std::unique_ptr<int[]> p(new int[10]);
std::unique_ptr<int[]> p(new int[10]);
A std::string comes with a pointer, a length, and a "short-string-optimization" buffer. But my situation is I need to store a string that is almost always empty, in a structure that I have hundreds of thousands of. In C, I would just use char *, and it would be null most of the time. Which works for C++, too, except that a char * has no destructor, and doesn't know to delete itself. By contrast, a std::unique_ptr<char[]> will delete itself when it goes out of scope. An empty std::string takes up 32 bytes, but an empty std::unique_ptr<char[]> takes up 8 bytes, that is, exactly the size of its pointer.
在一些Windows Win32 API调用中可以找到一个常见的模式,其中使用std::unique_ptr<T[]>可以派上用场,例如,当你调用一些Win32 API(将在该缓冲区中写入一些数据)时,不知道输出缓冲区应该有多大:
// Buffer dynamically allocated by the caller, and filled by some Win32 API function.
// (Allocation will be made inside the 'while' loop below.)
std::unique_ptr<BYTE[]> buffer;
// Buffer length, in bytes.
// Initialize with some initial length that you expect to succeed at the first API call.
UINT32 bufferLength = /* ... */;
// Allocate buffer of specified length
buffer.reset( BYTE[bufferLength] );
// Or, in C++14, could use make_unique() instead, e.g.
// buffer = std::make_unique<BYTE[]>(bufferLength);
// Call some Win32 API.
// If the size of the buffer (stored in 'bufferLength') is not big enough,
// the API will return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, and the required size
// in the [in, out] parameter 'bufferLength'.
// In that case, there will be another try in the next loop iteration
// (with the allocation of a bigger buffer).
// Else, we'll exit the while loop body, and there will be either a failure
// different from ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, or the call will be successful
// and the required information will be available in the buffer.
returnCode = ::SomeApiCall(inParam1, inParam2, inParam3,
&bufferLength, // size of output buffer
buffer.get(), // output buffer pointer
&outParam1, &outParam2);
if (Failed(returnCode))
// Handle failure, or throw exception, etc.
// All right!
// Do some processing with the returned information...
出于二进制兼容性的考虑,您需要结构只包含一个指针。 你需要使用一个API来返回用new[]分配的内存 例如,您的公司或项目有一个禁止使用std::vector的一般规则,以防止粗心的程序员不小心引入副本 您希望防止粗心的程序员在这种情况下意外地引入副本。
I have used unique_ptr<char[]> to implement a preallocated memory pools used in a game engine. The idea is to provide preallocated memory pools used instead of dynamic allocations for returning collision requests results and other stuff like particle physics without having to allocate / free memory at each frame. It's pretty convenient for this kind of scenarios where you need memory pools to allocate objects with limited life time (typically one, 2 or 3 frames) that do not require destruction logic (only memory deallocation).
A std::string comes with a pointer, a length, and a "short-string-optimization" buffer. But my situation is I need to store a string that is almost always empty, in a structure that I have hundreds of thousands of. In C, I would just use char *, and it would be null most of the time. Which works for C++, too, except that a char * has no destructor, and doesn't know to delete itself. By contrast, a std::unique_ptr<char[]> will delete itself when it goes out of scope. An empty std::string takes up 32 bytes, but an empty std::unique_ptr<char[]> takes up 8 bytes, that is, exactly the size of its pointer.
因此,当需要一个数组时,以下问题的答案指定了它的行为: 1. 它的大小是a)在运行时动态的,还是b)静态的,但只在运行时知道,还是c)静态的,在编译时知道? 2. 数组是否可以分配到堆栈上?
Dynamic | Runtime static | Static
Stack std::vector unique_ptr<T[]> std::array
Heap std::vector unique_ptr<T[]> unique_ptr<std::array>
所有这些都通过指向数据数组的原始指针( / / uniquePtr.get())与普通C api兼容。
P. S. Apart from the above considerations, there's also one of ownership: std::array and std::vector have value semantics (have native support for copying and passing by value), while unique_ptr<T[]> can only be moved (enforces single ownership). Either can be useful in different scenarios. On the contrary, plain static arrays (int[N]) and plain dynamic arrays (new int[10]) offer neither and thus should be avoided if possible - which should be possible in the vast majority of cases. If that wasn't enough, plain dynamic arrays also offer no way to query their size - extra opportunity for memory corruptions and security holes.