现在c++ 11有了许多新特性。一个有趣而令人困惑的(至少对我来说)是新的nullptr。


int* x = nullptr;
myclass* obj = nullptr;


c++ 11通过引入一个新的关键字作为区分空指针常量nullptr来纠正这一点。它的类型为nullptr_t,可隐式转换,可与任何指针类型或指针到成员类型相比较。它不能隐式转换,也不能与整型相比,bool类型除外。




Nullptr不能赋值给整型类型,比如int型,只能赋值给指针类型;内置指针类型,如int *ptr或智能指针,如std::shared_ptr<T>





4.10 about pointer conversion says that a prvalue of type std::nullptr_t is a null pointer constant, and that an integral null pointer constant can be converted to std::nullptr_t. The opposite direction is not allowed. This allows overloading a function for both pointers and integers, and passing nullptr to select the pointer version. Passing NULL or 0 would confusingly select the int version. A cast of nullptr_t to an integral type needs a reinterpret_cast, and has the same semantics as a cast of (void*)0 to an integral type (mapping implementation defined). A reinterpret_cast cannot convert nullptr_t to any pointer type. Rely on the implicit conversion if possible or use static_cast. The Standard requires that sizeof(nullptr_t) be sizeof(void*).



考虑以下代码(c++ 03):

#include <iostream>

struct B {};

struct A
    operator B*() {return 0;}
    operator bool() {return true;}

int main()
    A a;
    B* pb = 0;
    typedef void* null_ptr_t;
    null_ptr_t null = 0;

    std::cout << "(a == pb): " << (a == pb) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "(a == 0): " << (a == 0) << std::endl; // no warning
    std::cout << "(a == NULL): " << (a == NULL) << std::endl; // warns sometimes
    std::cout << "(a == null): " << (a == null) << std::endl;


(a == pb): 1
(a == 0): 0
(a == NULL): 0
(a == null): 1

0 used to be the only integer value that could be used as a cast-free initializer for pointers: you can not initialize pointers with other integer values without a cast. You can consider 0 as a consexpr singleton syntactically similar to an integer literal. It can initiate any pointer or integer. But surprisingly, you'll find that it has no distinct type: it is an int. So how come 0 can initialize pointers and 1 cannot? A practical answer was we need a means of defining pointer null value and direct implicit conversion of int to a pointer is error-prone. Thus 0 became a real freak weirdo beast out of the prehistoric era. nullptr was proposed to be a real singleton constexpr representation of null value to initialize pointers. It can not be used to directly initialize integers and eliminates ambiguities involved with defining NULL in terms of 0. nullptr could be defined as a library using std syntax but semantically looked to be a missing core component. NULL is now deprecated in favor of nullptr, unless some library decides to define it as nullptr.


>>> None = 5
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: assignment to None
>>> type(None)
<type 'NoneType'>

这实际上是一个相当接近的比较,因为None通常用于尚未初始化的东西,但与此同时,像None == 0这样的比较是假的。

另一方面,在普通C中,NULL == 0将返回真IIRC,因为NULL只是一个返回0的宏,这总是一个无效地址(AFAIK)。

假设你有一个重载的函数(f),它同时接受int和char*。在c++ 11之前,如果你想用空指针调用它,并且你使用了null(即值0),那么你会调用int重载的指针:

void f(int);
void f(char*);

void g() 
  f(0); // Calls f(int).
  f(NULL); // Equals to f(0). Calls f(int).

这可能不是你想要的。c++ 11用nullptr解决了这个问题;现在你可以这样写:

void g()
  f(nullptr); //calls f(char*)