they have the same constructor, so that we are comparing apples with apples.
        if ( objectA.constructor === objectA.constructor ) {
            // If we are working with Arrays...
            if ( objectA instanceof Array ) {
                // Check the arrays are the same length. If not, they cannot be the same.
                if ( objectA.length === objectB.length ) {
                    // Compare each element. They must be identical. If not, the comparison stops immediately and returns false.
                    return objectA.every(
                        function ( element, i ) {
                            return equals( element, objectB[ i ] );
                // They are not the same length, and so are not identical.
                else {
                    return false;
            // If we are working with RegExps...
            else if ( objectA instanceof RegExp ) {
                // Return the results of a string comparison of the expression.
                return ( objectA.toString() === objectB.toString() );
            // Else we are working with other types of objects...
            else {
                // Get the keys as arrays from both objects. This uses Object.keys, so no old browsers here.
                keysA = Object.keys( objectA );

                keysB = Object.keys( objectB );

                // Check the key arrays are the same length. If not, they cannot be the same.
                if ( keysA.length === keysB.length ) {
                    // Compare each property. They must be identical. If not, the comparison stops immediately and returns false.
                    return keysA.every(
                        function ( element ) {
                            return equals( objectA[ element ], objectB[ element ] );
                // They do not have the same number of keys, and so are not identical.
                else {
                    return false;
        // They don't have the same constructor.
        else {
            return false;
    // If they are both functions, let us do a string comparison.
    else if ( typeof objectA === "function" ) {
        return ( objectA.toString() === objectB.toString() );
    // If a simple variable type, compare directly without coercion.
    else {
        return ( objectA === objectB );

    // Return a default if nothing has already been returned.
    return result;






然后你可以比较genObjStr(obj1) ?= genObjStr(obj2)

function genObjStr(obj, settings) {
// Generate a string that corresponds to an object guarenteed to be the same str even if
// the object have different ordering. The string would largely be used for comparison purposes

var settings = settings||{};
var doStripWhiteSpace = defTrue(settings.doStripWhiteSpace);
var doSetLowerCase = settings.doSetLowerCase||false;

if(isArray(obj)) {
    var vals = [];
    for(var i = 0; i < obj.length; ++i) {
        vals.push(genObjStr(obj[i], settings));
    vals = arraySort(vals);
    return vals.join(`,`);

} else if(isObject(obj)) {

    var keys = Object.keys(obj);
    keys = arraySort(keys);

    var vals = [];
    for(var key of keys) {
        var value = obj[key];
        value = genObjStr(value, settings);

        if(doStripWhiteSpace) {
            key = removeWhitespace(key);
            var value = removeWhitespace(value);
        if(doSetLowerCase) {
            key = key.toLowerCase();
            value = value.toLowerCase();

    var str = JSON.stringify({keys: keys, vals: vals});
    return str
} else {
    if(doStripWhiteSpace) {
        obj = removeWhitespace(obj);
    if(doSetLowerCase) {
        obj = obj.toLowerCase();
    return obj


var obj1 = {foo: 123, bar: `Test`};
var obj2 = {bar: `Test`, foo: 123};

console.log(genObjStr(obj1) == genObjStr(obj1))


const isEqual = function(inputs = []) {
  // Checks an element if js object.
  const isObject = function(data) {
    return Object.prototype.toString.call(data) === '[object Object]';
  // Sorts given object by its keys.
  const sortObjectByKey = function(obj) {
    const self = this;
    if (!obj) return {};
    return Object.keys(obj).sort().reduce((initialVal, item) => {
      initialVal[item] = !Array.isArray(obj[item]) &&
        typeof obj[item] === 'object'
        ? self.objectByKey(obj[item])
        : obj[item];
      return initialVal;
    }, {});

  // Checks equality of all elements in the input against each other. Returns true | false
  return (
        input =>
          typeof input == 'undefined'
            ? ''
            : isObject(input)
                ? JSON.stringify(sortObjectByKey(input))
                : JSON.stringify(input)
        (prevValue, input) =>
          prevValue === '' || prevValue === input ? input : false,
      ) !== false

// Tests (Made with Jest test framework.)
test('String equality check', () => {
  expect(isEqual(['murat', 'john', 'doe'])).toEqual(false);
  expect(isEqual(['murat', 'murat', 'murat'])).toEqual(true);

test('Float equality check', () => {
  expect(isEqual([7.89, 3.45])).toEqual(false);
  expect(isEqual([7, 7.50])).toEqual(false);
  expect(isEqual([7.50, 7.50])).toEqual(true);
  expect(isEqual([7, 7])).toEqual(true);
  expect(isEqual([0.34, 0.33])).toEqual(false);
  expect(isEqual([0.33, 0.33])).toEqual(true);

test('Array equality check', () => {
  expect(isEqual([[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]])).toEqual(true);
  expect(isEqual([[1, 3], [1, 2, 3]])).toEqual(false);
  expect(isEqual([['murat', 18], ['murat', 18]])).toEqual(true);

test('Object equality check', () => {
  let obj1 = {
    name: 'murat',
    age: 18
  let obj2 = {
    name: 'murat',
    age: 18
  let obj3 = {
    age: 18,
    name: 'murat'
  let obj4 = {
    name: 'murat',
    age: 18,
    occupation: 'nothing'
  expect(isEqual([obj1, obj2])).toEqual(true);
  expect(isEqual([obj1, obj2, obj3])).toEqual(true);
  expect(isEqual([obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4])).toEqual(false);

test('Weird equality checks', () => {
  expect(isEqual(['', {}])).toEqual(false);
  expect(isEqual([0, '0'])).toEqual(false);
