多年来,我一直无法得到以下问题的一个像样的答案:为什么一些开发人员如此反对受控异常?我有过无数次的对话,在博客上读过一些东西,读过Bruce Eckel说的话(我看到的第一个站出来反对他们的人)。




Error is for things that should never be caught (VM has a peanut allergy and someone dropped a jar of peanuts on it) RuntimeException is for things that the programmer did wrong (programmer walked off the end of an array) Exception (except RuntimeException) is for things that are out of the programmer's control (disk fills up while writing to the file system, file handle limit for the process has been reached and you cannot open any more files) Throwable is simply the parent of all of the exception types.







如果抛出RuntimeException 子类代替异常 子类,你怎么知道 你应该去抓?

如果答案是catch Exception,那么您也在以与系统异常相同的方式处理程序员错误。在我看来这是不对的。









OOPSLA 2005论文(或相关技术报告)中描述了一种折衷的好方法。





So far, I have it found easier to work with the code base with Checked Exceptions. When I am using someone else's API, it is nice that I can see exactly what kind of error conditions I can expect when I call the code and handle them properly, either by logging, displaying or ignoring (Yes, there is valid cases for ignoring exceptions, such as a ClassLoader implementation). That gives the code I am writing an opportunity to recover. All runtime exceptions I propagate up until they are cached and handled with some generic error handling code. When I find a checked exception that I don't really want to handle at a specific level, or that I consider a programming logic error, then I wrap it into a RuntimeException and let it bubble up. Never, ever swallow an exception without a good reason (and good reasons for doing this are rather scarce)






以Java List界面为例。我们有常见的内存实现,比如ArrayList和LinkedList。我们还有骨架类AbstractList,这使得设计新的列表类型变得很容易。对于只读列表,我们只需要实现两个方法:size()和get(int index)。


class WidgetList extends AbstractList<Widget> {
    private static final int SIZE_OF_WIDGET = 100;
    private final RandomAccessFile file;

    public WidgetList(RandomAccessFile file) {
        this.file = file;

    public int size() {
        return (int)(file.length() / SIZE_OF_WIDGET);

    public Widget get(int index) {
        file.seek((long)index * SIZE_OF_WIDGET);
        byte[] data = new byte[SIZE_OF_WIDGET];
        return new Widget(data);

By exposing the Widgets using the familiar List interface, you can retrieve items (list.get(123)) or iterate a list (for (Widget w : list) ...) without needing to know about WidgetList itself. One can pass this list to any standard methods that use generic lists, or wrap it in a Collections.synchronizedList. Code that uses it need neither know nor care whether the "Widgets" are made up on the spot, come from an array, or are read from a file, or a database, or from across the network, or from a future subspace relay. It will still work correctly because the List interface is correctly implemented.



public int size() {
    try {
        return (int)(file.length() / SIZE_OF_WIDGET);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new WidgetListException(e);

public static class WidgetListException extends RuntimeException {
    public WidgetListException(Throwable cause) {

(编辑:Java 8为这种情况添加了UncheckedIOException类:用于跨多态方法边界捕获和重新抛出ioexception。有点证明了我的观点!))

So checked exceptions simply don't work in cases like this. You can't throw them. Ditto for a clever Map backed by a database, or an implementation of java.util.Random connected to a quantum entropy source via a COM port. As soon as you try to do anything novel with the implementation of a polymorphic interface, the concept of checked exceptions fails. But checked exceptions are so insidious that they still won't leave you in peace, because you still have to catch and rethrow any from lower-level methods, cluttering the code and cluttering the stack trace.


实际上,如果使用hack,可以抛出未声明的受控异常。JVM在运行时并不关心受控异常规则,因此我们只需要欺骗编译器。最简单的方法就是滥用泛型。这是我的方法(类名显示,因为(在Java 8之前)它是通用方法调用语法中必需的):

class Util {
     * Throws any {@link Throwable} without needing to declare it in the
     * method's {@code throws} clause.
     * <p>When calling, it is suggested to prepend this method by the
     * {@code throw} keyword. This tells the compiler about the control flow,
     * about reachable and unreachable code. (For example, you don't need to
     * specify a method return value when throwing an exception.) To support
     * this, this method has a return type of {@link RuntimeException},
     * although it never returns anything.
     * @param t the {@code Throwable} to throw
     * @return nothing; this method never returns normally
     * @throws Throwable that was provided to the method
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code t} is {@code null}
    public static RuntimeException sneakyThrow(Throwable t) {
        return Util.<RuntimeException>sneakyThrow1(t);

    private static <T extends Throwable> RuntimeException sneakyThrow1(
            Throwable t) throws T {
        throw (T)t;


public int size() {
    try {
        return (int)(file.length() / SIZE_OF_WIDGET);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw sneakyThrow(e);


try {
} catch (Throwable t) { // catch everything
    if (t instanceof IOException) {
        // handle it
    } else {
        // didn't want to catch this one; let it go
        throw t;


高兴的是,扔t;语句在这里是合法的,尽管检查了t的类型,这要归功于Java 7中添加的关于重新抛出捕获的异常的规则。

When checked exceptions meet polymorphism, the opposite case is also a problem: when a method is spec'd as potentially throwing a checked exception, but an overridden implementation doesn't. For example, the abstract class OutputStream's write methods all specify throws IOException. ByteArrayOutputStream is a subclass that writes to an in-memory array instead of a true I/O source. Its overridden write methods cannot cause IOExceptions, so they have no throws clause, and you can call them without worrying about the catch-or-specify requirement.


