在Java堆栈中,不宽或不伤人不是很重要(使用垃圾收集器)。在许多异常处理论文中,我看到了这个概念(堆栈展开),特别是那些作者在C或c++中处理异常处理。对于try catch块,我们不应该忘记:在局部块之后释放所有对象的堆栈。
定义: 当您静态地创建对象(在堆栈上而不是在堆内存中分配对象)并执行函数调用时,它们是“堆叠起来的”。
当一个作用域(由{和}分隔的任何内容)退出(通过使用return XXX;,到达作用域的末尾或抛出异常)时,该作用域内的所有内容都被销毁(对所有内容调用析构函数)。这个销毁局部对象并调用析构函数的过程称为堆栈展开。
avoiding memory leaks (anything dynamically allocated that is not managed by a local object and cleaned up in the destructor will be leaked) - see RAII referred to by Nikolai, and the documentation for boost::scoped_ptr or this example of using boost::mutex::scoped_lock. program consistency: the C++ specifications state that you should never throw an exception before any existing exception has been handled. This means that the stack unwinding process should never throw an exception (either use only code guaranteed not to throw in destructors, or surround everything in destructors with try { and } catch(...) {}).
在Java堆栈中,不宽或不伤人不是很重要(使用垃圾收集器)。在许多异常处理论文中,我看到了这个概念(堆栈展开),特别是那些作者在C或c++中处理异常处理。对于try catch块,我们不应该忘记:在局部块之后释放所有对象的堆栈。
What is stack unwinding? In any language that supports recursive functions (ie. pretty much everything except Fortran 77 and Brainf*ck) the language runtime keeps a stack of what functions are currently executing. Stack unwinding is a way of inspecting, and possibly modifying, that stack. Why would you want to do that? The answer may seem obvious, but there are several related, yet subtly different, situations where unwinding is useful or necessary: As a runtime control-flow mechanism (C++ exceptions, C longjmp(), etc). In a debugger, to show the user the stack. In a profiler, to take a sample of the stack. From the program itself (like from a crash handler to show the stack). These have subtly different requirements. Some of these are performance-critical, some are not. Some require the ability to reconstruct registers from outer frame, some do not. But we'll get into all that in a second.
上面一个是正常的调用执行(没有抛出异常)。 当抛出异常时,位于底部。