现在c++ 11有了许多新特性。一个有趣而令人困惑的(至少对我来说)是新的nullptr。


int* x = nullptr;
myclass* obj = nullptr;


c++ 11通过引入一个新的关键字作为区分空指针常量nullptr来纠正这一点。它的类型为nullptr_t,可隐式转换,可与任何指针类型或指针到成员类型相比较。它不能隐式转换,也不能与整型相比,bool类型除外。




Nullptr不能赋值给整型类型,比如int型,只能赋值给指针类型;内置指针类型,如int *ptr或智能指针,如std::shared_ptr<T>




>>> None = 5
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: assignment to None
>>> type(None)
<type 'NoneType'>

这实际上是一个相当接近的比较,因为None通常用于尚未初始化的东西,但与此同时,像None == 0这样的比较是假的。

另一方面,在普通C中,NULL == 0将返回真IIRC,因为NULL只是一个返回0的宏,这总是一个无效地址(AFAIK)。



考虑以下代码(c++ 03):

#include <iostream>

struct B {};

struct A
    operator B*() {return 0;}
    operator bool() {return true;}

int main()
    A a;
    B* pb = 0;
    typedef void* null_ptr_t;
    null_ptr_t null = 0;

    std::cout << "(a == pb): " << (a == pb) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "(a == 0): " << (a == 0) << std::endl; // no warning
    std::cout << "(a == NULL): " << (a == NULL) << std::endl; // warns sometimes
    std::cout << "(a == null): " << (a == null) << std::endl;


(a == pb): 1
(a == 0): 0
(a == NULL): 0
(a == null): 1

NULL need not to be 0. As long you use always NULL and never 0, NULL can be any value. Asuming you programme a von Neuman Microcontroller with flat memory, that has its interrupt vektors at 0. If NULL is 0 and something writes at a NULL Pointer the Microcontroller crashes. If NULL is lets say 1024 and at 1024 there is a reserved variable, the write won't crash it, and you can detect NULL Pointer assignments from inside the programme. This is Pointless on PCs, but for space probes, military or medical equipment it is important not to crash.

为什么在c++ 11中使用nullptr ?是什么?为什么NULL是不充分的?

c++专家Alex Allain在这里说得很好(我用粗体加了重点):

...imagine you have the following two function declarations: void func(int n); void func(char *s); func( NULL ); // guess which function gets called? Although it looks like the second function will be called--you are, after all, passing in what seems to be a pointer--it's really the first function that will be called! The trouble is that because NULL is 0, and 0 is an integer, the first version of func will be called instead. This is the kind of thing that, yes, doesn't happen all the time, but when it does happen, is extremely frustrating and confusing. If you didn't know the details of what is going on, it might well look like a compiler bug. A language feature that looks like a compiler bug is, well, not something you want. Enter nullptr. In C++11, nullptr is a new keyword that can (and should!) be used to represent NULL pointers; in other words, wherever you were writing NULL before, you should use nullptr instead. It's no more clear to you, the programmer, (everyone knows what NULL means), but it's more explicit to the compiler, which will no longer see 0s everywhere being used to have special meaning when used as a pointer.


不管这些——c++ 11的经验法则是,只要在过去使用NULL,就开始使用nullptr。





https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/types/nullptr_t 和https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/header/cstddef

namespace std
typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t; // (since C++11)
// OR (same thing, but using the C++ keyword `using` instead of the C and C++ 
// keyword `typedef`):
using nullptr_t = decltype(nullptr); // (since C++11)
} // namespace std


c++ 11中更好的类型- nullptr,枚举类(强类型枚举)和cstdint https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/decltype https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/types/nullptr_t https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/header/cstddef https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/keyword/using https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/keyword/typedef


2.14.7指针字面量[lex.nullptr] pointer-literal: nullptr 指针字面值是关键字nullptr。它是std::nullptr_t类型的右值。
