int intersezione_linee(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int x4, int y4, int& p_x, int& p_y)
//L1: estremi (x1,y1)(x2,y2) L2: estremi (x3,y3)(x3,y3)
int d;
d = (x1-x2)*(y3-y4) - (y1-y2)*(x3-x4);
return 0;
p_x = ((x1*y2-y1*x2)*(x3-x4) - (x1-x2)*(x3*y4-y3*x4))/d;
p_y = ((x1*y2-y1*x2)*(y3-y4) - (y1-y2)*(x3*y4-y3*x4))/d;
return 1;
int in_bounding_box(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int p_x, int p_y)
return p_x>=x1 && p_x<=x2 && p_y>=y1 && p_y<=y2;
int intersezione_segmenti(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int x4, int y4, int& p_x, int& p_y)
if (!intersezione_linee(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,p_x,p_y))
return 0;
return in_bounding_box(x1,y1,x2,y2,p_x,p_y) && in_bounding_box(x3,y3,x4,y4,p_x,p_y);
例如,考虑点A(10,10) B(20,20) C(10,1) D(1,10) h=。5然而,通过检查可以清楚地看到,这些部分彼此一点也不接近。
将其绘制成图可以清楚地看出,0 < h < 1条件仅表明如果存在截距点,则截距点将位于CD上,而不告诉我们该点是否位于AB上。 为了确保有一个交叉点,你必须对变量g进行对称计算,拦截的要求是: 0 < g < 1 AND 0 < h < 1
有一个很好的方法来解决这个问题就是用向量叉乘。定义二维向量叉乘v × w为vx wy−vy wx。
假设这两条线段从p到p + r,从q到q + s。那么第一行上的任意点都可以表示为p + t r(对于标量参数t),第二行上的任意点可以表示为q + u s(对于标量参数u)。
P + t r = q + u s
(p + r) × s = (q + u s) × s
由于s × s = 0,这意味着
T (r × s) = (q−p) × s
T = (q−p) × s / (r × s)
(p + r) × r = (q + u s) × r U (s × r) = (p−q) × r U = (p−q) × r / (s × r)
为了减少计算步骤,可以方便地将其重写为以下形式(记住s × r =−r × s):
U = q−p × r / (r × s)
If r × s = 0 and (q − p) × r = 0, then the two lines are collinear. In this case, express the endpoints of the second segment (q and q + s) in terms of the equation of the first line segment (p + t r): t0 = (q − p) · r / (r · r) t1 = (q + s − p) · r / (r · r) = t0 + s · r / (r · r) If the interval between t0 and t1 intersects the interval [0, 1] then the line segments are collinear and overlapping; otherwise they are collinear and disjoint. Note that if s and r point in opposite directions, then s · r < 0 and so the interval to be checked is [t1, t0] rather than [t0, t1]. If r × s = 0 and (q − p) × r ≠ 0, then the two lines are parallel and non-intersecting. If r × s ≠ 0 and 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ u ≤ 1, the two line segments meet at the point p + t r = q + u s. Otherwise, the two line segments are not parallel but do not intersect.
来源:该方法是3D线相交算法的2维专门化,来自Ronald Goldman发表在Graphics Gems,第304页的文章“三条线在三维空间中的相交”。在三维空间中,通常的情况是直线是倾斜的(既不平行也不相交),在这种情况下,该方法给出了两条直线最接近的点。
这是基于Gareth Ree的回答。它还返回线段重叠的情况。用c++编写的V是一个简单的向量类。其中二维中两个向量的外积返回一个标量。通过了学校自动测试系统的测试。
//Required input point must be colinear with the line
bool on_segment(const V& p, const LineSegment& l)
//If a point is on the line, the sum of the vectors formed by the point to the line endpoints must be equal
V va = p - l.pa;
V vb = p - l.pb;
R ma = va.magnitude();
R mb = vb.magnitude();
R ml = (l.pb - l.pa).magnitude();
R s = ma + mb;
bool r = s <= ml + epsilon;
return r;
//Compute using vector math
// Returns 0 points if the lines do not intersect or overlap
// Returns 1 point if the lines intersect
// Returns 2 points if the lines overlap, contain the points where overlapping start starts and stop
std::vector<V> intersect(const LineSegment& la, const LineSegment& lb)
std::vector<V> r;
V oa, ob, da, db; //Origin and direction vectors
R sa, sb; //Scalar values
oa = la.pa;
da = la.pb - la.pa;
ob = lb.pa;
db = lb.pb - lb.pa;
if (da.cross(db) == 0 && (ob - oa).cross(da) == 0) //If colinear
if (on_segment(lb.pa, la) && on_segment(lb.pb, la))
dprintf("colinear, overlapping\n");
return r;
if (on_segment(la.pa, lb) && on_segment(la.pb, lb))
dprintf("colinear, overlapping\n");
return r;
if (on_segment(la.pa, lb))
if (on_segment(la.pb, lb))
if (on_segment(lb.pa, la))
if (on_segment(lb.pb, la))
if (r.size() == 0)
dprintf("colinear, non-overlapping\n");
dprintf("colinear, overlapping\n");
return r;
if (da.cross(db) == 0 && (ob - oa).cross(da) != 0)
dprintf("parallel non-intersecting\n");
return r;
//Math trick db cross db == 0, which is a single scalar in 2D.
