



select * 
from abcTable
where exists (select null)


select *
from abcTable
where abcTable_ID in (select null)




--this statement needs to check the entire table
select count(*) from [table] where ...

--this statement is true as soon as one match is found
exists ( select * from [table] where ... )

这是最有用的if条件语句,as exists可以比count快得多。


 select * from [table]
 where [field] in (1, 2, 3)

当在in语句中有一个表时,使用连接更有意义,但大多数情况下这并不重要。无论哪种方式,查询优化器都应该返回相同的计划。在一些实现中(大多数是旧的,如Microsoft SQL Server 2000),查询将总是获得嵌套的连接计划,而连接查询将适当地使用嵌套、合并或散列。更现代的实现更智能,甚至可以在使用in时调整计划。

如果使用IN操作符,SQL引擎将扫描从内部查询中获取的所有记录。另一方面,如果我们使用EXISTS, SQL引擎将在找到匹配项后立即停止扫描过程。




EXISTS is much faster than IN when the subquery results is very large. IN is faster than EXISTS when the subquery results is very small. CREATE TABLE t1 (id INT, title VARCHAR(20), someIntCol INT) GO CREATE TABLE t2 (id INT, t1Id INT, someData VARCHAR(20)) GO INSERT INTO t1 SELECT 1, 'title 1', 5 UNION ALL SELECT 2, 'title 2', 5 UNION ALL SELECT 3, 'title 3', 5 UNION ALL SELECT 4, 'title 4', 5 UNION ALL SELECT null, 'title 5', 5 UNION ALL SELECT null, 'title 6', 5 INSERT INTO t2 SELECT 1, 1, 'data 1' UNION ALL SELECT 2, 1, 'data 2' UNION ALL SELECT 3, 2, 'data 3' UNION ALL SELECT 4, 3, 'data 4' UNION ALL SELECT 5, 3, 'data 5' UNION ALL SELECT 6, 3, 'data 6' UNION ALL SELECT 7, 4, 'data 7' UNION ALL SELECT 8, null, 'data 8' UNION ALL SELECT 9, 6, 'data 9' UNION ALL SELECT 10, 6, 'data 10' UNION ALL SELECT 11, 8, 'data 11' Query 1 SELECT FROM t1 WHERE not EXISTS (SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE t1.id = t2.t1id) Query 2 SELECT t1.* FROM t1 WHERE t1.id not in (SELECT t2.t1id FROM t2 ) If in t1 your id has null value then Query 1 will find them, but Query 2 cant find null parameters. I mean IN can't compare anything with null, so it has no result for null, but EXISTS can compare everything with null.