

Methods of a Java interface are implicitly abstract and cannot have implementations. A Java abstract class can have instance methods that implements a default behaviour. Variables declared in a Java interface are by default final. An abstract class may contain non-final variables. Members of a Java interface are public by default. A Java abstract class can have the usual flavours of class members like private, protected, etc. A Java interface should be implemented using keyword “implements”; A Java abstract class should be extended using keyword “extends”. An interface can extend another Java interface only, an abstract class can extend another Java class and implement multiple Java interfaces. A Java class can implement multiple interfaces but it can extend only one abstract class.





抽象类不是纯粹的抽象,因为它是具体方法(已实现方法)和未实现方法的集合。 但 接口是纯抽象的,因为只有未实现的方法,没有具体的方法。


如果用户想为所有对象编写通用功能。 抽象类是未来重新实现的最佳选择,可以在不影响最终用户的情况下增加更多的功能。


如果用户想要编写不同的功能,那将是对象上的不同功能。 一旦接口发布,如果不需要修改需求,接口是最好的选择。


就连我也在多次面试中遇到过同样的问题,相信我,说服面试官会让你很痛苦。 如果我固有以上所有的答案,那么我需要增加一个关键点,使它更有说服力,并充分利用OO


想象一下,你使用了一个可消费的服务,或者你向世界提供了一些代码,你有机会修改一些东西,假设是一个安全检查 如果我是代码的消费者,并且在更新后的某个早上,我发现Eclipse中所有的读标记,整个应用程序都关闭了。 因此,为了避免这样的噩梦,请在接口上使用抽象




如果您已经知道它们的共同点,那么您就可以选择抽象类。例如,取一个抽象类Car。在更高的级别上实现常见的car方法,如calculateRPM()。这是一种常见的方法,你让客户端实现他自己的行为,比如 calculateMaxSpeed()等。也许你会举几个你在日常工作中遇到的真实例子来解释。





One more thing. Java 8 now allows you to put default code into an interface, further blurring the line between interfaces and abstract classes. But from what I have seen, that feature is overused even by the makers of the Java core libraries. That feature was added, and rightly so, to make it possible to extend an interface without creating binary incompatibility. But if you are making a brand new Type by defining an interface, then the interface should be JUST an interface. If you want to also provide common code, then by all means make a helper class (abstract or concrete). Don't be cluttering your interface from the start with functionality that you may want to change.


public interface LoginAuth{
   public String encryptPassword(String pass);
   public void checkDBforUser();


public class DBMySQL implements LoginAuth{
          // Needs to implement both methods
public class DBOracle implements LoginAuth{
          // Needs to implement both methods
public class DBAbc implements LoginAuth{
          // Needs to implement both methods



public abstract class LoginAuth{
   public String encryptPassword(String pass){
            // Implement the same default behavior here 
            // that is shared by all subclasses.

   // Each subclass needs to provide their own implementation of this only:
   public abstract void checkDBforUser();




An Interface is like the interface of a shop anything that is shown on it should be there in the shop, so any method in the Interface must be there implemented in the concrete class. Now what if some classes share some exact methods and varies in others. Suppose the Interface is about a shop that contains two things and suppose we have two shops both contain sport equipment but one has clothes extra and the other has shoes extra. So what you do is making an abstract class for Sport that implements the Sports method and leave the other method unimplemented. Abstract class here means that this shop doesn't exist itself but it is the base for other classes/shops. This way you are organising the code, avoiding errors of replicating the code, unifying the code, and ensuring re-usability by some other class.