The first style would plan everything in to steps, and solves the problem by implementing one step (a procedure) at a time. On the other hand, functional programming would emphasize the divide-and-conquer approach, where the problem is divided into sub-problem, then each sub-problem is solved (creating a function to solve that sub problem) and the results are combined to create the answer for the whole problem. Lastly, Objective programming would mimic the real world by create a mini-world inside the computer with many objects, each of which has a (somewhat) unique characteristics, and interacts with others. From those interactions the result would emerge.
Then, from those styles, we have programming languages that is designed to optimized for some each style. For example, Assembly is all about procedural. Okay, most early languages are procedural, not only Asm, like C, Pascal, (and Fortran, I heard). Then, we have all famous Java in objective school (Actually, Java and C# is also in a class called "money-oriented," but that is subject for another discussion). Also objective is Smalltalk. In functional school, we would have "nearly functional" (some considered them to be impure) Lisp family and ML family and many "purely functional" Haskell, Erlang, etc. By the way, there are many general languages such as Perl, Python, Ruby.
fac n = foldr (*) 1 [1..n]
The first style would plan everything in to steps, and solves the problem by implementing one step (a procedure) at a time. On the other hand, functional programming would emphasize the divide-and-conquer approach, where the problem is divided into sub-problem, then each sub-problem is solved (creating a function to solve that sub problem) and the results are combined to create the answer for the whole problem. Lastly, Objective programming would mimic the real world by create a mini-world inside the computer with many objects, each of which has a (somewhat) unique characteristics, and interacts with others. From those interactions the result would emerge.
Then, from those styles, we have programming languages that is designed to optimized for some each style. For example, Assembly is all about procedural. Okay, most early languages are procedural, not only Asm, like C, Pascal, (and Fortran, I heard). Then, we have all famous Java in objective school (Actually, Java and C# is also in a class called "money-oriented," but that is subject for another discussion). Also objective is Smalltalk. In functional school, we would have "nearly functional" (some considered them to be impure) Lisp family and ML family and many "purely functional" Haskell, Erlang, etc. By the way, there are many general languages such as Perl, Python, Ruby.
基本上这两种风格,就像阴阳。一个是有组织的,而另一个是混乱的。在某些情况下,函数式编程是显而易见的选择,而在其他情况下,过程式编程是更好的选择。这就是为什么至少有两种语言最近推出了新版本,包含了这两种编程风格。(Perl 6和d2)
例程的输出并不总是与输入直接相关。 每件事都有特定的顺序。 例程的执行可能有副作用。 倾向于强调以线性方式实现解决方案。
##Perl 6 ##
sub factorial ( UInt:D $n is copy ) returns UInt {
# modify "outside" state
state $call-count++;
# in this case it is rather pointless as
# it can't even be accessed from outside
my $result = 1;
loop ( ; $n > 0 ; $n-- ){
$result *= $n;
return $result;
2 # # # # D
int factorial( int n ){
int result = 1;
for( ; n > 0 ; n-- ){
result *= n;
return result;
通常递归。 对于给定的输入总是返回相同的输出。 计算的顺序通常是不确定的。 必须是无状态的。即任何手术都不能有副作用。 很适合并行执行 倾向于强调分而治之的方法。 可具有惰性求值的特性。
哈斯克尔# # # # (摘自维基百科);
fac :: Integer -> Integer
fac 0 = 1
fac n | n > 0 = n * fac (n-1)
fac n = if n > 0 then n * fac (n-1) else 1
##Perl 6 ##
proto sub factorial ( UInt:D $n ) returns UInt {*}
multi sub factorial ( 0 ) { 1 }
multi sub factorial ( $n ) { $n * samewith $n-1 } # { $n * factorial $n-1 }
2 # # # # D
pure int factorial( invariant int n ){
if( n <= 1 ){
return 1;
return n * factorial( n-1 );
阶乘实际上是一个常见的示例,它展示了在Perl 6中创建新的操作符有多么容易,就像创建子例程一样。这个特性在Perl 6中根深蒂固,以至于Rakudo实现中的大多数操作符都是以这种方式定义的。它还允许您将自己的多个候选操作符添加到现有操作符。
sub postfix:< ! > ( UInt:D $n --> UInt )
is tighter(&infix:<*>)
{ [*] 2 .. $n }
say 5!; # 120
这个例子还展示了范围创建(2..$n)和列表缩减元操作符([OPERATOR] list)与数字中缀乘法操作符的结合。(*) 它还表明,您可以在签名中放入——> UInt,而不是在签名后返回UInt。
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