//Crossing both sides with vector db gives:
sa = (ob - oa).cross(db) / da.cross(db);
//Crossing both sides with vector da gives
sb = (oa - ob).cross(da) / db.cross(da);
if (0 <= sa && sa <= 1 && 0 <= sb && sb <= 1)
r.push_back(oa + da * sa);
return r;
dprintf("non-intersecting, non-parallel, non-colinear, non-overlapping\n");
return r;
FWIW,下面的函数(在C中)既检测线的交点,又确定交点。这是基于Andre LeMothe的“Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus”中的一个算法。这与其他答案(例如Gareth的答案)中的一些算法并没有什么不同。然后LeMothe使用克莱默法则(不要问我)来解这些方程。
我可以证明它在我的小行星克隆中起作用,并且似乎正确地处理了Elemental, Dan和Wodzu在其他答案中描述的边缘情况。它也可能比KingNestor发布的代码快,因为它都是乘法和除法,没有平方根!
// Returns 1 if the lines intersect, otherwise 0. In addition, if the lines
// intersect the intersection point may be stored in the floats i_x and i_y.
char get_line_intersection(float p0_x, float p0_y, float p1_x, float p1_y,
float p2_x, float p2_y, float p3_x, float p3_y, float *i_x, float *i_y)
float s1_x, s1_y, s2_x, s2_y;
s1_x = p1_x - p0_x; s1_y = p1_y - p0_y;
s2_x = p3_x - p2_x; s2_y = p3_y - p2_y;
float s, t;
s = (-s1_y * (p0_x - p2_x) + s1_x * (p0_y - p2_y)) / (-s2_x * s1_y + s1_x * s2_y);
t = ( s2_x * (p0_y - p2_y) - s2_y * (p0_x - p2_x)) / (-s2_x * s1_y + s1_x * s2_y);
if (s >= 0 && s <= 1 && t >= 0 && t <= 1)
// Collision detected
if (i_x != NULL)
*i_x = p0_x + (t * s1_x);
if (i_y != NULL)
*i_y = p0_y + (t * s1_y);
return 1;
return 0; // No collision
(4 * (4-1) + 12 * (7-1))/(17 * 4 + 12 * 10) = 844/0.88 = 0.44
bool IsBetween (float x, float b1, float b2)
return ( ((x >= (b1 - 0.1f)) &&
(x <= (b2 + 0.1f))) ||
((x >= (b2 - 0.1f)) &&
(x <= (b1 + 0.1f))));
bool IsSegmentsColliding( POINTFLOAT lineA,
float deltaX1 = lineB.x - lineA.x;
float deltaX2 = line2B.x - line2A.x;
float deltaY1 = lineB.y - lineA.y;
float deltaY2 = line2B.y - line2A.y;
if (abs(deltaX1) < 0.01f &&
abs(deltaX2) < 0.01f) // Both are vertical lines
return false;
if (abs((deltaY1 / deltaX1) -
(deltaY2 / deltaX2)) < 0.001f) // Two parallel line
return false;
float xCol = ( ( (deltaX1 * deltaX2) *
(line2A.y - lineA.y)) -
(line2A.x * deltaY2 * deltaX1) +
(lineA.x * deltaY1 * deltaX2)) /
((deltaY1 * deltaX2) - (deltaY2 * deltaX1));
float yCol = 0;
if (deltaX1 < 0.01f) // L1 is a vertical line
yCol = ((xCol * deltaY2) +
(line2A.y * deltaX2) -
(line2A.x * deltaY2)) / deltaX2;
else // L1 is acceptable
yCol = ((xCol * deltaY1) +
(lineA.y * deltaX1) -
(lineA.x * deltaY1)) / deltaX1;
bool isCol = IsBetween(xCol, lineA.x, lineB.x) &&
IsBetween(yCol, lineA.y, lineB.y) &&
IsBetween(xCol, line2A.x, line2B.x) &&
IsBetween(yCol, line2A.y, line2B.y);
return isCol;