public static string BytesToString(byte[] ba) =>
ba.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(32), (sb, b) => sb.Append(b.ToString("X2"))).ToString();
public static String ByteArrayToSQLHexString(byte[] Source)
return = "0x" + BitConverter.ToString(Source).Replace("-", "");
Waleed Eissa代码的逆函数(十六进制字符串到字节数组):
public static byte[] HexToBytes(this string hexString)
byte[] b = new byte[hexString.Length / 2];
char c;
for (int i = 0; i < hexString.Length / 2; i++)
c = hexString[i * 2];
b[i] = (byte)((c < 0x40 ? c - 0x30 : (c < 0x47 ? c - 0x37 : c - 0x57)) << 4);
c = hexString[i * 2 + 1];
b[i] += (byte)(c < 0x40 ? c - 0x30 : (c < 0x47 ? c - 0x37 : c - 0x57));
return b;
Waleed Eissa功能,支持小写:
public static string BytesToHex(this byte[] barray, bool toLowerCase = true)
byte addByte = 0x37;
if (toLowerCase) addByte = 0x57;
char[] c = new char[barray.Length * 2];
byte b;
for (int i = 0; i < barray.Length; ++i)
b = ((byte)(barray[i] >> 4));
c[i * 2] = (char)(b > 9 ? b + addByte : b + 0x30);
b = ((byte)(barray[i] & 0xF));
c[i * 2 + 1] = (char)(b > 9 ? b + addByte : b + 0x30);
return new string(c);
Public Function BufToHex(ByVal buf() As Byte) As String
Dim sB As New System.Text.StringBuilder
For i As Integer = 0 To buf.Length - 1
Next i
Return sB.ToString
End Function
public static String ToHex (byte[] data)
int dataLength = data.Length;
// pre-create the stringbuilder using the length of the data * 2, precisely enough
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (dataLength * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
int b = data [i];
// check using calculation over bits to see if first tuple is a letter
// isLetter is zero if it is a digit, 1 if it is a letter
int isLetter = (b >> 7) & ((b >> 6) | (b >> 5)) & 1;
// calculate the code using a multiplication to make up the difference between
// a digit character and an alphanumerical character
int code = '0' + ((b >> 4) & 0xF) + isLetter * ('A' - '9' - 1);
// now append the result, after casting the code point to a character
sb.Append ((Char)code);
// do the same with the lower (less significant) tuple
isLetter = (b >> 3) & ((b >> 2) | (b >> 1)) & 1;
code = '0' + (b & 0xF) + isLetter * ('A' - '9' - 1);
sb.Append ((Char)code);
return sb.ToString ();
public static byte[] FromHex (String hex)
// pre-create the array
int resultLength = hex.Length / 2;
byte[] result = new byte[resultLength];
// set validity = 0 (0 = valid, anything else is not valid)
int validity = 0;
int c, isLetter, value, validDigitStruct, validDigit, validLetterStruct, validLetter;
for (int i = 0, hexOffset = 0; i < resultLength; i++, hexOffset += 2) {
c = hex [hexOffset];
// check using calculation over bits to see if first char is a letter
// isLetter is zero if it is a digit, 1 if it is a letter (upper & lowercase)
isLetter = (c >> 6) & 1;
// calculate the tuple value using a multiplication to make up the difference between
// a digit character and an alphanumerical character
// minus 1 for the fact that the letters are not zero based
value = ((c & 0xF) + isLetter * (-1 + 10)) << 4;
// check validity of all the other bits
validity |= c >> 7; // changed to >>, maybe not OK, use UInt?
validDigitStruct = (c & 0x30) ^ 0x30;
validDigit = ((c & 0x8) >> 3) * (c & 0x6);
validity |= (isLetter ^ 1) * (validDigitStruct | validDigit);
validLetterStruct = c & 0x18;
validLetter = (((c - 1) & 0x4) >> 2) * ((c - 1) & 0x2);
validity |= isLetter * (validLetterStruct | validLetter);
// do the same with the lower (less significant) tuple
c = hex [hexOffset + 1];
isLetter = (c >> 6) & 1;
value ^= (c & 0xF) + isLetter * (-1 + 10);
result [i] = (byte)value;
// check validity of all the other bits
validity |= c >> 7; // changed to >>, maybe not OK, use UInt?
validDigitStruct = (c & 0x30) ^ 0x30;
validDigit = ((c & 0x8) >> 3) * (c & 0x6);
validity |= (isLetter ^ 1) * (validDigitStruct | validDigit);
validLetterStruct = c & 0x18;
validLetter = (((c - 1) & 0x4) >> 2) * ((c - 1) & 0x2);
validity |= isLetter * (validLetterStruct | validLetter);
if (validity != 0) {
throw new ArgumentException ("Hexadecimal encoding incorrect for input " + hex);
return result;