多年来,我一直无法得到以下问题的一个像样的答案:为什么一些开发人员如此反对受控异常?我有过无数次的对话,在博客上读过一些东西,读过Bruce Eckel说的话(我看到的第一个站出来反对他们的人)。
Error is for things that should never be caught (VM has a peanut allergy and someone dropped a jar of peanuts on it)
RuntimeException is for things that the programmer did wrong (programmer walked off the end of an array)
Exception (except RuntimeException) is for things that are out of the programmer's control (disk fills up while writing to the file system, file handle limit for the process has been reached and you cannot open any more files)
Throwable is simply the parent of all of the exception types.
如果答案是catch Exception,那么您也在以与系统异常相同的方式处理程序员错误。在我看来这是不对的。
It is absolutely incorrect to assume that all runtime exceptions
should not be caught and allowed to propagate to the very "top" of the
application. (...) For every exceptional condition that is required to
be handled distinctly - by the system/business requirements -
programmers must decide where to catch it and what to do once the
condition is caught. This must be done strictly according to the
actual needs of the application, not based on a compiler alert. All
other errors must be allowed to freely propagate to the topmost
handler where they would be logged and a graceful (perhaps,
termination) action will be taken.
So far, I have it found easier to work with the code base with Checked Exceptions. When I am using someone else's API, it is nice that I can see exactly what kind of error conditions I can expect when I call the code and handle them properly, either by logging, displaying or ignoring (Yes, there is valid cases for ignoring exceptions, such as a ClassLoader implementation). That gives the code I am writing an opportunity to recover. All runtime exceptions I propagate up until they are cached and handled with some generic error handling code. When I find a checked exception that I don't really want to handle at a specific level, or that I consider a programming logic error, then I wrap it into a RuntimeException and let it bubble up. Never, ever swallow an exception without a good reason (and good reasons for doing this are rather scarce)
The problem with checked exceptions is they encourage people to swallow important details (namely, the exception class). If you choose not to swallow that detail, then you have to keep adding throws declarations across your whole app. This means 1) that a new exception type will affect lots of function signatures, and 2) you can miss a specific instance of the exception you actually -want- to catch (say you open a secondary file for a function that writes data to a file. The secondary file is optional, so you can ignore its errors, but because the signature throws IOException, it's easy to overlook this).
Catch and handle a specific exception. This is to implement retry logic, for example.
Catch and rethrow other exceptions. All that happens here is usually logging, and its usually a trite message like "Unable to open $filename". These are errors you can't do anything about; only a higher levels knows enough to handle it.
Catch everything and display an error message. This is usually at the very root of a dispatcher, and all it does it make sure it can communicate the error to the caller via a non-Exception mechanism (popup dialogue, marshaling an RPC Error object, etc).
By the class Exception one imagines? Well no, because Exceptions are exceptions, and likewise exceptions are Exceptions, except for those exceptions that are not Exceptions, because other exceptions are actually Errors, which are the other kind of exception, a kind of extra-exceptional exception that should never happen except when it does, and which you should never catch except sometimes you have to. Except that's not all because you can also define other exceptions that are neither Exceptions nor Errors but merely Throwable exceptions.
What are RuntimeExceptions for? Well just like the name implies, they're exceptions, like all Exceptions, and they happen at run-time, like all exceptions actually, except that RuntimeExceptions are exceptional compared to other run-time Exceptions because they aren't supposed to happen except when you make some silly error, although RuntimeExceptions are never Errors, so they're for things that are exceptionally erroneous but which aren't actually Errors. Except for RuntimeErrorException, which really is a RuntimeException for Errors. But aren't all exceptions supposed to represent erroneous circumstances anyway? Yes, all of them. Except for ThreadDeath, an exceptionally unexceptional exception, as the documentation explains that it's a "normal occurrence" and that that's why they made it a type of Error.
Anyway, since we're dividing all exceptions down the middle into Errors (which are for exceptional execution exceptions, so unchecked) and Exceptions (which are for less exceptional execution errors, so checked except when they're not), we now need two different kinds of each of several exceptions. So we need IllegalAccessError and IllegalAccessException, and InstantiationError and InstantiationException, and NoSuchFieldError and NoSuchFieldException, and NoSuchMethodError and NoSuchMethodException, and ZipError and ZipException.
哦,我们一定不能忘记Java 8时髦的新UncheckedIOException,这是一个RuntimeException异常,设计用来通过包装由I/O错误(不会引起IOError异常,尽管也存在)引起的已检查的IOException异常来抛出异常检查的概念,这些异常异常难以处理,因此您需要它们不被检查。
由于Java !