django-admin.py startproject myproduct
cd myproduct
mkdir myproduct
touch myproduct/__init__.py
touch myproduct/models.py
touch myproduct/views.py
现在,你该怎么做?或者说,我该怎么做呢?好吧,如果你创建了一个重要的可重用功能,比如一个标记编辑器,那就是当你创建一个“顶级应用程序”时,它可能包含widget .py, fields.py, context_processors.py等——所有你可能想导入的东西。
Django's default setup doesn't do it.
Often, I want to create a main app, so I create one, usually called website. However, at a later date I might want to develop original functionality just for this site. With a view to making it removable (whether or not I ever do) I tend to then create a separate directory. This also means I can drop said functionality just by unlinking that package from the config and removing the folder, rather than a complex delete the right urls from a global urls.py folder.
Very often, even when I want to make something independent, it needs somewhere to live whilst I look after it / make it independent. Basically the above case, but for stuff I do intend to make generic.
My top level folder often contains a few other things, including but not limited to wsgi scripts, sql scripts etc.
django's management extensions rely on subdirectories. So it makes sense to name packages appropriately.