多年来,我一直无法得到以下问题的一个像样的答案:为什么一些开发人员如此反对受控异常?我有过无数次的对话,在博客上读过一些东西,读过Bruce Eckel说的话(我看到的第一个站出来反对他们的人)。




Error is for things that should never be caught (VM has a peanut allergy and someone dropped a jar of peanuts on it) RuntimeException is for things that the programmer did wrong (programmer walked off the end of an array) Exception (except RuntimeException) is for things that are out of the programmer's control (disk fills up while writing to the file system, file handle limit for the process has been reached and you cannot open any more files) Throwable is simply the parent of all of the exception types.







如果抛出RuntimeException 子类代替异常 子类,你怎么知道 你应该去抓?

如果答案是catch Exception,那么您也在以与系统异常相同的方式处理程序员错误。在我看来这是不对的。








应急预案: 一种期望的条件,要求方法提供可根据该方法的预期目的来表达的替代响应。方法的调用者期望这些类型的条件,并有一个策略来处理它们。 错: 一种计划外的情况,阻止方法实现其预期目的,如果不参考方法的内部实现,则无法描述该情况。


Contingency Is considered to be: A part of the design Is expected to happen: Regularly but rarely Who cares about it: The upstream code that invokes the method Examples: Alternative return modes Best Mapping: A checked exception Fault Is considered to be: A nasty surprise Is expected to happen: Never Who cares about it: The people who need to fix the problem Examples: Programming bugs, hardware malfunctions, configuration mistakes, missing files, unavailable servers Best Mapping: An unchecked exception


Robert C. Martin在他的著作《Clean Code》中也不推荐使用受控异常,他认为受控异常违反了开闭原则:

什么价格?受控异常的价格是Open/Closed Principle1侵犯。如果从方法抛出checked异常 在您的代码中,并且catch高于三级,您必须声明 实例之间的每个方法签名中的异常 抓住。这意味着在软件的低级别上的更改可以 在许多更高级别上强制更改签名。变更的模块 必须重建和重新部署,即使他们不关心 改变了。


假设您定义了MyAppException扩展异常。它是由应用程序抛出的所有异常继承的顶级异常。在某些地方,您不想对特定的异常做出反应,您希望调用者解决它,因此您声明throws MyAppException。



良好的证明Checked Exception是不需要的:

A lot of framework that does some work for Java. Like Spring that wraps JDBC exception to unchecked exceptions, throwing messages to the log Lot of languages that came after java, even on top on java platform - they do not use them Checked exceptions, it is kind prediction about how the client would use the code that throws an exception. But a developer who writes this code would never know about the system and business that client of code is working in. As an example Interfcace methods that force to throw checked exception. There are 100 implementation over the system, 50 or even 90 of implementations do not throw this exception, but the client still must to catch this exception if he user reference to that interface. Those 50 or 90 implementations tend to handle those exceptions inside themself, putting exception to the log (and this is good behavior for them). What we should do with that? I would better have some background logic that would do all that job - sending message to the log. And If I, as a client of code, would feel I need handle the exception - I will do it. I may forget about it, right - but if I use TDD, all my steps are covered and I know what I want. Another example when I'm working with I/O in java, it forces me to check all exception, if file does not exists? what I should do with that? If it does not exists, the system would not go to the next step. The client of this method, would not get expected content from that file - he can handle Runtime Exception, otherwise I should first check Checked Exception, put a message to log, then throw exception up out form the method. No...no - I would better do it automatically with RuntimeEception, that does it / lits up automatically. There is no any sense to handle it manually - I would be happy I saw an error message in the log (AOP can help with that.. something that fixes java). If, eventually, I deice that system should shows pop-up message to the end user - I will show it, not a problem.

我很高兴java能让我选择使用什么,当使用核心库时,比如I/O。Like提供了相同类的两个副本——一个用RuntimeEception包装。然后我们可以比较人们会使用什么。但是现在,很多人会选择java或其他语言之上的框架。比如Scala, JRuby等等。许多人相信SUN是对的。

我最初同意你的观点,因为我一直支持受控异常,并开始思考为什么我不喜欢在. net中没有受控异常。但后来我意识到我并不喜欢受控异常。




try {
} catch(TPException e) {
  // this should never happen





OOPSLA 2005论文(或相关技术报告)中描述了一种折衷的好方法。

