

Methods of a Java interface are implicitly abstract and cannot have implementations. A Java abstract class can have instance methods that implements a default behaviour. Variables declared in a Java interface are by default final. An abstract class may contain non-final variables. Members of a Java interface are public by default. A Java abstract class can have the usual flavours of class members like private, protected, etc. A Java interface should be implemented using keyword “implements”; A Java abstract class should be extended using keyword “extends”. An interface can extend another Java interface only, an abstract class can extend another Java class and implement multiple Java interfaces. A Java class can implement multiple interfaces but it can extend only one abstract class.





抽象类不是纯粹的抽象,因为它是具体方法(已实现方法)和未实现方法的集合。 但 接口是纯抽象的,因为只有未实现的方法,没有具体的方法。


如果用户想为所有对象编写通用功能。 抽象类是未来重新实现的最佳选择,可以在不影响最终用户的情况下增加更多的功能。


如果用户想要编写不同的功能,那将是对象上的不同功能。 一旦接口发布,如果不需要修改需求,接口是最好的选择。









Interfaces are rules (rules because you must give an implementation to them that you can't ignore or avoid, so that they are imposed like rules) which works as a common understanding document among various teams in software development. Interfaces give the idea what is to be done but not how it will be done. So implementation completely depends on developer by following the given rules (means given signature of methods). Abstract classes may contain abstract declarations, concrete implementations, or both. Abstract declarations are like rules to be followed and concrete implementations are like guidelines (you can use it as it is or you can ignore it by overriding and giving your own implementation to it). Moreover which methods with same signature may change the behaviour in different context are provided as interface declarations as rules to implement accordingly in different contexts.

编辑:Java 8简化了在接口中定义默认方法和静态方法。

public interface SomeInterfaceOne {

    void usualAbstractMethod(String inputString);

    default void defaultMethod(String inputString){
        System.out.println("Inside SomeInterfaceOne defaultMethod::"+inputString);



public interface SomeInterfaceTwo {

    void usualAbstractMethod(String inputString);

    default void defaultMethod(String inputString){
        System.out.println("Inside SomeInterfaceTwo defaultMethod::"+inputString);



SomeInterfaceOne and SomeInterfaceTwo

并且没有实现常见的默认方法,编译器不能决定选择哪一个。 为了避免这个问题,在java 8中必须实现不同接口的通用缺省方法。如果任何类实现了上述两个接口,它必须提供defaultMethod()方法的实现,否则编译器将抛出编译时错误。


public interface LoginAuth{
   public String encryptPassword(String pass);
   public void checkDBforUser();


public class DBMySQL implements LoginAuth{
          // Needs to implement both methods
public class DBOracle implements LoginAuth{
          // Needs to implement both methods
public class DBAbc implements LoginAuth{
          // Needs to implement both methods



public abstract class LoginAuth{
   public String encryptPassword(String pass){
            // Implement the same default behavior here 
            // that is shared by all subclasses.

   // Each subclass needs to provide their own implementation of this only:
   public abstract void checkDBforUser();


Many junior developers make the mistake of thinking of interfaces, abstract and concrete classes as slight variations of the same thing, and choose one of them purely on technical grounds: Do I need multiple inheritance? Do I need some place to put common methods? Do I need to bother with something other than just a concrete class? This is wrong, and hidden in these questions is the main problem: "I". When you write code for yourself, by yourself, you rarely think of other present or future developers working on or with your code.



接口定义了一个契约,由某个实现为您实现。 抽象类提供了您的实现可以重用的默认行为。



接口用于定义公共api 抽象类用于内部使用和定义spi


To put it differently: A concrete class does the actual work, in a very specific way. For example, an ArrayList uses a contiguous area of memory to store a list of objects in a compact manner which offers fast random access, iteration, and in-place changes, but is terrible at insertions, deletions, and occasionally even additions; meanwhile, a LinkedList uses double-linked nodes to store a list of objects, which instead offers fast iteration, in-place changes, and insertion/deletion/addition, but is terrible at random access. These two types of lists are optimized for different use cases, and it matters a lot how you're going to use them. When you're trying to squeeze performance out of a list that you're heavily interacting with, and when picking the type of list is up to you, you should carefully pick which one you're instantiating.

On the other hand, high level users of a list don't really care how it is actually implemented, and they should be insulated from these details. Let's imagine that Java didn't expose the List interface, but only had a concrete List class that's actually what LinkedList is right now. All Java developers would have tailored their code to fit the implementation details: avoid random access, add a cache to speed up access, or just reimplement ArrayList on their own, although it would be incompatible with all the other code that actually works with List only. That would be terrible... But now imagine that the Java masters actually realize that a linked list is terrible for most actual use cases, and decided to switch over to an array list for their only List class available. This would affect the performance of every Java program in the world, and people wouldn't be happy about it. And the main culprit is that implementation details were available, and the developers assumed that those details are a permanent contract that they can rely on. This is why it's important to hide implementation details, and only define an abstract contract. This is the purpose of an interface: define what kind of input a method accepts, and what kind of output is expected, without exposing all the guts that would tempt programmers to tweak their code to fit the internal details that might change with any future update.






Adding methods to an API is easy, all existing users of the API will still compile. Adding methods to an SPI is hard, since every service provider (concrete implementation) will have to implement the new methods. If interfaces are used to define an SPI, a provider will have to release a new version whenever the SPI contract changes. If abstract classes are used instead, new methods could either be defined in terms of existing abstract methods, or as empty throw not implemented exception stubs, which will at least allow an older version of a service implementation to still compile and run.

关于Java 8和默认方法的说明

尽管Java 8为接口引入了默认方法,这使得接口和抽象类之间的界限更加模糊,但这并不是为了实现可以重用代码,而是为了更容易地更改既作为API又作为SPI(或者被错误地用于定义SPI而不是抽象类)的接口。













Runnable没有与之相关的状态,也没有“提供”任何状态 run()方法的默认实现 Task必须扩展它,因此它不能扩展任何其他类 Task没有提供任何专门化到Runnable类,它所需要的只是重写run()方法


简单地把我们的接口定义为一种能力(契约),而使用 的抽象类,用于定义的框架(公共/部分)实现 它。


interface Forgiver {
    void forgive();

abstract class GodLike implements Forgiver {
    abstract void forget();
    final void forgive() {


class HumanLike implements Forgiver {
    void forgive() {
       // forgive but remember    


class AngelLike extends GodLike {
    void forget() {
       // forget to forgive     

P.S.与java 8接口也可以有静态以及默认(可重写实现)方法,因此区别b/w接口和抽象类甚至更窄。