+ (NSArray *)intersectionPointsOfCircleWithCenter:(CGPoint)center withRadius:(float)radius toLinePoint1:(CGPoint)p1 andLinePoint2:(CGPoint)p2
NSMutableArray *intersectionPoints = [NSMutableArray array];
float Ax = p1.x;
float Ay = p1.y;
float Bx = p2.x;
float By = p2.y;
float Cx = center.x;
float Cy = center.y;
float R = radius;
// compute the euclidean distance between A and B
float LAB = sqrt( pow(Bx-Ax, 2)+pow(By-Ay, 2) );
// compute the direction vector D from A to B
float Dx = (Bx-Ax)/LAB;
float Dy = (By-Ay)/LAB;
// Now the line equation is x = Dx*t + Ax, y = Dy*t + Ay with 0 <= t <= 1.
// compute the value t of the closest point to the circle center (Cx, Cy)
float t = Dx*(Cx-Ax) + Dy*(Cy-Ay);
// This is the projection of C on the line from A to B.
// compute the coordinates of the point E on line and closest to C
float Ex = t*Dx+Ax;
float Ey = t*Dy+Ay;
// compute the euclidean distance from E to C
float LEC = sqrt( pow(Ex-Cx, 2)+ pow(Ey-Cy, 2) );
// test if the line intersects the circle
if( LEC < R )
// compute distance from t to circle intersection point
float dt = sqrt( pow(R, 2) - pow(LEC,2) );
// compute first intersection point
float Fx = (t-dt)*Dx + Ax;
float Fy = (t-dt)*Dy + Ay;
// compute second intersection point
float Gx = (t+dt)*Dx + Ax;
float Gy = (t+dt)*Dy + Ay;
[intersectionPoints addObject:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(Fx, Fy)]];
[intersectionPoints addObject:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(Gx, Gy)]];
// else test if the line is tangent to circle
else if( LEC == R ) {
// tangent point to circle is E
[intersectionPoints addObject:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(Ex, Ey)]];
else {
// line doesn't touch circle
return intersectionPoints;
' VB.NET - Code
Function CheckLineSegmentCircleIntersection(x1 As Double, y1 As Double, x2 As Double, y2 As Double, xc As Double, yc As Double, r As Double) As Boolean
Static xd As Double = 0.0F
Static yd As Double = 0.0F
Static t As Double = 0.0F
Static d As Double = 0.0F
Static dx_2_1 As Double = 0.0F
Static dy_2_1 As Double = 0.0F
dx_2_1 = x2 - x1
dy_2_1 = y2 - y1
t = ((yc - y1) * dy_2_1 + (xc - x1) * dx_2_1) / (dy_2_1 * dy_2_1 + dx_2_1 * dx_2_1)
If 0 <= t And t <= 1 Then
xd = x1 + t * dx_2_1
yd = y1 + t * dy_2_1
d = Math.Sqrt((xd - xc) * (xd - xc) + (yd - yc) * (yd - yc))
Return d <= r
d = Math.Sqrt((xc - x1) * (xc - x1) + (yc - y1) * (yc - y1))
If d <= r Then
Return True
d = Math.Sqrt((xc - x2) * (xc - x2) + (yc - y2) * (yc - y2))
If d <= r Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End If
End If
End Function
假设有点A B c, Ax和Ay是A点的x和y分量。B和c也是一样,标量R是圆半径。
该算法要求A B C是不同的点,且R不为0。
// compute the euclidean distance between A and B
LAB = sqrt( (Bx-Ax)²+(By-Ay)² )
// compute the direction vector D from A to B
Dx = (Bx-Ax)/LAB
Dy = (By-Ay)/LAB
// the equation of the line AB is x = Dx*t + Ax, y = Dy*t + Ay with 0 <= t <= LAB.
