If you are concerned about an environment where you are constantly creating threads/forks, perhaps like a web server handling requests, you can pre-fork processes, hundreds if necessary. Since they are Copy on Write and use the same memory until a write occurs, it's very fast. They can all block, listening on the same socket and the first one to accept an incoming TCP connection gets to run with it. With g++ you can also assign functions and variables to be closely placed in memory (hot segments) to ensure when you do write to memory, and cause an entire page to be copied at least subsequent write activity will occur on the same page. You really have to use a profiler to verify that kind of stuff but if you are concerned about performance, you should be doing that anyway.
Development time of threaded apps is 3x to 10x times longer due to the subtle interaction on shared objects, threading "gotchas" you didn't think of, and very hard to debug because you cannot reproduce thread interaction problems at will. You may have to do all sort of performance killing checks like having invariants in all your classes that are checked before and after every function and you halt the process and load the debugger if something isn't right. Most often it's embarrassing crashes that occur during production and you have to pore through a core dump trying to figure out which threads did what. Frankly, it's not worth the headache when forking processes is just as fast and implicitly thread safe unless you explicitly share something. At least with explicit sharing you know exactly where to look if a threading style problem occurs.
That being said, there are asymmetric cases where parallel processing isn't appropriate, like, you want a foreground thread to accept user input and show button presses immediately, without waiting for some clunky back end GUI to keep up. Sexy use of threads where multiprocessing isn't geometrically appropriate. Many things like that just variables or pointers. They aren't "handles" that can be shared in a fork. You have to use threads. Even if you did fork, you'd be sharing the same resource and subject to threading style issues.
我不得不同意你所听到的。当我们对我们的集群(xhpl等)进行基准测试时,我们总是通过进程而不是线程获得明显更好的性能。< /轶事>
I think everyone has done a great job responding to your question. I'm just adding more information about thread versus process in Linux to clarify and summarize some of the previous responses in context of kernel. So, my response is in regarding to kernel specific code in Linux. According to Linux Kernel documentation, there is no clear distinction between thread versus process except thread uses shared virtual address space unlike process. Also note, the Linux Kernel uses the term "task" to refer to process and thread in general.
另外,根据Linus Torvalds的说法,你根本不应该考虑进程和线程,因为这太有限了,唯一的区别是COE或执行上下文在“从父地址空间分离”或共享地址空间方面的区别。事实上,他在这里用了一个web服务器的例子来说明他的观点(强烈推荐阅读)。