我知道自从这个帖子被打开以来已经有一段时间了。根据chmike给出的答案,经Aqib Mumtaz改进。他们给出了一个很好的答案,但只适用于无限线,就像Aqib说的那样。所以我添加了一些比较来知道线段是否与圆接触,我用Python写的。
def LineIntersectCircle(c, r, p1, p2):
#p1 is the first line point
#p2 is the second line point
#c is the circle's center
#r is the circle's radius
p3 = [p1[0]-c[0], p1[1]-c[1]]
p4 = [p2[0]-c[0], p2[1]-c[1]]
m = (p4[1] - p3[1]) / (p4[0] - p3[0])
b = p3[1] - m * p3[0]
underRadical = math.pow(r,2)*math.pow(m,2) + math.pow(r,2) - math.pow(b,2)
if (underRadical < 0):
t1 = (-2*m*b+2*math.sqrt(underRadical)) / (2 * math.pow(m,2) + 2)
t2 = (-2*m*b-2*math.sqrt(underRadical)) / (2 * math.pow(m,2) + 2)
i1 = [t1+c[0], m * t1 + b + c[1]]
i2 = [t2+c[0], m * t2 + b + c[1]]
if p1[0] > p2[0]: #Si el punto 1 es mayor al 2 en X
if (i1[0] < p1[0]) and (i1[0] > p2[0]): #Si el punto iX esta entre 2 y 1 en X
if p1[1] > p2[1]: #Si el punto 1 es mayor al 2 en Y
if (i1[1] < p1[1]) and (i1[1] > p2[1]): #Si el punto iy esta entre 2 y 1
if p1[1] < p2[1]: #Si el punto 2 es mayo al 2 en Y
if (i1[1] > p1[1]) and (i1[1] < p2[1]): #Si el punto iy esta entre 1 y 2
if p1[0] < p2[0]: #Si el punto 2 es mayor al 1 en X
if (i1[0] > p1[0]) and (i1[0] < p2[0]): #Si el punto iX esta entre 1 y 2 en X
if p1[1] > p2[1]: #Si el punto 1 es mayor al 2 en Y
if (i1[1] < p1[1]) and (i1[1] > p2[1]): #Si el punto iy esta entre 2 y 1
if p1[1] < p2[1]: #Si el punto 2 es mayo al 2 en Y
if (i1[1] > p1[1]) and (i1[1] < p2[1]): #Si el punto iy esta entre 1 y 2
if p1[0] > p2[0]: #Si el punto 1 es mayor al 2 en X
if (i2[0] < p1[0]) and (i2[0] > p2[0]): #Si el punto iX esta entre 2 y 1 en X
if p1[1] > p2[1]: #Si el punto 1 es mayor al 2 en Y
if (i2[1] < p1[1]) and (i2[1] > p2[1]): #Si el punto iy esta entre 2 y 1
if p1[1] < p2[1]: #Si el punto 2 es mayo al 2 en Y
if (i2[1] > p1[1]) and (i2[1] < p2[1]): #Si el punto iy esta entre 1 y 2
if p1[0] < p2[0]: #Si el punto 2 es mayor al 1 en X
if (i2[0] > p1[0]) and (i2[0] < p2[0]): #Si el punto iX esta entre 1 y 2 en X
if p1[1] > p2[1]: #Si el punto 1 es mayor al 2 en Y
if (i2[1] < p1[1]) and (i2[1] > p2[1]): #Si el punto iy esta entre 2 y 1
if p1[1] < p2[1]: #Si el punto 2 es mayo al 2 en Y
if (i2[1] > p1[1]) and (i2[1] < p2[1]): #Si el punto iy esta entre 1 y 2
You can find a point on a infinite line that is nearest to circle center by projecting vector AC onto vector AB. Calculate the distance between that point and circle center. If it is greater that R, there is no intersection. If the distance is equal to R, line is a tangent of the circle and the point nearest to circle center is actually the intersection point. If distance less that R, then there are 2 intersection points. They lie at the same distance from the point nearest to circle center. That distance can easily be calculated using Pythagorean theorem. Here's algorithm in pseudocode:
dX = bX - aX;
dY = bY - aY;
if ((dX == 0) && (dY == 0))
// A and B are the same points, no way to calculate intersection
dl = (dX * dX + dY * dY);
t = ((cX - aX) * dX + (cY - aY) * dY) / dl;
// point on a line nearest to circle center
nearestX = aX + t * dX;
nearestY = aY + t * dY;
dist = point_dist(nearestX, nearestY, cX, cY);
if (dist == R)
// line segment touches circle; one intersection point
iX = nearestX;
iY = nearestY;
if (t < 0 || t > 1)
// intersection point is not actually within line segment
else if (dist < R)
// two possible intersection points
dt = sqrt(R * R - dist * dist) / sqrt(dl);
// intersection point nearest to A
t1 = t - dt;
i1X = aX + t1 * dX;
i1Y = aY + t1 * dY;
if (t1 < 0 || t1 > 1)
// intersection point is not actually within line segment
// intersection point farthest from A
t2 = t + dt;
i2X = aX + t2 * dX;
i2Y = aY + t2 * dY;
if (t2 < 0 || t2 > 1)
// intersection point is not actually within line segment
// no intersection
E是射线的起点, L是射线的端点, C是你测试的圆心 R是球面的半径
计算: d = L - E(射线方向矢量,从头到尾) f = E - C(从中心球到射线起点的向量)
然后通过…找到交点。 堵塞: P = E + t * d 这是一个参数方程 Px = Ex + tdx Py = Ey + tdy 成 (x - h)2 + (y - k)2 = r2 (h,k) =圆心。
Expand x2 - 2xh + h2 + y2 - 2yk + k2 - r2 = 0 Plug x = ex + tdx y = ey + tdy ( ex + tdx )2 - 2( ex + tdx )h + h2 + ( ey + tdy )2 - 2( ey + tdy )k + k2 - r2 = 0 Explode ex2 + 2extdx + t2dx2 - 2exh - 2tdxh + h2 + ey2 + 2eytdy + t2dy2 - 2eyk - 2tdyk + k2 - r2 = 0 Group t2( dx2 + dy2 ) + 2t( exdx + eydy - dxh - dyk ) + ex2 + ey2 - 2exh - 2eyk + h2 + k2 - r2 = 0 Finally, t2( d · d ) + 2t( e · d - d · c ) + e · e - 2( e · c ) + c · c - r2 = 0 Where d is the vector d and · is the dot product. And then, t2( d · d ) + 2t( d · ( e - c ) ) + ( e - c ) · ( e - c ) - r2 = 0 Letting f = e - c t2( d · d ) + 2t( d · f ) + f · f - r2 = 0
所以我们得到: T2 *(d·d) + 2t*(f·d) + (f·f - r2) = 0
float a = d.Dot( d ) ;
float b = 2*f.Dot( d ) ;
float c = f.Dot( f ) - r*r ;
float discriminant = b*b-4*a*c;
if( discriminant < 0 )
// no intersection
// ray didn't totally miss sphere,
// so there is a solution to
// the equation.
