


因此,纯函数式程序总是为输入产生相同的值, 评价的顺序也不明确;这意味着不确定的值,比如 用户输入或随机值很难用纯函数式语言建模。


Perhaps a better explanation would be that control flow in functional programs is based on when the value of a function's arguments are needed. The Good Thing about this that in well written programs, state becomes explicit: each function lists its inputs as parameters instead of arbitrarily munging global state. So on some level, it is easier to reason about order of evaluation with respect to one function at a time. Each function can ignore the rest of the universe and focus on what it needs to do. When combined, functions are guaranteed to work the same[1] as they would in isolation.

... 像用户输入或随机值这样的不确定值很难纯粹地建模 函数式语言。

The solution to the input problem in purely functional programs is to embed an imperative language as a DSL using a sufficiently powerful abstraction. In imperative (or non-pure functional) languages this is not needed because you can "cheat" and pass state implicitly and order of evaluation is explicit (whether you like it or not). Because of this "cheating" and forced evaluation of all parameters to every function, in imperative languages 1) you lose the ability to create your own control flow mechanisms (without macros), 2) code isn't inherently thread safe and/or parallelizable by default, 3) and implementing something like undo (time travel) takes careful work (imperative programmer must store a recipe for getting the old value(s) back!), whereas pure functional programming buys you all these things—and a few more I may have forgotten—"for free".

我希望这听起来不像狂热,我只是想补充一些观点。命令式编程,特别是像c# 3.0这样的强大语言中的混合范式编程,仍然是完成工作的完全有效的方法,并且没有银弹。




求值的顺序不是 定义良好的


过程式语言是步骤1、步骤2、步骤3……如果在第二步你说加2 + 2,它马上就会做。在惰性求值中,你会说2 + 2,但如果结果从未被使用,它就永远不会做加法。





prouduct list = foldr 1 (*) list


product = foldr 1 (*)


fac n = foldr 1 (*)  [1..n]


fac n = product [1..n]


fac n = foldr (*) 1 [1..n]



The first style would plan everything in to steps, and solves the problem by implementing one step (a procedure) at a time. On the other hand, functional programming would emphasize the divide-and-conquer approach, where the problem is divided into sub-problem, then each sub-problem is solved (creating a function to solve that sub problem) and the results are combined to create the answer for the whole problem. Lastly, Objective programming would mimic the real world by create a mini-world inside the computer with many objects, each of which has a (somewhat) unique characteristics, and interacts with others. From those interactions the result would emerge.


Then, from those styles, we have programming languages that is designed to optimized for some each style. For example, Assembly is all about procedural. Okay, most early languages are procedural, not only Asm, like C, Pascal, (and Fortran, I heard). Then, we have all famous Java in objective school (Actually, Java and C# is also in a class called "money-oriented," but that is subject for another discussion). Also objective is Smalltalk. In functional school, we would have "nearly functional" (some considered them to be impure) Lisp family and ML family and many "purely functional" Haskell, Erlang, etc. By the way, there are many general languages such as Perl, Python, Ruby.