

编辑 有些人想要一个例子(这是一个自由时间项目,所以是的,这是一个游戏)

IDrawable +更新 +画


现在我把这个写下来了,我想我在这里实现的是IObservable GraphicsDeviceManager应该采用IDrawable。 似乎不是我没有理解XNA框架,就是这个框架没有考虑得很好。

编辑 我在接口上下文中对构造函数的定义似乎有些混乱。接口确实不能被实例化,因此不需要构造函数。我想定义的是构造函数的签名。就像接口可以定义某个方法的签名一样,接口也可以定义构造函数的签名。





public class Foo : IParameterlessConstructor
    public Foo() // As per the interface

public class Bar : Foo
    // Yikes! We now don't have a parameterless constructor...
    public Bar(int x)




Create an abstract class that acts as a minimal default implementation. That class should have the constructors you expect implementing classes to have. If you don't mind the overkill, use the AbstractFactory pattern and declare a method in the factory class interface that has the required signatures. Pass the GraphicsDeviceManager as a parameter to the Update and Draw methods. Use a Compositional Object Oriented Programming framework to pass the GraphicsDeviceManager into the part of the object that requires it. This is a pretty experimental solution in my opinion.





public class Foo : IParameterlessConstructor
    public Foo() // As per the interface

public class Bar : Foo
    // Yikes! We now don't have a parameterless constructor...
    public Bar(int x)



public abstract class Foo
  protected Foo(SomeParameter x)
    this.X = x;

  public SomeParameter X { get; private set }

public class Bar : Foo // Bar inherits from Foo
  public Bar() 
    : base(new SomeParameter("etc...")) // Bar will need to supply the constructor param


A developer who derives his class from the base can't accidentally create a public accessible constructor The final class developer are forced to go through the common create method Everything is type-safe, no castings are required It's 100% flexible and can be reused everywhere, where you can define your own base class. Try it out you can't break it without making modifications to the base classes (except if you define an obsolete flag without error flag set to true, but even then you end up with a warning) public abstract class Base<TSelf, TParameter> where TSelf : Base<TSelf, TParameter>, new() { protected const string FactoryMessage = "Use YourClass.Create(...) instead"; public static TSelf Create(TParameter parameter) { var me = new TSelf(); me.Initialize(parameter); return me; } [Obsolete(FactoryMessage, true)] protected Base() { } protected virtual void Initialize(TParameter parameter) { } } public abstract class BaseWithConfig<TSelf, TConfig>: Base<TSelf, TConfig> where TSelf : BaseWithConfig<TSelf, TConfig>, new() { public TConfig Config { get; private set; } [Obsolete(FactoryMessage, true)] protected BaseWithConfig() { } protected override void Initialize(TConfig parameter) { this.Config = parameter; } } public class MyService : BaseWithConfig<MyService, (string UserName, string Password)> { [Obsolete(FactoryMessage, true)] public MyService() { } } public class Person : Base<Person, (string FirstName, string LastName)> { [Obsolete(FactoryMessage,true)] public Person() { } protected override void Initialize((string FirstName, string LastName) parameter) { this.FirstName = parameter.FirstName; this.LastName = parameter.LastName; } public string LastName { get; private set; } public string FirstName { get; private set; } } [Test] public void FactoryTest() { var notInitilaizedPerson = new Person(); // doesn't compile because of the obsolete attribute. Person max = Person.Create(("Max", "Mustermann")); Assert.AreEqual("Max",max.FirstName); var service = MyService.Create(("MyUser", "MyPassword")); Assert.AreEqual("MyUser", service.Config.UserName); }

编辑: 这是一个基于你的绘图示例的例子,它甚至强制了接口抽象

        public abstract class BaseWithAbstraction<TSelf, TInterface, TParameter>
        where TSelf : BaseWithAbstraction<TSelf, TInterface, TParameter>, TInterface, new()
        [Obsolete(FactoryMessage, true)]
        protected BaseWithAbstraction()

        protected const string FactoryMessage = "Use YourClass.Create(...) instead";
        public static TInterface Create(TParameter parameter)
            var me = new TSelf();

            return me;

        protected virtual void Initialize(TParameter parameter)


    public abstract class BaseWithParameter<TSelf, TInterface, TParameter> : BaseWithAbstraction<TSelf, TInterface, TParameter>
        where TSelf : BaseWithParameter<TSelf, TInterface, TParameter>, TInterface, new()
        protected TParameter Parameter { get; private set; }

        [Obsolete(FactoryMessage, true)]
        protected BaseWithParameter()
        protected sealed override void Initialize(TParameter parameter)
            this.Parameter = parameter;

        protected virtual void OnAfterInitialize(TParameter parameter)

    public class GraphicsDeviceManager

    public interface IDrawable
        void Update();
        void Draw();

    internal abstract class Drawable<TSelf> : BaseWithParameter<TSelf, IDrawable, GraphicsDeviceManager>, IDrawable 
        where TSelf : Drawable<TSelf>, IDrawable, new()
        [Obsolete(FactoryMessage, true)]
        protected Drawable()

        public abstract void Update();
        public abstract void Draw();

    internal class Rectangle : Drawable<Rectangle>
        [Obsolete(FactoryMessage, true)]
        public Rectangle()

        public override void Update()
            GraphicsDeviceManager manager = this.Parameter;
            // TODo  manager

        public override void Draw()
            GraphicsDeviceManager manager = this.Parameter;
            // TODo  manager
    internal class Circle : Drawable<Circle>
        [Obsolete(FactoryMessage, true)]
        public Circle()

        public override void Update()
            GraphicsDeviceManager manager = this.Parameter;
            // TODo  manager

        public override void Draw()
            GraphicsDeviceManager manager = this.Parameter;
            // TODo  manager

    public void FactoryTest()
        // doesn't compile because interface abstraction is enforced.
        Rectangle rectangle = Rectangle.Create(new GraphicsDeviceManager());

        // you get only the IDrawable returned.
        IDrawable service = Circle.Create(new GraphicsDeviceManager());


public interface IFoo<T> where T : new()
  void SomeMethod();

public class Foo : IFoo<Foo>
  // This will not compile
  public Foo(int x)


  #region ITest<Test> Members

  public void SomeMethod()
    throw new NotImplementedException();



public static class TypeHelper
  public static bool HasParameterlessConstructor(Object o)
    return HasParameterlessConstructor(o.GetType());

  public static bool HasParameterlessConstructor(Type t)
    // Usage: HasParameterlessConstructor(typeof(SomeType))
    return t.GetConstructor(new Type[0]) != null;
