首选语言:C/ c++、Java、Ruby。

我正在寻找一些关于如何编写自己的编译器的有用书籍/教程,只是为了教育目的。我最熟悉C/ c++、Java和Ruby,所以我更喜欢包含这三者之一的资源,但任何好的资源都是可以接受的。






A Nanopass Framework for Compiler Education ¶ Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation $ An Incremental Approach to Compiler Construction ¶ ANTLR 3.x Video Tutorial Basics of Compiler Design Building a Parrot Compiler Compiler Basics Compiler Construction $ Compiler Design and Construction $ Crafting a Compiler with C $ Crafting Interpreters [Compiler Design in C] 12 ¶ Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools $ — aka "The Dragon Book"; widely considered "the book" for compiler writing. Engineering a Compiler $ Essentials of Programming Languages Flipcode Article Archive (look for "Implementing A Scripting Engine by Jan Niestadt") Game Scripting Mastery $ How to build a virtual machine from scratch in C# ¶ Implementing Functional Languages Implementing Programming Languages (with BNFC) Implementing Programming Languages using C# 4.0 Interpreter pattern (described in Design Patterns $) specifies a way to evaluate sentences in a language Language Implementation Patterns: Create Your Own Domain-Specific and General Programming Languages $ Let's Build a Compiler by Jack Crenshaw — The PDF ¶ version (examples are in Pascal, but the information is generally applicable) Linkers and Loaders $ (Google Books) Lisp in Small Pieces (LiSP) $ LLVM Tutorial Modern Compiler Implementation in ML $ — There is a Java $ and C $ version as well - widely considered a very good book Object-Oriented Compiler Construction $ Parsing Techniques - A Practical Guide Project Oberon ¶ - Look at chapter 13 Programming a Personal Computer $ Programing Languages: Application and Interpretation Rabbit: A Compiler for Scheme¶ Reflections on Trusting Trust — A quick guide Roll Your Own Compiler for the .NET framework — A quick tutorial from MSDN Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Types and Programming Languages Want to Write a Compiler? - a quick guide Writing a Compiler in Ruby Bottom Up Compiling a Lisp — compile directly to x86-64


链接到PDF文件 $印刷书籍的链接

这是一个庞大的课题。不要低估这一点。不要低估我的观点。 我听说龙之书是一个(?)开始的地方,连同搜索。(收集学会寻找,最终它将成为你的人生。 构建自己的编程语言绝对是一个很好的练习!但你要知道,它最终永远不会被用于任何实际目的。这种情况很少有例外。

I think Modern Compiler Implementation in ML is the best introductory compiler writing text. There's a Java version and a C version too, either of which might be more accessible given your languages background. The book packs a lot of useful basic material (scanning and parsing, semantic analysis, activation records, instruction selection, RISC and x86 native code generation) and various "advanced" topics (compiling OO and functional languages, polymorphism, garbage collection, optimization and single static assignment form) into relatively little space (~500 pages).


I must confess I have a serious soft spot for Niklaus Wirth's Compiler Construction. It is available online as a PDF. I find Wirth's programming aesthetic simply beautiful, however some people find his style too minimal (for example Wirth favors recursive descent parsers, but most CS courses focus on parser generator tools; Wirth's language designs are fairly conservative.) Compiler Construction is a very succinct distillation of Wirth's basic ideas, so whether you like his style or not or not, I highly recommend reading this book.

弗雷泽和汉森的LCC编译器(维基百科)(项目主页)(github.com/drh/lcc)在他们的书“A Retargetable C编译器:设计和实现”中有描述。它是相当可读的,并解释了整个编译器,直到代码生成。



