The most successful scheme I've ever used on a project has combined backups and differential SQL files. Basically we would take a backup of our db after every release and do an SQL dump so that we could create a blank schema from scratch if we needed to as well. Then anytime you needed to make a change to the DB you would add an alter scrip to the sql directory under version control. We would always prefix a sequence number or date to the file name so the first change would be something like 01_add_created_on_column.sql, and the next script would be 02_added_customers_index. Our CI machine would check for these and run them sequentially on a fresh copy of the db that had been restored from the backup.
必须阅读将数据库置于版本控制之下。查看K. Scott Allen的系列帖子。
When it comes to version control, the database is often a second or even third-class citizen. From what I've seen, teams that would never think of writing code without version control in a million years-- and rightly so-- can somehow be completely oblivious to the need for version control around the critical databases their applications rely on. I don't know how you can call yourself a software engineer and maintain a straight face when your database isn't under exactly the same rigorous level of source control as the rest of your code. Don't let this happen to you. Get your database under version control.
I agree with many of the posting concerning ruby's ActiveRecord migrations - they are an elegant way to manage the database in small incremental files that everyone can share. With that said, I've recently implemented a project using VisualStudio's Database Project, and it's kinda made me a believer. Short story - you create a database project, import all (if any) existing database objects into it (tables/views/triggers/keys/users/etc). That import results in a "Create" script per object. To manage the database you alter the create script and then on deploy VS compares the target database to the state of the database residing in your project and apply the proper alter statements.
DDL(创建和更改) DML(参考数据、代码等) 数据模型更改(使用ERwin或ER/Studio) 数据库配置更改(权限、安全对象、常规配置更改)
我们使用Change Manager和一些自定义脚本来完成所有这些自动化作业。我们有变更管理器监视这些变更,并在变更完成时通知变更。