使用rand(5)随机地用0或1填充每一位。 例如:调用rand(5)和
如果结果是1或2,则用0填充位 如果结果是4或5,则用1填充位 如果结果是3,则忽略并重新执行(拒绝)
public static int random_7() {
int returnValue = 0;
while (returnValue == 0) {
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
returnValue = (returnValue << 1) + random_5_output_2();
return returnValue;
private static int random_5_output_2() {
while (true) {
int flip = random_5();
if (flip < 3) {
return 0;
else if (flip > 3) {
return 1;
知道5*7=35 7/5 = 1余数为2。如何保证余数之和始终为0?5*[7/5 = 1余数2]——> 35/5 = 7余数0
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# display is a notebook function FYI
def rand5(): ## random uniform int [1...5]
return np.random.randint(1,6)
n_trials = 1000
samples = [rand5() for _ in range(n_trials)]
# 4 0.2042
# 5 0.2041
# 2 0.2010
# 1 0.1981
# 3 0.1926
# dtype: float64
def rand7(): # magic algebra
x = sum(rand5() for _ in range(7))
return x%7 + 1
samples = [rand7() for _ in range(n_trials)]
# 6 1475
# 2 1475
# 3 1456
# 1 1423
# 7 1419
# 4 1393
# 5 1359
# dtype: int64
df = pd.DataFrame([
pd.Series([rand7() for _ in range(n_trials)]).value_counts(normalize=True)
for _ in range(1000)
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
# count 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000
# mean 0.142885 0.142928 0.142523 0.142266 0.142704 0.143048 0.143646
# std 0.010807 0.011526 0.010966 0.011223 0.011052 0.010983 0.011153
# min 0.112000 0.108000 0.101000 0.110000 0.100000 0.109000 0.110000
# 25% 0.135000 0.135000 0.135000 0.135000 0.135000 0.135000 0.136000
# 50% 0.143000 0.142000 0.143000 0.142000 0.143000 0.142000 0.143000
# 75% 0.151000 0.151000 0.150000 0.150000 0.150000 0.150000 0.151000
# max 0.174000 0.181000 0.175000 0.178000 0.189000 0.176000 0.179000
import random
def rand5():
return random.randint(1, 5)
def rand7():
while True:
r = 5 * (rand5() - 1) + rand5()
#r is now uniformly random between 1 and 25
if (r <= 21):
#result is now uniformly random between 1 and 7
return r % 7 + 1
int rand7 ( void )
return 4; // this number has been calculated using
// rand5() and is in the range 1..7
The entropy of a random variable is a well-defined quantity. For a random variable which takes on N states with equal probabilities (a uniform distribution), the entropy is log2 N. Thus, rand5() has approximately 2.32193 bits of entropy, and rand7() has about 2.80735 bits of entropy. If we hope to maximize our use of randomness, we need to use all 2.32193 bits of entropy from each call to rand5(), and apply them to generating 2.80735 bits of entropy needed for each call to rand7(). The fundamental limit, then, is that we can do no better than log(7)/log(5) = 1.20906 calls to rand5() per call to rand7().
So how do we do it? We generate an infinitely precise random real number between 0 and 1 (pretend for the moment that we could actually compute and store such an infinitely precise number -- we'll fix this later). We can generate such a number by generating its digits in base 5: we pick the random number 0.a1a2a3..., where each digit ai is chosen by a call to rand5(). For example, if our RNG chose ai = 1 for all i, then ignoring the fact that that isn't very random, that would correspond to the real number 1/5 + 1/52 + 1/53 + ... = 1/4 (sum of a geometric series).
Ok, so we've picked a random real number between 0 and 1. I now claim that such a random number is uniformly distributed. Intuitively, this is easy to understand, since each digit was picked uniformly, and the number is infinitely precise. However, a formal proof of this is somewhat more involved, since now we're dealing with a continuous distribution instead of a discrete distribution, so we need to prove that the probability that our number lies in an interval [a, b] equals the length of that interval, b - a. The proof is left as an exercise for the reader =).
乘以7 结果的积分部分是下一个以7为基数的数字 减去积分部分,只留下小数部分 转到第一步
为了处理无限精度的问题,我们计算一个部分结果,并存储结果的上界。也就是说,假设我们调用rand5()两次,两次都返回1。到目前为止,我们生成的数字是0.11(以5为基数)。无论rand5()调用的无限序列的剩余部分产生什么,我们生成的随机实数永远不会大于0.12:0.11≤0.11xyz…< 0.12。
import random
rand5_calls = 0
def rand5():
global rand5_calls
rand5_calls += 1
return random.randint(0, 4)
def rand7_gen():
state = 0
pow5 = 1
pow7 = 7
while True:
if state / pow5 == (state + pow7) / pow5:
result = state / pow5
state = (state - result * pow5) * 7
pow7 *= 7
yield result
state = 5 * state + pow7 * rand5()
pow5 *= 5
if __name__ == '__main__':
r7 = rand7_gen()
N = 10000
x = list(next(r7) for i in range(N))
distr = [x.count(i) for i in range(7)]
expmean = N / 7.0
expstddev = math.sqrt(N * (1.0/7.0) * (6.0/7.0))
print '%d TRIALS' % N
print 'Expected mean: %.1f' % expmean
print 'Expected standard deviation: %.1f' % expstddev
for i in range(7):
print '%d: %d (%+.3f stddevs)' % (i, distr[i], (distr[i] - expmean) / expstddev)
print 'Calls to rand5: %d (average of %f per call to rand7)' % (rand5_calls, float(rand5_calls) / N)
注意,rand7_gen()返回一个生成器,因为它的内部状态涉及到将数字转换为以7为基数。测试工具调用next(r7) 10000次以产生10000个随机数,然后测量它们的分布。只使用整数数学,所以结果是完全正确的。
X = 5^n(在他的例子中,n=2) 操作n个rand5次调用以获得范围[1,x]内的数字y Z = ((int)(x / 7)) * 7 如果y > z,再试一次。否则返回y % 7 + 1
当n = 2时,有4种可能:y ={22,23,24,25}。如果你使用n = 6,你只有1个扔掉的东西:y ={15625}。
5^6 is 15625 7 times 2232 is 15624