比如O(n²)的运算会怎样? 如果一个操作是O(nlog (n))这是什么意思? 有人必须吸可卡因才能写出O(x!)吗?
比如O(n²)的运算会怎样? 如果一个操作是O(nlog (n))这是什么意思? 有人必须吸可卡因才能写出O(x!)吗?
同样,在LogY/LogX尺度上,函数n1/2, n, n2都看起来像直线,而在LogY/X尺度上,2n, en, 10n是直线和n!是线性的(看起来像n log n)
假设一个冰淇淋小贩准备了许多不同形状的冰淇淋(比如N个),按顺序排列。 你想吃中间的冰淇淋
情况1:只有吃完所有比它小的冰淇淋,你才能吃冰淇淋 你将不得不吃掉一半准备好的冰淇淋(输入)。答案直接取决于输入的大小 解是o(N)阶的
情况3:只有当你吃完所有比它小的冰淇淋时,你才能吃冰淇淋,每次你吃冰淇淋时,你都允许另一个孩子(每次都是新孩子)吃掉他所有的冰淇淋 总时间为N + N + N.......(N/2)次 溶液是O(N2)
big - o符号对代码的重要意义在于,当它所操作的“事物”数量增加一倍时,它将如何扩展。这里有一个具体的例子:
Big-O | computations for 10 things | computations for 100 things ---------------------------------------------------------------------- O(1) | 1 | 1 O(log(n)) | 3 | 7 O(n) | 10 | 100 O(n log(n)) | 30 | 700 O(n^2) | 100 | 10000
快速排序是O(nlog (n))而冒泡排序是O(n²)当排序10个东西时,快速排序比冒泡排序快3倍。但当对100个东西进行排序时,速度要快14倍!显然,选择最快的算法很重要。当您访问具有数百万行的数据库时,这可能意味着您的查询在0.2秒内执行,而不是花费数小时。
澄清: 实际上,Big-O并没有说不同算法在同一特定大小点上的性能比较,而是说同一算法在不同大小点上的性能比较:
computations computations computations Big-O | for 10 things | for 100 things | for 1000 things ---------------------------------------------------------------------- O(1) | 1 | 1 | 1 O(log(n)) | 1 | 3 | 7 O(n) | 1 | 10 | 100 O(n log(n)) | 1 | 33 | 664 O(n^2) | 1 | 100 | 10000
O(N log N)意味着对于每个元素,你只需要看log N个元素。这通常是因为你知道一些元素,可以让你做出有效的选择。最有效的排序就是一个例子,比如归并排序。
如果某个东西是O(f(n)),那么它在n个元素上的运行时间将等于A f(n) + B(以时钟周期或CPU操作为单位)。理解这些常量A和B是非常关键的,它们来自特定的实现。B本质上代表你的操作的“常量开销”,例如你所做的一些预处理不依赖于集合的大小。A表示实际项目处理算法的速度。
So the real deal is f(n). If f grows not at all with n, e.g. f(n) = 1, then you'll scale fantastically---your running time will always just be A + B. If f grows linearly with n, i.e. f(n) = n, your running time will scale pretty much as best as can be expected---if your users are waiting 10 ns for 10 elements, they'll wait 10000 ns for 10000 elements (ignoring the additive constant). But if it grows faster, like n2, then you're in trouble; things will start slowing down way too much when you get larger collections. f(n) = n log(n) is a good compromise, usually: your operation can't be so simple as to give linear scaling, but you've managed to cut things down such that it'll scale much better than f(n) = n2.
O(1): retrieving an element from an array. We know exactly where it is in memory, so we just go get it. It doesn't matter if the collection has 10 items or 10000; it's still at index (say) 3, so we just jump to location 3 in memory. O(n): retrieving an element from a linked list. Here, A = 0.5, because on average you''ll have to go through 1/2 of the linked list before you find the element you're looking for. O(n2): various "dumb" sorting algorithms. Because generally their strategy involves, for each element (n), you look at all the other elements (so times another n, giving n2), then position yourself in the right place. O(n log(n)): various "smart" sorting algorithms. It turns out that you only need to look at, say, 10 elements in a 1010-element collection to intelligently sort yourself relative to everyone else in the collection. Because everyone else is also going to look at 10 elements, and the emergent behavior is orchestrated just right so that this is enough to produce a sorted list. O(n!): an algorithm that "tries everything," since there are (proportional to) n! possible combinations of n elements that might solve a given problem. So it just loops through all such combinations, tries them, then stops whenever it succeeds.
大多数Jon Bentley的书(例如Programming Pearls)都以一种非常实用的方式涵盖了这些内容。他的这次演讲中就包括了一个这样的快排分析。