我试图写一个c++程序,从用户获取以下输入来构造矩形(2和5之间):高度,宽度,x-pos, y-pos。所有这些矩形都平行于x轴和y轴,也就是说它们所有边的斜率都是0或无穷大。



// Gets all the vertices for Rectangle 1 and stores them in an array -> arrRect1
// point 1 x: arrRect1[0], point 1 y: arrRect1[1] and so on...
// Gets all the vertices for Rectangle 2 and stores them in an array -> arrRect2

// rotated edge of point a, rect 1
int rot_x, rot_y;
rot_x = -arrRect1[3];
rot_y = arrRect1[2];
// point on rotated edge
int pnt_x, pnt_y;
pnt_x = arrRect1[2]; 
pnt_y = arrRect1[3];
// test point, a from rect 2
int tst_x, tst_y;
tst_x = arrRect2[0];
tst_y = arrRect2[1];

int value;
value = (rot_x * (tst_x - pnt_x)) + (rot_y * (tst_y - pnt_y));
cout << "Value: " << value;  




struct rect
    int x;
    int y;
    int width;
    int height;

bool valueInRange(int value, int min, int max)
{ return (value >= min) && (value <= max); }

bool rectOverlap(rect A, rect B)
    bool xOverlap = valueInRange(A.x, B.x, B.x + B.width) ||
                    valueInRange(B.x, A.x, A.x + A.width);

    bool yOverlap = valueInRange(A.y, B.y, B.y + B.height) ||
                    valueInRange(B.y, A.y, A.y + A.height);

    return xOverlap && yOverlap;



**3.28(几何:两个矩形)编写一个程序,提示用户进入 中心x, y坐标,宽度和高度的两个矩形,并确定 第二个矩形是在第一个矩形的内部还是与第一个矩形重叠,如图所示 如图3.9所示。测试您的程序以覆盖所有情况。 下面是示例运行:

输入r1的中心x坐标,y坐标,宽度和高度:2.5 4 2.5 43 输入r2的中心x坐标,y坐标,宽度和高度:1.5 5 0.5 3 R2在r1里面

输入r1的中心x坐标,y坐标,宽度和高度:1 2 3 5.5 输入r2的中心x坐标,y坐标,宽度和高度:3 4 4.5 5 R2和r1重叠

输入r1的中心x坐标,y坐标,宽度和高度:1 2 3 3 输入r2的中心x坐标,y坐标,宽度和高度:40 45 3 2 R2不与r1重叠

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ProgrammingEx3_28 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

            .print("Enter r1's center x-, y-coordinates, width, and height:");
    double x1 = input.nextDouble();
    double y1 = input.nextDouble();
    double w1 = input.nextDouble();
    double h1 = input.nextDouble();
    w1 = w1 / 2;
    h1 = h1 / 2;
            .print("Enter r2's center x-, y-coordinates, width, and height:");
    double x2 = input.nextDouble();
    double y2 = input.nextDouble();
    double w2 = input.nextDouble();
    double h2 = input.nextDouble();
    w2 = w2 / 2;
    h2 = h2 / 2;

    // Calculating range of r1 and r2
    double x1max = x1 + w1;
    double y1max = y1 + h1;
    double x1min = x1 - w1;
    double y1min = y1 - h1;
    double x2max = x2 + w2;
    double y2max = y2 + h2;
    double x2min = x2 - w2;
    double y2min = y2 - h2;

    if (x1max == x2max && x1min == x2min && y1max == y2max
            && y1min == y2min) {
        // Check if the two are identicle
        System.out.print("r1 and r2 are indentical");

    } else if (x1max <= x2max && x1min >= x2min && y1max <= y2max
            && y1min >= y2min) {
        // Check if r1 is in r2
        System.out.print("r1 is inside r2");
    } else if (x2max <= x1max && x2min >= x1min && y2max <= y1max
            && y2min >= y1min) {
        // Check if r2 is in r1
        System.out.print("r2 is inside r1");
    } else if (x1max < x2min || x1min > x2max || y1max < y2min
            || y2min > y1max) {
        // Check if the two overlap
        System.out.print("r2 does not overlaps r1");
    } else {
        System.out.print("r2 overlaps r1");



 * Check if two rectangles collide
 * x_1, y_1, width_1, and height_1 define the boundaries of the first rectangle
 * x_2, y_2, width_2, and height_2 define the boundaries of the second rectangle
boolean rectangle_collision(float x_1, float y_1, float width_1, float height_1, float x_2, float y_2, float width_2, float height_2)
  return !(x_1 > x_2+width_2 || x_1+width_1 < x_2 || y_1 > y_2+height_2 || y_1+height_1 < y_2);

首先要记住在计算机中坐标系统是颠倒的。x轴与数学中的相同,但y轴向下增大,向上减小。 如果矩形是从中心画的。 如果x1坐标大于x2加上它的一半宽。然后这意味着他们会互相接触。用同样的方法向下+一半高。它会碰撞的。


return std::max(rectA.left, rectB.left) < std::min(rectA.right, rectB.right)
    && std::max(rectA.top, rectB.top) < std::min(rectA.bottom, rectB.bottom);


What is the advantage of this method over the conventional alternative of 4 comparisons? It's about how modern processors are designed. They have something called branch prediction, which works well when the result of a comparison is always the same, but have a huge performance penalty otherwise. However, in the absence of branch instructions, the CPU performs quite well. By calculating the borders of the intersection instead of having two separate checks for each axis, we're saving two branches, one per pair.



If you expect the checked rectangles to be predominantly to the left or right of each other, then the method above works best. This is probably the case, for example, when you're using the rectangle intersection to check collisions for a game, where the game objects are predominantly distributed horizontally (e.g. a SuperMarioBros-like game). If you expect the checked rectangles to be predominantly to the top or bottom of each other, e.g. in an Icy Tower type of game, then checking top/bottom first and left/right last will probably be faster:

return std::max(rectA.top, rectB.top) < std::min(rectA.bottom, rectB.bottom)
    && std::max(rectA.left, rectB.left) < std::min(rectA.right, rectB.right);


return std::max(rectA.left, rectB.left) < std::min(rectA.right, rectB.right)
     & std::max(rectA.top, rectB.top) < std::min(rectA.bottom, rectB.bottom);



设x1, y1x2,y2,l1,b1,l2分别为它们的坐标和长、宽

考虑条件((x2 现在,这两个矩形重叠的唯一方式是,如果点(x1,y1)的对角线在另一个矩形内或者类似地,点(x2,y2)的对角线在另一个矩形内。这正是上面的条件所暗示的。

struct rect
    int x;
    int y;
    int width;
    int height;

bool valueInRange(int value, int min, int max)
{ return (value >= min) && (value <= max); }

bool rectOverlap(rect A, rect B)
    bool xOverlap = valueInRange(A.x, B.x, B.x + B.width) ||
                    valueInRange(B.x, A.x, A.x + A.width);

    bool yOverlap = valueInRange(A.y, B.y, B.y + B.height) ||
                    valueInRange(B.y, A.y, A.y + A.height);

    return xOverlap && yOverlap;