
我知道在Javascript中不可能像在其他语言中那样重载函数。 如果我需要一个函数有两个使用foo(x)和foo(x,y,z),这是最好的/首选的方式:

一开始就用不同的名字 使用可选参数,如y = y || 'default' 使用参数数量 检查参数类型 还是如何?



VanillaJS,没有外部依赖 全浏览器支持- Array.prototype。片,Object.prototype.toString 1114字节uglify'd / 744字节g-zip

这是来自一个更大的代码体,其中包括isFn, isArr等类型检查函数。下面的VanillaJS版本已经被重做,删除了所有的外部依赖,但是你必须定义自己的类型检查函数,以便在.add()调用中使用。


window.overload = function () {
    "use strict"

    var a_fnOverloads = [],
        _Object_prototype_toString = Object.prototype.toString

    function isFn(f) {
        return (_Object_prototype_toString.call(f) === '[object Function]');
    } //# isFn

    function isObj(o) {
        return !!(o && o === Object(o));
    } //# isObj

    function isArr(a) {
        return (_Object_prototype_toString.call(a) === '[object Array]');
    } //# isArr

    function mkArr(a) {
        return Array.prototype.slice.call(a);
    } //# mkArr

    function fnCall(fn, vContext, vArguments) {
        //# <ES5 Support for array-like objects
        //#     See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/apply#Browser_compatibility
        vArguments = (isArr(vArguments) ? vArguments : mkArr(vArguments));

        if (isFn(fn)) {
            return fn.apply(vContext || this, vArguments);
    } //# fnCall

    function registerAlias(fnOverload, fn, sAlias) {
        if (sAlias && !fnOverload[sAlias]) {
            fnOverload[sAlias] = fn;
    } //# registerAlias

    function overload(vOptions) {
        var oData = (isFn(vOptions) ?
                { default: vOptions } :
                (isObj(vOptions) ?
                    vOptions :
                        default: function (/*arguments*/) {
                            throw "Overload not found for arguments: [" + mkArr(arguments) + "]";
            fnOverload = function (/*arguments*/) {
                var oEntry, i, j,
                    a = arguments,
                    oArgumentTests = oData[a.length] || []

                //# Traverse the oArgumentTests for the number of passed a(rguments), defaulting the oEntry at the beginning of each loop
                for (i = 0; i < oArgumentTests.length; i++) {
                    oEntry = oArgumentTests[i];

                    //# Traverse the passed a(rguments), if a .test for the current oArgumentTests fails, reset oEntry and fall from the a(rgument)s loop
                    for (j = 0; j < a.length; j++) {
                        if (!oArgumentTests[i].tests[j](a[j])) {
                            oEntry = undefined;

                    //# If all of the a(rgument)s passed the .tests we found our oEntry, so break from the oArgumentTests loop
                    if (oEntry) {

                //# If we found our oEntry above, .fn.call its .fn
                if (oEntry) {
                    return fnCall(oEntry.fn, this, a);
                //# Else we were unable to find a matching oArgumentTests oEntry, so .fn.call our .default
                else {
                    return fnCall(oData.default, this, a);
            } //# fnOverload

        fnOverload.add = function (fn, a_vArgumentTests, sAlias) {
            var i,
                bValid = isFn(fn),
                iLen = (isArr(a_vArgumentTests) ? a_vArgumentTests.length : 0)

            if (bValid) {
                //# Traverse the a_vArgumentTests, processinge each to ensure they are functions (or references to )
                for (i = 0; i < iLen; i++) {
                    if (!isFn(a_vArgumentTests[i])) {
                        bValid = _false;

            //# If the a_vArgumentTests are bValid, set the info into oData under the a_vArgumentTests's iLen
            if (bValid) {
                oData[iLen] = oData[iLen] || [];
                    fn: fn,
                    tests: a_vArgumentTests,
                    calls: 0

                registerAlias(fnOverload, fn, sAlias);

                return fnOverload;
            //# Else one of the passed arguments was not bValid, so throw the error
            else {
                throw "poly.overload: All tests must be functions or strings referencing `is.*`.";
        }; //# overload*.add

        fnOverload.list = function (iArgumentCount) {
            return (arguments.length > 0 ? oData[iArgumentCount] || [] : oData);
        }; //# overload*.list

        registerAlias(fnOverload, oData.default, "default");

        return fnOverload;
    } //# overload

    overload.is = function (fnTarget) {
        return (a_fnOverloads.indexOf(fnTarget) > -1);
    } //# overload.is

    return overload;



var myOverloadedFn = overload(function(){ console.log("default", arguments) })
    .add(function(){ console.log("noArgs", arguments) }, [], "noArgs")
    .add(function(){ console.log("str", arguments) }, [function(s){ return typeof s === 'string' }], "str")


