


安全证书可以很容易地从. net中的签名程序集中删除。



A) .NET只是反向工程而不是原生的吗?


标题: 保护.NET代码不受逆向工程的影响


Least preference to make commercial application in .NET, because it will expose even your comments on the built binary after decompile. (I don't know what is the logic to include the comments also with binary) So any one can just decompile it, rename/modify/change the look and resell the application in 24 hours. In native application rename/modify/change of look is not possible as easy as one could do in .NET Worried part in .NET is that you could get the whole project with solution from a single binary exe/dll.

想象一下现在的安全状况有多糟糕。 因此,即使是外行也可以轻松地对. net应用程序进行逆向工程。

如果它是本地应用程序,如c++ /VB6/Delphi,只有知道ASM的专家破解者才能修补exe,而不是像。net那样100%逆向工程。


好消息是,微软似乎在2020年支持。net的本地输出,这将使像我这样的程序员考虑将。net c#作为主要语言。




Use online update to block those unlicensed copies. Verify serial number from different modules of your application and do not use a single function call to do the verification (so that crackers cannot bypass the verification easily). Not only check serial number at startup, do the verification while saving data, do it every Friday evening, do it when user is idle ... Verify application file check sum, store your security check sum in different places. Don't go too far on these kind of tricks, make sure your application never crash/get into malfunction while verifying registration code. Build a useful app for users is much more important than make a unbreakable binary for crackers.





使用Skater . net混淆器。该. net保护工具针对de4dot, de4dot是一个去混淆器,它将原始受保护的程序集成员名称重命名为人类可读的字符串。溜冰者与之对抗!

最近,MindSystemm集团发布了一个名为Skater的特殊工具。NetDeobfuscator [url: https://github.com/MindSystemm/Skater.NetDeobfuscator],它利用了Skater. net混淆器的漏洞。 混淆器的开发者Rustemsoft LLC收到了一个迫切需要保护关键的Skater . net混淆器算法和软件基础设施的信号,以便为Skater用户提供更强的源代码保护。这个问题已经解决了。

. net Reflector只能打开“托管代码”,这基本上意味着“。NET代码”。所以你不能用它来分解COM DLL文件、原生c++、经典的Visual Basic 6.0代码等。编译后的。net代码的结构非常方便、可移植、可发现、可验证等。net Reflector利用了这一点,让你窥探已编译的程序集,但反编译器和反汇编器绝不是。net特有的,它们和编译器一样早就存在了。

您可以使用混淆器使代码更难阅读,但是您不能在不使. net无法读取的情况下完全阻止它被反编译。市面上有一些产品(通常价格昂贵)声称可以将托管代码应用程序“链接”到本地代码应用程序,但即使这些产品真的可以工作,有决心的人总能找到方法。


However, in my 15 or so years of experience writing code I've realized that being over-protective of your source code is a waste of time and has little benefit. Just trying to read original source code without supporting documentation, comments, etc. can be very difficult to understand. Add to that the senseless variable names that decompilers come up with and the spaghetti code that modern obfuscators create - you probably don't have to worry too much about people stealing your intellectual property.