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I don't know whether it will catch on or not, but from my investigations, a functional language is almost certainly worth learning, and will make you a better programmer. Just understanding referential transparency makes a lot of design decisions so much easier- and the resulting programs much easier to reason about. Basically, if you run into a problem, then it tends to only be a problem with the output of a single function, rather than a problem with an inconsistant state, which could have been caused by any of the hundreds of classes/methods/functions in an imparative language with side effects.
FP的无状态本质更自然地映射到web的无状态本质,因此函数式语言更容易让自己更优雅,更RESTFUL的web应用程序。与JAVA和. net框架形成鲜明对比的是,它们需要在本质上无状态的功能平台(如web)上使用VIEWSTATE和SESSION键来维护应用程序状态,并维护有状态命令语言的抽象(有时相当容易泄漏)。
然而,这些天来,强制函数式风格的语言正在获得大量的虚拟墨水,这些语言是否会在未来占据主导地位是一个悬而未决的问题。我自己的怀疑是混合的、多范式的语言,如Scala或OCaml 将很可能统治“纯粹的”函数语言,就像纯粹的OO语言(Smalltalk、Beta等)影响了主流编程一样,但还没有成为最广泛使用的表示法。
(恕我直言,这是神话)“普通”程序员不理解它。 这并没有被广泛教授。 任何你能用它来写的程序,都能用现有的技术以另一种方式来写。
Just as graphical user interfaces and "code as a model of the business" were concepts that helped OO become more widely appreciated, I believe that increased use of immutability and simpler (massive) parallelism will help more programmers see the benefits that the functional approach offers. But as much as we've learned in the past 50 or so years that make up the entire history of digital computer programming, I think we still have much to learn. Twenty years from now, programmers will look back in amazement at the primitive nature of the tools we're currently using, including the now-popular OO and FP languages.
它之所以流行起来,是因为它是控制复杂性的最佳工具。 看到的: ——西蒙·佩顿-琼斯演讲《哈斯凯尔的味道》幻灯片109-116 ——Tim Sweeney的《下一个主流编程语言:游戏开发者的视角
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