现在c++ 11有了许多新特性。一个有趣而令人困惑的(至少对我来说)是新的nullptr。


int* x = nullptr;
myclass* obj = nullptr;


c++ 11通过引入一个新的关键字作为区分空指针常量nullptr来纠正这一点。它的类型为nullptr_t,可隐式转换,可与任何指针类型或指针到成员类型相比较。它不能隐式转换,也不能与整型相比,bool类型除外。





新的c++ 09 nullptr关键字指定了一个右值常量,用作通用空指针字面量,取代了有bug且弱类型的字面量0和臭名昭著的null宏。因此,Nullptr结束了30多年来的尴尬、歧义和错误。下面几节介绍nullptr功能,并展示它如何补救NULL和0的问题。


WikiBooks,带有示例代码。 Stack Overflow:在c++中,指针使用NULL还是0(零)? 模板 谷歌组:comp.lang.c++。有节制的编译器讨论


假设你有一个重载的函数(f),它同时接受int和char*。在c++ 11之前,如果你想用空指针调用它,并且你使用了null(即值0),那么你会调用int重载的指针:

void f(int);
void f(char*);

void g() 
  f(0); // Calls f(int).
  f(NULL); // Equals to f(0). Calls f(int).

这可能不是你想要的。c++ 11用nullptr解决了这个问题;现在你可以这样写:

void g()
  f(nullptr); //calls f(char*)


新的c++ 09 nullptr关键字指定了一个右值常量,用作通用空指针字面量,取代了有bug且弱类型的字面量0和臭名昭著的null宏。因此,Nullptr结束了30多年来的尴尬、歧义和错误。下面几节介绍nullptr功能,并展示它如何补救NULL和0的问题。


WikiBooks,带有示例代码。 Stack Overflow:在c++中,指针使用NULL还是0(零)? 模板 谷歌组:comp.lang.c++。有节制的编译器讨论

0 used to be the only integer value that could be used as a cast-free initializer for pointers: you can not initialize pointers with other integer values without a cast. You can consider 0 as a consexpr singleton syntactically similar to an integer literal. It can initiate any pointer or integer. But surprisingly, you'll find that it has no distinct type: it is an int. So how come 0 can initialize pointers and 1 cannot? A practical answer was we need a means of defining pointer null value and direct implicit conversion of int to a pointer is error-prone. Thus 0 became a real freak weirdo beast out of the prehistoric era. nullptr was proposed to be a real singleton constexpr representation of null value to initialize pointers. It can not be used to directly initialize integers and eliminates ambiguities involved with defining NULL in terms of 0. nullptr could be defined as a library using std syntax but semantically looked to be a missing core component. NULL is now deprecated in favor of nullptr, unless some library decides to define it as nullptr.

NULL need not to be 0. As long you use always NULL and never 0, NULL can be any value. Asuming you programme a von Neuman Microcontroller with flat memory, that has its interrupt vektors at 0. If NULL is 0 and something writes at a NULL Pointer the Microcontroller crashes. If NULL is lets say 1024 and at 1024 there is a reserved variable, the write won't crash it, and you can detect NULL Pointer assignments from inside the programme. This is Pointless on PCs, but for space probes, military or medical equipment it is important not to crash.


2.14.7指针字面量[lex.nullptr] pointer-literal: nullptr 指针字面值是关键字nullptr。它是std::nullptr_t类型的右值。