public void writeTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException;


ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
    // can't happen (although we shouldn't ignore it if it does)
    throw new RuntimeException(e);



That rule causes some absurd problems. For example, one of the three write methods of OutputStream is not overridden by ByteArrayOutputStream. Specifically, write(byte[] data) is a convenience method that writes the full array by calling write(byte[] data, int offset, int length) with an offset of 0 and the length of the array. ByteArrayOutputStream overrides the three-argument method but inherits the one-argument convenience method as-is. The inherited method does exactly the right thing, but it includes an unwanted throws clause. That was perhaps an oversight in the design of ByteArrayOutputStream, but they can never fix it because it would break source compatibility with any code that does catch the exception -- the exception that has never, is never, and never will be thrown!

That rule is annoying during editing and debugging too. E.g., sometimes I'll comment out a method call temporarily, and if it could have thrown a checked exception, the compiler will now complain about the existence of the local try and catch blocks. So I have to comment those out too, and now when editing the code within, the IDE will indent to the wrong level because the { and } are commented out. Gah! It's a small complaint but it seems like the only thing checked exceptions ever do is cause trouble.



try {
} catch (SomeStupidExceptionOmgWhoCares e) {

在GUI或自动化程序中,打印的消息将不会被看到。更糟糕的是,它在异常之后继续执行其余代码。异常实际上不是一个错误吗?那就别印出来。否则,马上就会出现其他异常,此时原始异常对象将消失。这个习惯用法不比BASIC的On Error Resume Next或PHP的error_reporting(0);更好。


try {
} catch (SomethingWeird e) {

这就像e.p printstacktrace()一样懒惰;仍然在不确定的状态下继续编写代码。另外,特定日志系统或其他处理程序的选择是特定于应用程序的,因此这会影响代码重用。





Static analysis can be nice, but truly reliable static analysis often inflexibly demands strict work from the programmer. There is a cost-benefit calculation, and the bar needs to be set high for a check that leads to a compile time error. It would be more helpful if the IDE took on the role of communicating which exceptions a method may throw (including which are unavoidable). Although perhaps it would not be as reliable without forced exception declarations, most exceptions would still be declared in documentation, and the reliability of an IDE warning is not so crucial.


当谈到异常时,我总是会参考Eric Lippert的恼人异常博客文章。他将例外情况分为以下几类:

Fatal - These exceptions are not your fault: you cannot prevent then, and you cannot sensibly handle them. For example, OutOfMemoryError or ThreadAbortException. Boneheaded - These exceptions are your fault: you should have prevented them, and they represent bugs in your code. For example, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, NullPointerException or any IllegalArgumentException. Vexing - These exceptions are not exceptional, not your fault, you cannot prevent them, but you'll have to deal with them. They are often the result of an unfortunate design decision, such as throwing NumberFormatException from Integer.parseInt instead of providing an Integer.tryParseInt method that returns a boolean false on parse failure. Exogenous - These exceptions are usually exceptional, not your fault, you cannot (reasonably) prevent them, but you must handle them. For example, FileNotFoundException.


不能处理致命或愚蠢的异常。 应该处理令人烦恼的异常,但它们不应该出现在理想的API中。 必须处理外生异常。












By the class Exception one imagines? Well no, because Exceptions are exceptions, and likewise exceptions are Exceptions, except for those exceptions that are not Exceptions, because other exceptions are actually Errors, which are the other kind of exception, a kind of extra-exceptional exception that should never happen except when it does, and which you should never catch except sometimes you have to. Except that's not all because you can also define other exceptions that are neither Exceptions nor Errors but merely Throwable exceptions.


What are RuntimeExceptions for? Well just like the name implies, they're exceptions, like all Exceptions, and they happen at run-time, like all exceptions actually, except that RuntimeExceptions are exceptional compared to other run-time Exceptions because they aren't supposed to happen except when you make some silly error, although RuntimeExceptions are never Errors, so they're for things that are exceptionally erroneous but which aren't actually Errors. Except for RuntimeErrorException, which really is a RuntimeException for Errors. But aren't all exceptions supposed to represent erroneous circumstances anyway? Yes, all of them. Except for ThreadDeath, an exceptionally unexceptional exception, as the documentation explains that it's a "normal occurrence" and that that's why they made it a type of Error.

Anyway, since we're dividing all exceptions down the middle into Errors (which are for exceptional execution exceptions, so unchecked) and Exceptions (which are for less exceptional execution errors, so checked except when they're not), we now need two different kinds of each of several exceptions. So we need IllegalAccessError and IllegalAccessException, and InstantiationError and InstantiationException, and NoSuchFieldError and NoSuchFieldException, and NoSuchMethodError and NoSuchMethodException, and ZipError and ZipException.


哦,我们一定不能忘记Java 8时髦的新UncheckedIOException,这是一个RuntimeException异常,设计用来通过包装由I/O错误(不会引起IOError异常,尽管也存在)引起的已检查的IOException异常来抛出异常检查的概念,这些异常异常难以处理,因此您需要它们不被检查。

由于Java !