

public Light(Vector v)
    this.dir = new Vector(v);


public void SomeMethod()
    Vector vec = new Vector();
    double d = (vec * vec) - (this.radius * this.radius);



限定由相似名称隐藏的成员 将对象本身作为参数传递给其他方法 使对象从方法中返回自身 声明索引器 声明扩展方法 在构造函数之间传递参数 在内部重新分配值类型(struct)值。 在当前实例上调用扩展方法 转换为另一种类型 到同一类中定义的链构造函数

可以通过在作用域中不使用相同名称的成员变量和局部变量来避免第一种用法,例如通过遵循通用命名约定并使用属性(Pascal大小写)而不是字段(驼峰大小写)来避免与局部变量冲突(也是驼峰大小写)。在c# 3.0中,可以使用自动实现的属性轻松地将字段转换为属性。









It's really just a style issue. If you like "this", then use it. If you don't, then don't. If you need it to get correct semantics then use it. The truth is, every programmer has his own unique programing style. That style reflects that particular programmer's notions of what the "most aesthetically pleasing code" should look like. By definition, any other programmer who reads your code is going to have a different programing style. That means there is always going to be something you did that the other guy doesn't like, or would have done differently. At some point some guy is going to read your code and grumble about something.

I wouldn't fret over it. I would just make sure the code is as aesthetically pleasing as possible according to your own tastes. If you ask 10 programmers how to format code, you are going to get about 15 different opinions. A better thing to focus on is how the code is factored. Are things abstracted right? Did I pick meaningful names for things? Is there a lot of code duplication? Are there ways I can simplify stuff? Getting those things right, I think, will have the greatest positive impact on your project, your code, your job, and your life. Coincidentally, it will probably also cause the other guy to grumble the least. If your code works, is easy to read, and is well factored, the other guy isn't going to be scrutinizing how you initialize fields. He's just going to use your code, marvel at it's greatness, and then move on to something else.


