Java 8允许在称为default methods的接口中默认实现方法。





假设某个企业所有者希望与Amazon和Walmart合作,那么这里定义的接口将是WalmartPartner, AmazonPartner将定义特定的业务规则,抽象类BusinessSetup将获得特定区域的业务设置。

// Interfaces
public interface WalmartPartner {
    public static boolean signUpForWalmartBusinessAccount(String BusinessId){
        System.out.println("Setting up Walmart Business Partner");
        return true;
    public default  void  getWalmartDeals(){
        System.out.println("Default walmart deal executed !");
    public abstract void setupShopifyForWalmart();
    public abstract  void setupWalmartProducts();

public interface AmazonPartner {
    public static boolean signUpAsAmazonServicePartner(String BusinessId){
        System.out.println("Setting up Amazon Business Partner");
        return true;
    public default  void  paymentPlatformSetup(){
        System.out.println(" Amazon default payment platform is setup");
    public abstract void setupPrimeMemberDealsByRegion();
    public abstract  void setupPrimeDeals();

 // Abstract class 

public abstract class BusinessSetup {
    String businessId ;
    public BusinessSetup(String businessId){
        this.businessId = businessId;
        System.out.println("1. Initial Business setup for BusienssID: "+this.businessId+" is Complete");
    public final boolean getBusinessRegisteredInRegion(String region){
        System.out.println("2. Business got registered in "+region+ "!");
        return true;
    public abstract void setupCustomerPlatform(String customerId);
    public abstract void setupVendorPlatform(String vendorId);


// Concrete Class 
public class WalMartPartnerImpl extends BusinessSetup implements WalmartPartner {
    public WalMartPartnerImpl(String businessId) {
    public void setupCustomerPlatform(String customerId) {

    public void setupVendorPlatform(String vendorId) {

    public void setupShopifyForWalmart() {

    public void setupWalmartProducts() {
    public static void main(String args[]){
        WalMartPartnerImpl walMartPartner = new WalMartPartnerImpl("wal8989");



有一些技术上的差异。与Java 8接口相比,抽象类仍然可以做更多的事情:

抽象类可以有构造函数。 抽象类更加结构化,可以保存状态。

从概念上讲,防御方法的主要目的是在Java 8中引入新特性(如lambda-functions)后实现向后兼容性。





实现默认方法,它将覆盖已实现接口中的实现。 重新声明方法(没有实现),使其抽象。 什么都不做(然后简单地继承实现接口的默认方法)。


Java Interface中的默认方法将更多地用于提供函数的虚拟实现,从而使该接口的任何实现类不必声明所有抽象方法,即使它们只想处理一个抽象方法。 因此,接口中的默认方法在某种程度上更像是适配器类概念的替代品。



Default methods have put an end to classic pattern of interface and a companion class that implements most or all of the methods in that interface. An example is Collection and AbstractCollection. Now we should implement the methods in the interface itself to provide default functionality. The classes which implement the interface has choice to override the methods or inherit the default implementation. Another important use of default methods is interface evolution. Suppose I had a class Ball as: public class Ball implements Collection { ... }

现在在Java 8中引入了一个新特性流。我们可以通过使用添加到接口的stream方法来获取流。如果stream不是默认方法,那么Collection接口的所有实现都将中断,因为它们不会实现这个新方法。向接口添加非默认方法与源不兼容。


Java 9甚至在接口中提供了私有方法,可以用来封装提供默认实现的接口方法中使用的公共代码逻辑。


abstract class: Inside abstract class we can declare instance variables, which are required to the child class Interface: Inside interface every variables is always public static and final we cannot declare instance variables abstract class: Abstract class can talk about state of object Interface: Interface can never talk about state of object abstract class: Inside Abstract class we can declare constructors Interface: Inside interface we cannot declare constructors as purpose of constructors is to initialize instance variables. So what is the need of constructor there if we cannot have instance variables in interfaces. abstract class: Inside abstract class we can declare instance and static blocks Interface: Interfaces cannot have instance and static blocks. abstract class: Abstract class cannot refer lambda expression Interfaces: Interfaces with single abstract method can refer lambda expression abstract class: Inside abstract class we can override OBJECT CLASS methods Interfaces: We cannot override OBJECT CLASS methods inside interfaces.


Default method concepts/static method concepts in interface came just to save implementation classes but not to provide meaningful useful implementation. Default methods/static methods are kind of dummy implementation, "if you want you can use them or you can override them (in case of default methods) in implementation class" Thus saving us from implementing new methods in implementation classes whenever new methods in interfaces are added. Therefore interfaces can never be equal to abstract classes.