
enum E;

void Foo(E e);

enum E {A, B, C};



enum E {







The underlying type of an enumeration is an integral type that can represent all the enumerator values defined in the enumeration. It is implementation-defined which integral type is used as the underlying type for an enumeration except that the underlying type shall not be larger than int unless the value of an enumerator cannot fit in an int or unsigned int. If the enumerator-list is empty, the underlying type is as if the enumeration had a single enumerator with value 0. The value of sizeof() applied to an enumeration type, an object of enumeration type, or an enumerator, is the value of sizeof() applied to the underlying type.



A class that has been declared but not defined, or an array of unknown size or of incomplete element type, is an incompletely-defined object type. A class type (such as "class X") might be incomplete at one point in a translation unit and complete later on; the type "class X" is the same type at both points. The declared type of an array object might be an array of incomplete class type and therefore incomplete; if the class type is completed later on in the translation unit, the array type becomes complete; the array type at those two points is the same type. The declared type of an array object might be an array of unknown size and therefore be incomplete at one point in a translation unit and complete later on; the array types at those two points ("array of unknown bound of T" and "array of N T") are different types. The type of a pointer to array of unknown size, or of a type defined by a typedef declaration to be an array of unknown size, cannot be completed.



一个有趣的实验可能是尝试在Visual Studio中向前声明枚举,然后强制它使用大于sizeof(int)的底层类型,看看会发生什么。





struct NAME { \
    enum e { VALUES }; \
    explicit NAME(TYPE v) : val(v) {} \
    NAME(e v) : val(v) {} \
    operator e() const { return e(val); } \
        TYPE val; \

这似乎是有效的: http://ideone.com/TYtP2



实际上,至少在所有流行的编译器上,指向枚举的指针的大小是一致的。例如,枚举的前向声明是由Visual c++作为语言扩展提供的。


ISO c++标准第7.2.5节:

The underlying type of an enumeration is an integral type that can represent all the enumerator values defined in the enumeration. It is implementation-defined which integral type is used as the underlying type for an enumeration except that the underlying type shall not be larger than int unless the value of an enumerator cannot fit in an int or unsigned int. If the enumerator-list is empty, the underlying type is as if the enumeration had a single enumerator with value 0. The value of sizeof() applied to an enumeration type, an object of enumeration type, or an enumerator, is the value of sizeof() applied to the underlying type.



在c++ 0X中,已经提出并接受了向前声明enum类型的语法。你可参阅前向申报枚举数(修订版3)的建议



The underlying type of an enumeration is an integral type that can represent all the enumerator values defined in the enumeration. It is implementation-defined which integral type is used as the underlying type for an enumeration except that the underlying type shall not be larger than int unless the value of an enumerator cannot fit in an int or unsigned int. If the enumerator-list is empty, the underlying type is as if the enumeration had a single enumerator with value 0. The value of sizeof() applied to an enumeration type, an object of enumeration type, or an enumerator, is the value of sizeof() applied to the underlying type.



A class that has been declared but not defined, or an array of unknown size or of incomplete element type, is an incompletely-defined object type. A class type (such as "class X") might be incomplete at one point in a translation unit and complete later on; the type "class X" is the same type at both points. The declared type of an array object might be an array of incomplete class type and therefore incomplete; if the class type is completed later on in the translation unit, the array type becomes complete; the array type at those two points is the same type. The declared type of an array object might be an array of unknown size and therefore be incomplete at one point in a translation unit and complete later on; the array types at those two points ("array of unknown bound of T" and "array of N T") are different types. The type of a pointer to array of unknown size, or of a type defined by a typedef declaration to be an array of unknown size, cannot be completed.



一个有趣的实验可能是尝试在Visual Studio中向前声明枚举,然后强制它使用大于sizeof(int)的底层类型,看看会发生什么。