discriminant = sqrt( discriminant );
// either solution may be on or off the ray so need to test both
// t1 is always the smaller value, because BOTH discriminant and
// a are nonnegative.
float t1 = (-b - discriminant)/(2*a);
float t2 = (-b + discriminant)/(2*a);
// 3x HIT cases:
// -o-> --|--> | | --|->
// Impale(t1 hit,t2 hit), Poke(t1 hit,t2>1), ExitWound(t1<0, t2 hit),
// 3x MISS cases:
// -> o o -> | -> |
// FallShort (t1>1,t2>1), Past (t1<0,t2<0), CompletelyInside(t1<0, t2>1)
if( t1 >= 0 && t1 <= 1 )
// t1 is the intersection, and it's closer than t2
// (since t1 uses -b - discriminant)
// Impale, Poke
return true ;
// here t1 didn't intersect so we are either started
// inside the sphere or completely past it
if( t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1 )
// ExitWound
return true ;
// no intn: FallShort, Past, CompletelyInside
return false ;
+ (NSArray *)intersectionPointsOfCircleWithCenter:(CGPoint)center withRadius:(float)radius toLinePoint1:(CGPoint)p1 andLinePoint2:(CGPoint)p2
NSMutableArray *intersectionPoints = [NSMutableArray array];
float Ax = p1.x;
float Ay = p1.y;
float Bx = p2.x;
float By = p2.y;
float Cx = center.x;
float Cy = center.y;
float R = radius;
// compute the euclidean distance between A and B
float LAB = sqrt( pow(Bx-Ax, 2)+pow(By-Ay, 2) );
// compute the direction vector D from A to B
float Dx = (Bx-Ax)/LAB;
float Dy = (By-Ay)/LAB;
// Now the line equation is x = Dx*t + Ax, y = Dy*t + Ay with 0 <= t <= 1.
// compute the value t of the closest point to the circle center (Cx, Cy)
float t = Dx*(Cx-Ax) + Dy*(Cy-Ay);
// This is the projection of C on the line from A to B.
// compute the coordinates of the point E on line and closest to C
float Ex = t*Dx+Ax;
float Ey = t*Dy+Ay;
// compute the euclidean distance from E to C
float LEC = sqrt( pow(Ex-Cx, 2)+ pow(Ey-Cy, 2) );
// test if the line intersects the circle
if( LEC < R )
// compute distance from t to circle intersection point
float dt = sqrt( pow(R, 2) - pow(LEC,2) );
// compute first intersection point
float Fx = (t-dt)*Dx + Ax;
float Fy = (t-dt)*Dy + Ay;
// compute second intersection point
float Gx = (t+dt)*Dx + Ax;
float Gy = (t+dt)*Dy + Ay;
[intersectionPoints addObject:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(Fx, Fy)]];
[intersectionPoints addObject:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(Gx, Gy)]];
// else test if the line is tangent to circle
else if( LEC == R ) {
// tangent point to circle is E
[intersectionPoints addObject:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(Ex, Ey)]];
else {
// line doesn't touch circle
return intersectionPoints;
如果直线的坐标为A.x, A.y和B.x, B.y,圆心为C.x, C.y,则直线公式为:
x = A.x * t + B.x * (1 - t)
y = A.y * t + B.y * (1 - t)
0 < = t < = 1
(C.x - x)²+ (C.y - y)²= R²
我只是需要它,所以我想出了这个解决方案。语言是maxscript,但是它应该很容易被翻译成任何其他语言。 sideA, sideB和CircleRadius为标量,其余变量为[x,y,z]。假设z=0在XY平面上求解
fn projectPoint p1 p2 p3 = --project p1 perpendicular to the line p2-p3
local v= normalize (p3-p2)
local p= (p1-p2)
p2+((dot v p)*v)
fn findIntersectionLineCircle CircleCenter CircleRadius LineP1 LineP2=
pp=projectPoint CircleCenter LineP1 LineP2
sideA=distance pp CircleCenter
--use pythagoras to solve the third side
sideB=sqrt(CircleRadius^2-sideA^2) -- this will return NaN if they don't intersect
IntersectV=normalize (pp-CircleCenter)
--project the point to both sides to find the solutions
return #(solution1,solution2)