// compute the distance between the points A and E, where
// E is the point of AB closest the circle center (Cx, Cy)
t = Dx*(Cx-Ax) + Dy*(Cy-Ay)
// compute the coordinates of the point E
Ex = t*Dx+Ax
Ey = t*Dy+Ay
// compute the euclidean distance between E and C
LEC = sqrt((Ex-Cx)²+(Ey-Cy)²)
// test if the line intersects the circle
if( LEC < R )
// compute distance from t to circle intersection point
dt = sqrt( R² - LEC²)
// compute first intersection point
Fx = (t-dt)*Dx + Ax
Fy = (t-dt)*Dy + Ay
// compute second intersection point
Gx = (t+dt)*Dx + Ax
Gy = (t+dt)*Dy + Ay
// else test if the line is tangent to circle
else if( LEC == R )
// tangent point to circle is E
// line doesn't touch circle
我知道自从这个帖子被打开以来已经有一段时间了。根据chmike给出的答案,经Aqib Mumtaz改进。他们给出了一个很好的答案,但只适用于无限线,就像Aqib说的那样。所以我添加了一些比较来知道线段是否与圆接触,我用Python写的。
def LineIntersectCircle(c, r, p1, p2):
#p1 is the first line point
#p2 is the second line point
#c is the circle's center
#r is the circle's radius
p3 = [p1[0]-c[0], p1[1]-c[1]]
p4 = [p2[0]-c[0], p2[1]-c[1]]
m = (p4[1] - p3[1]) / (p4[0] - p3[0])
b = p3[1] - m * p3[0]
underRadical = math.pow(r,2)*math.pow(m,2) + math.pow(r,2) - math.pow(b,2)
if (underRadical < 0):
t1 = (-2*m*b+2*math.sqrt(underRadical)) / (2 * math.pow(m,2) + 2)
t2 = (-2*m*b-2*math.sqrt(underRadical)) / (2 * math.pow(m,2) + 2)
i1 = [t1+c[0], m * t1 + b + c[1]]
i2 = [t2+c[0], m * t2 + b + c[1]]
if p1[0] > p2[0]: #Si el punto 1 es mayor al 2 en X
if (i1[0] < p1[0]) and (i1[0] > p2[0]): #Si el punto iX esta entre 2 y 1 en X
if p1[1] > p2[1]: #Si el punto 1 es mayor al 2 en Y
if (i1[1] < p1[1]) and (i1[1] > p2[1]): #Si el punto iy esta entre 2 y 1
if p1[1] < p2[1]: #Si el punto 2 es mayo al 2 en Y
if (i1[1] > p1[1]) and (i1[1] < p2[1]): #Si el punto iy esta entre 1 y 2
if p1[0] < p2[0]: #Si el punto 2 es mayor al 1 en X
if (i1[0] > p1[0]) and (i1[0] < p2[0]): #Si el punto iX esta entre 1 y 2 en X
if p1[1] > p2[1]: #Si el punto 1 es mayor al 2 en Y
if (i1[1] < p1[1]) and (i1[1] > p2[1]): #Si el punto iy esta entre 2 y 1
if p1[1] < p2[1]: #Si el punto 2 es mayo al 2 en Y
if (i1[1] > p1[1]) and (i1[1] < p2[1]): #Si el punto iy esta entre 1 y 2
if p1[0] > p2[0]: #Si el punto 1 es mayor al 2 en X
if (i2[0] < p1[0]) and (i2[0] > p2[0]): #Si el punto iX esta entre 2 y 1 en X
if p1[1] > p2[1]: #Si el punto 1 es mayor al 2 en Y
if (i2[1] < p1[1]) and (i2[1] > p2[1]): #Si el punto iy esta entre 2 y 1
if p1[1] < p2[1]: #Si el punto 2 es mayo al 2 en Y
if (i2[1] > p1[1]) and (i2[1] < p2[1]): #Si el punto iy esta entre 1 y 2
if p1[0] < p2[0]: #Si el punto 2 es mayor al 1 en X
if (i2[0] > p1[0]) and (i2[0] < p2[0]): #Si el punto iX esta entre 1 y 2 en X
if p1[1] > p2[1]: #Si el punto 1 es mayor al 2 en Y
if (i2[1] < p1[1]) and (i2[1] > p2[1]): #Si el punto iy esta entre 2 y 1
if p1[1] < p2[1]: #Si el punto 2 es mayo al 2 en Y
if (i2[1] > p1[1]) and (i2[1] < p2[1]): #Si el punto iy esta entre 1 y 2
奇怪的是,我可以回答,但不能评论…… 我喜欢Multitaskpro的方法,它可以移动所有东西,使圆的中心落在原点上。不幸的是,他的代码中有两个问题。首先在平方根下的部分,你需要去掉双倍的幂。所以不是:
is underRadical = Math.pow((Math.pow(r,2)*(Math.pow(m,2)+1)),2)-Math.pow(b,2));
under Radical = Math.pow(r,2)*(Math.pow(m,2)+1)) - Math.pow(b,2);
var i1 = {x:t1,y:m*t1+b}
Var i1 = {x:t1+c。x, y: m * t1 + b +陈守惠};
function interceptOnCircle(p1, p2, c, r) {
//p1 is the first line point
//p2 is the second line point
//c is the circle's center
//r is the circle's radius
var p3 = {x:p1.x - c.x, y:p1.y - c.y}; //shifted line points
var p4 = {x:p2.x - c.x, y:p2.y - c.y};
var m = (p4.y - p3.y) / (p4.x - p3.x); //slope of the line
var b = p3.y - m * p3.x; //y-intercept of line
var underRadical = Math.pow(r,2)*Math.pow(m,2) + Math.pow(r,2) - Math.pow(b,2); //the value under the square root sign
if (underRadical < 0) {
//line completely missed
return false;
} else {
var t1 = (-m*b + Math.sqrt(underRadical))/(Math.pow(m,2) + 1); //one of the intercept x's
var t2 = (-m*b - Math.sqrt(underRadical))/(Math.pow(m,2) + 1); //other intercept's x
var i1 = {x:t1+c.x, y:m*t1+b+c.y}; //intercept point 1
var i2 = {x:t2+c.x, y:m*t2+b+c.y}; //intercept point 2
return [i1, i2];
x'=x*cos () + y*sin () y' = - x*sin () + y*cos ()
X = X ' * cos - y' * sin Y = x' * sin + Y ' * cos
利用第一个旋转方程=> P1(-根号(2)/2,根号(2)),P2(-根号(2)/ 2,0),线段端点变成x'-y'系统。
假设交点为p,在x'-y'中,Px = -根号2 /2。使用新的圆方程,我们得到Py = +根号(2)/2。将P转换成原始的x-y系统,最终得到P(-1,0)