public void Initialize()
FileSystemWatcher _fileWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
_fileWatcher.Path = "C:\\Folder";
_fileWatcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite;
_fileWatcher.Filter = "Version.txt";
_fileWatcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);
_fileWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
private void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
using System.Threading; // used for backgroundworker
using System.Diagnostics; // used for file information
private static IDictionary<string, string> fileModifiedTable = new Dictionary<string, string>(); // used to keep track of our changed events
private void fswFileWatch_Changed( object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e )
//check if we already have this value in our dictionary.
if ( fileModifiedTable.TryGetValue( e.FullPath, out sEmpty ) )
//compare timestamps
if ( fileModifiedTable[ e.FullPath ] != File.GetLastWriteTime( e.FullPath ).ToString() )
//lock the table
lock ( fileModifiedTable )
//make sure our file is still valid
if ( File.Exists( e.FullPath ) )
// create a new background worker to do our task while the main thread stays awake. Also give it do work and work completed handlers
BackgroundWorker newThreadWork = new BackgroundWorker();
newThreadWork.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler( bgwNewThread_DoWork );
newThreadWork.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler( bgwNewThread_RunWorkerCompleted );
// capture the path
string eventFilePath = e.FullPath;
List<object> arguments = new List<object>();
// add arguments to pass to the background worker
arguments.Add( eventFilePath );
arguments.Add( newEvent.File_Modified );
// start the new thread with the arguments
newThreadWork.RunWorkerAsync( arguments );
fileModifiedTable[ e.FullPath ] = File.GetLastWriteTime( e.FullPath ).ToString(); //update the modified table with the new timestamp of the file.
FILE_MODIFIED_FLAG.WaitOne(); // wait for the modified thread to complete before firing the next thread in the event multiple threads are being worked on.
catch ( IOException IOExcept )
//catch any errors
postError( IOExcept, "fswFileWatch_Changed" );
let createWatcher path filter () =
new FileSystemWatcher(
Path = path,
Filter = filter,
EnableRaisingEvents = true,
SynchronizingObject = null // not needed for console applications
let createSources (fsWatcher: FileSystemWatcher) =
// use here needed events only.
// convert `Error` and `Renamed` events to be merded
[| fsWatcher.Changed :> IObservable<_>
fsWatcher.Deleted :> IObservable<_>
fsWatcher.Created :> IObservable<_>
//fsWatcher.Renamed |> Observable.map renamedToNeeded
//fsWatcher.Error |> Observable.map errorToNeeded
|] |> Observable.mergeArray
let handle (e: FileSystemEventArgs) =
printfn "handle %A event '%s' '%s' " e.ChangeType e.Name e.FullPath
let watch path filter throttleTime =
// disposes watcher if observer subscription is disposed
Observable.using (createWatcher path filter) createSources
// filter out multiple equal events
|> Observable.distinctUntilChanged
// filter out multiple Changed
|> Observable.throttle throttleTime
|> Observable.subscribe handle
let main _args =
let path = @"C:\Temp\WatchDir"
let filter = "*.zip"
let throttleTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds 10.
use _subscription = watch path filter throttleTime
System.Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
0 // return an integer exit code