我整晚都在尝试着解决《Towers of Hanoi》这款游戏,结果完全出乎我的意料。我的课本只有大约30页关于递归的内容,所以它不是很有用。有人知道哪些书籍或资源可以帮助澄清这个话题吗?
我整晚都在尝试着解决《Towers of Hanoi》这款游戏,结果完全出乎我的意料。我的课本只有大约30页关于递归的内容,所以它不是很有用。有人知道哪些书籍或资源可以帮助澄清这个话题吗?
1:假设你有一个函数对f(n-1)是正确的,构造f使f(n)是正确的。 2:构造f,使得f(1)是正确的。
This is how you can prove that the function is correct, mathematically, and it's called Induction. It is equivalent to have different base cases, or more complicated functions on multiple variables). It is also equivalent to imagine that f(x) is correct for all x Now for a "simple" example. Build a function that can determine if it is possible to have a coin combination of 5 cents and 7 cents to make x cents. For example, it's possible to have 17 cents by 2x5 + 1x7, but impossible to have 16 cents. Now imagine you have a function that tells you if it's possible to create x cents, as long as x < n. Call this function can_create_coins_small. It should be fairly simple to imagine how to make the function for n. Now build your function: bool can_create_coins(int n) { if (n >= 7 && can_create_coins_small(n-7)) return true; else if (n >= 5 && can_create_coins_small(n-5)) return true; else return false; } The trick here is to realize that the fact that can_create_coins works for n, means that you can substitute can_create_coins for can_create_coins_small, giving: bool can_create_coins(int n) { if (n >= 7 && can_create_coins(n-7)) return true; else if (n >= 5 && can_create_coins(n-5)) return true; else return false; } One last thing to do is to have a base case to stop infinite recursion. Note that if you are trying to create 0 cents, then that is possible by having no coins. Adding this condition gives: bool can_create_coins(int n) { if (n == 0) return true; else if (n >= 7 && can_create_coins(n-7)) return true; else if (n >= 5 && can_create_coins(n-5)) return true; else return false; } It can be proven that this function will always return, using a method called infinite descent, but that isn't necessary here. You can imagine that f(n) only calls lower values of n, and will always eventually reach 0. To use this information to solve your Tower of Hanoi problem, I think the trick is to assume you have a function to move n-1 tablets from a to b (for any a/b), trying to move n tables from a to b.
public void PrintFolderNames(DirectoryInfo directory)
DirectoryInfo[] children = directory.GetDirectories();
foreach(var child in children)
PrintFolderNames(child); // See we call ourself here...
Ouch. I tried to figure out the Towers of Hanoi last year. The tricky thing about TOH is it's not a simple example of recursion - you have nested recursions which also change the roles of towers on each call. The only way I could get it to make sense was to literally visualize the movement of the rings in my mind's eye, and verbalize what the recursive call would be. I would start with a single ring, then two, then three. I actually ordered the game on the internet. It took me maybe two or three days of cracking my brains to get it.
function repeat()
public printBar(length)
String holder = "";
for (int index = 0; i < length; i++)
holder += "*"
return holder;
public String printBar(int Length) // Method, to call the recursive function
printBar(length, 0);
public String printBar(int length, int index) //Overloaded recursive method
// To get a better idea of how this works without a for loop
// you can also replace this if/else with the for loop and
// operationally, it should do the same thing.
if (index >= length)
return "";
return "*" + printBar(length, index + 1); // Make recursive call
简而言之,递归是一种编写更少代码的好方法。在后面的printBar中,请注意我们有一个if语句。如果我们的条件已经达到,我们将退出递归并返回到前一个方法,该方法返回到前一个方法,等等。如果我发送一个printBar(8),我得到********。我希望通过一个简单函数的例子,它做的事情与for循环相同,这可能会有所帮助。不过,您可以在Java Bat中进行更多的练习。