Fn:定义重载的函数; a_vArgumentTests:定义要在参数上运行的测试的函数数组。每个函数接受一个参数,并根据参数是否有效返回true; sAlias(可选):定义直接访问重载函数(fn)的别名的字符串,例如myoverloadfn . noargs()将直接调用该函数,避免参数的动态多态测试。





window.overload=function(){'use strict';function b(n){return'[object Function]'===m.call(n)}function c(n){return!!(n&&n===Object(n))}function d(n){return'[object Array]'===m.call(n)}function e(n){return Array.prototype.slice.call(n)}function g(n,p,q){if(q=d(q)?q:e(q),b(n))return n.apply(p||this,q)}function h(n,p,q){q&&!n[q]&&(n[q]=p)}function k(n){var p=b(n)?{default:n}:c(n)?n:{default:function(){throw'Overload not found for arguments: ['+e(arguments)+']'}},q=function(){var r,s,t,u=arguments,v=p[u.length]||[];for(s=0;s<v.length;s++){for(r=v[s],t=0;t<u.length;t++)if(!v[s].tests[t](u[t])){r=void 0;break}if(r)break}return r?(r.calls++,g(r.fn,this,u)):g(p.default,this,u)};return q.add=function(r,s,t){var u,v=b(r),w=d(s)?s.length:0;if(v)for(u=0;u<w;u++)b(s[u])||(v=_false);if(v)return p[w]=p[w]||[],p[w].push({fn:r,tests:s,calls:0}),h(q,r,t),q;throw'poly.overload: All tests must be functions or strings referencing `is.*`.'},q.list=function(r){return 0<arguments.length?p[r]||[]:p},l.push(q),h(q,p.default,'default'),q}var l=[],m=Object.prototype.toString;return k.is=function(n){return-1<l.indexOf(n)},k}();



function f(...rest){   // rest is an array
   for (v of rest) if (typeof(v)=="number")console.log(v);
f(1,2,3);  // 3 1 2 3



public string CatStrings(string p1)                  {return p1;}
public string CatStrings(string p1, int p2)          {return p1+p2.ToString();}
public string CatStrings(string p1, int p2, bool p3) {return p1+p2.ToString()+p3.ToString();}

CatStrings("one");        // result = one
CatStrings("one",2);      // result = one2
CatStrings("one",2,true); // result = one2true


function CatStrings(p1, p2, p3)
  var s = p1;
  if(typeof p2 !== "undefined") {s += p2;}
  if(typeof p3 !== "undefined") {s += p3;}
  return s;

CatStrings("one");        // result = one
CatStrings("one",2);      // result = one2
CatStrings("one",2,true); // result = one2true

This particular example is actually more elegant in javascript than C#. Parameters which are not specified are 'undefined' in javascript, which evaluates to false in an if statement. However, the function definition does not convey the information that p2 and p3 are optional. If you need a lot of overloading, jQuery has decided to use an object as the parameter, for example, jQuery.ajax(options). I agree with them that this is the most powerful and clearly documentable approach to overloading, but I rarely need more than one or two quick optional parameters.





函数sayHi(a, b) { Console.log ('hi there ' + a); 如果(b) {console.log('and ' + b)} //如果参数存在,则执行该块 } sayHi(“弗兰克”,“威廉”);


函数foo (a,…b) { console.log (b); } foo(1、2、3、4); foo(1、2);


function Clear(control)
  var o = typeof control !== "undefined" ? control : document.body;
  var children = o.childNodes;
  while (o.childNodes.length > 0)

用法: 明确的();//清除所有文件


#转发模式=> JS重载的最佳实践 转到另一个函数,它的名字是由第3和第4点构建的:

使用参数数量 检查参数类型

window['foo_'+arguments.length+'_'+Array.from(arguments).map((arg)=>typeof arg).join('_')](...arguments)


 function foo(...args){
          return window['foo_' + args.length+'_'+Array.from(args).map((arg)=>typeof arg).join('_')](...args);

   //------Assuming that `x` , `y` and `z` are String when calling `foo` . 
  /**-- for :  foo(x)*/
  function foo_1_string(){
  /**-- for : foo(x,y,z) ---*/
  function foo_3_string_string_string(){


      function foo(...args){
          return window['foo_'+args.length+'_'+Array.from(args).map((arg)=>typeof arg).join('_')](...args);

        /** one argument & this argument is string */
      function foo_1_string(){

       /** one argument & this argument is object */
      function foo_1_object(){

      /** two arguments & those arguments are both string */
      function foo_2_string_string(){

      /** Three arguments & those arguments are : id(number),name(string), callback(function) */
      function foo_3_number_string_function(){
                let args=arguments;
                  new Person(args[0],args[1]).onReady(args[3]);
       //--- And so on ....