Returning from the called function will pop the top frame off of the stack, perhaps leaving a return value. The more general act of popping one or more frames off the stack to resume execution elsewhere in the program is called stack unwinding and must be performed when non-local control structures are used, such as those used for exception handling. In this case, the stack frame of a function contains one or more entries specifying exception handlers. When an exception is thrown, the stack is unwound until a handler is found that is prepared to handle (catch) the type of the thrown exception. Some languages have other control structures that require general unwinding. Pascal allows a global goto statement to transfer control out of a nested function and into a previously invoked outer function. This operation requires the stack to be unwound, removing as many stack frames as necessary to restore the proper context to transfer control to the target statement within the enclosing outer function. Similarly, C has the setjmp and longjmp functions that act as non-local gotos. Common Lisp allows control of what happens when the stack is unwound by using the unwind-protect special operator. When applying a continuation, the stack is (logically) unwound and then rewound with the stack of the continuation. This is not the only way to implement continuations; for example, using multiple, explicit stacks, application of a continuation can simply activate its stack and wind a value to be passed. The Scheme programming language allows arbitrary thunks to be executed in specified points on "unwinding" or "rewinding" of the control stack when a continuation is invoked.
void func( int x )
char* pleak = new char[1024]; // might be lost => memory leak
std::string s( "hello world" ); // will be properly destructed
if ( x ) throw std::runtime_error( "boom" );
delete [] pleak; // will only get here if x == 0. if x!=0, throw exception
int main()
func( 10 );
catch ( const std::exception& e )
return 1;
return 0;
void hw() {
string hello("Hello, ");
string world("world!\n");
cout << hello << world;
} // at this point, "world" is destroyed, followed by "hello"
定义: 当您静态地创建对象(在堆栈上而不是在堆内存中分配对象)并执行函数调用时,它们是“堆叠起来的”。
当一个作用域(由{和}分隔的任何内容)退出(通过使用return XXX;,到达作用域的末尾或抛出异常)时,该作用域内的所有内容都被销毁(对所有内容调用析构函数)。这个销毁局部对象并调用析构函数的过程称为堆栈展开。
avoiding memory leaks (anything dynamically allocated that is not managed by a local object and cleaned up in the destructor will be leaked) - see RAII referred to by Nikolai, and the documentation for boost::scoped_ptr or this example of using boost::mutex::scoped_lock. program consistency: the C++ specifications state that you should never throw an exception before any existing exception has been handled. This means that the stack unwinding process should never throw an exception (either use only code guaranteed not to throw in destructors, or surround everything in destructors with try { and } catch(...) {}).
上面一个是正常的调用执行(没有抛出异常)。 当抛出异常时,位于底部。
Returning from the called function will pop the top frame off of the stack, perhaps leaving a return value. The more general act of popping one or more frames off the stack to resume execution elsewhere in the program is called stack unwinding and must be performed when non-local control structures are used, such as those used for exception handling. In this case, the stack frame of a function contains one or more entries specifying exception handlers. When an exception is thrown, the stack is unwound until a handler is found that is prepared to handle (catch) the type of the thrown exception. Some languages have other control structures that require general unwinding. Pascal allows a global goto statement to transfer control out of a nested function and into a previously invoked outer function. This operation requires the stack to be unwound, removing as many stack frames as necessary to restore the proper context to transfer control to the target statement within the enclosing outer function. Similarly, C has the setjmp and longjmp functions that act as non-local gotos. Common Lisp allows control of what happens when the stack is unwound by using the unwind-protect special operator. When applying a continuation, the stack is (logically) unwound and then rewound with the stack of the continuation. This is not the only way to implement continuations; for example, using multiple, explicit stacks, application of a continuation can simply activate its stack and wind a value to be passed. The Scheme programming language allows arbitrary thunks to be executed in specified points on "unwinding" or "rewinding" of the control stack when a continuation is invoked.
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