我知道在Javascript中不可能像在其他语言中那样重载函数。 如果我需要一个函数有两个使用foo(x)和foo(x,y,z),这是最好的/首选的方式:
一开始就用不同的名字 使用可选参数,如y = y || 'default' 使用参数数量 检查参数类型 还是如何?
我知道在Javascript中不可能像在其他语言中那样重载函数。 如果我需要一个函数有两个使用foo(x)和foo(x,y,z),这是最好的/首选的方式:
一开始就用不同的名字 使用可选参数,如y = y || 'default' 使用参数数量 检查参数类型 还是如何?
function overload(){
const fs = arguments, fallback = fs[fs.length - 1];
return function(){
const f = fs[arguments.length] || (arguments.length >= fs.length ? fallback : null);
return f.apply(this, arguments);
function curry1(f){
return curry2(f, f.length);
function curry2(f, minimum){
return function(...applied){
if (applied.length >= minimum) {
return f.apply(this, applied);
} else {
return curry2(function(...args){
return f.apply(this, applied.concat(args));
}, minimum - applied.length);
export const curry = overload(null, curry1, curry2);
function off( types, selector, fn ) {
var handleObj, type;
if ( types && types.preventDefault && types.handleObj ) {
// ( event ) dispatched jQuery.Event
handleObj = types.handleObj;
jQuery( types.delegateTarget ).off(
handleObj.namespace ?
handleObj.origType + "." + handleObj.namespace :
return this;
if ( typeof types === "object" ) {
// ( types-object [, selector] )
for ( type in types ) {
this.off( type, selector, types[ type ] );
return this;
if ( selector === false || typeof selector === "function" ) {
// ( types [, fn] )
fn = selector;
selector = undefined;
if ( fn === false ) {
fn = returnFalse;
return this.each( function() {
jQuery.event.remove( this, types, fn, selector );
} );
findUDPServers: function(socketProperties, success, error) {
var fqnMap = [];
fqnMap['undefined'] = fqnMap['function'] = function(success, error) {
var socketProperties = {name:'HELLO_SERVER'};
this.searchServers(socketProperties, success, error);
fqnMap['object'] = function(socketProperties, success, error) {
var _socketProperties = _.merge({name:'HELLO_SERVER'}, socketProperties || {});
this.searchServers(_socketProperties, success, error);
fqnMap[typeof arguments[0]].apply(this, arguments);
#转发模式=> JS重载的最佳实践 转到另一个函数,它的名字是由第3和第4点构建的:
使用参数数量 检查参数类型
window['foo_'+arguments.length+'_'+Array.from(arguments).map((arg)=>typeof arg).join('_')](...arguments)
function foo(...args){
return window['foo_' + args.length+'_'+Array.from(args).map((arg)=>typeof arg).join('_')](...args);
//------Assuming that `x` , `y` and `z` are String when calling `foo` .
/**-- for : foo(x)*/
function foo_1_string(){
/**-- for : foo(x,y,z) ---*/
function foo_3_string_string_string(){
function foo(...args){
return window['foo_'+args.length+'_'+Array.from(args).map((arg)=>typeof arg).join('_')](...args);
/** one argument & this argument is string */
function foo_1_string(){
/** one argument & this argument is object */
function foo_1_object(){
/** two arguments & those arguments are both string */
function foo_2_string_string(){
/** Three arguments & those arguments are : id(number),name(string), callback(function) */
function foo_3_number_string_function(){
let args=arguments;
new Person(args[0],args[1]).onReady(args[3]);
//--- And so on ....
Using optional arguments like y = y || 'default'. This is convenient if you can do it, but it may not always work practically, e.g. when 0/null/undefined would be a valid argument. Using number of arguments. Similar to the last option but may work when #1 doesn't work. Checking types of arguments. This can work in some cases where the number of arguments is the same. If you can't reliably determine the types, you may need to use different names. Using different names in the first place. You may need to do this if the other options won't work, aren't practical, or for consistency with other related functions.
看看这个。它很酷。 http://ejohn.org/blog/javascript-method-overloading/ 技巧Javascript,让你做这样的调用:
var users = new Users();
users.find(); // Finds all
users.find("John"); // Finds users by name
users.find("John", "Resig"); // Finds users by first and last name
如果您希望保留很大的灵活性,则传递一个字典(关联数组) 将一个对象作为参数,并使用基于原型的继承来增加灵活性。