你想要使用UDP而不是TCP的一个独特情况是你在另一个协议(例如隧道,虚拟网络等)上建立TCP隧道。如果您在TCP上建立隧道,则每个TCP的拥塞控制将相互干扰。因此,人们通常更喜欢在UDP(或其他无状态协议)上传输TCP。参见TechRepublic文章:理解TCP Over TCP: TCP隧道对端到端吞吐量和延迟的影响。
当你真的想快速地向另一个服务器得到一个简单的答案时,UDP是最好的选择。通常,您希望答案在一个响应包中,并准备实现自己的协议以提高可靠性或重新发送。DNS是这个用例的完美描述。连接设置的成本太高了(然而,DNS 不支持TCP模式以及)。
另一方面,UDP适用于传输信息的短数据包,其中信息的顺序不太重要,或者数据可以放入单个数据包中 包。
其他时候,当您正在发送序列数据时,它是合适的,但如果有些数据丢失了 错过你不太关心的(例如VOIP应用程序)。
有些协议更复杂,因为需要的是TCP的一些(但不是全部)功能,但比UDP提供的功能更多。这就是应用层必须做到的 实现附加功能。在这些情况下,UDP也是合适的(例如,互联网广播,顺序很重要,但不是每个数据包都需要通过)。
它在哪里/可以被使用的例子 1)时间服务器向局域网上的一堆机器广播正确的时间。 2) VOIP协议 3) DNS查找 4)请求局域网服务,例如:where are you? 5)网络电台 还有许多其他的……
在unix上,您可以输入grep udp /etc/services以获得实现的udp协议列表 今天……有几百个。
A big thing that people forget is that udp is packet based, and tcp is bytestream based, there is no guarantee that the "tcp packet" you sent is the packet that shows up on the other end, it can be dissected into as many packets as the routers and stacks desire. So your software has the additional overhead of parsing bytes back into usable chunks of data, that can take a fair amount of overhead. UDP can be out of order so you have to number your packets or use some other mechanism to re-order them if you care to do so. But if you get that udp packet it arrives with all the same bytes in the same order as it left, no changes. So the term udp packet makes sense but tcp packet doesnt necessarily. TCP has its own re-try and ordering mechanism that is hidden from your application, you can re-invent that with UDP to tailor it to your needs.
I work on a product that supports both UDP (IP) and TCP/IP communication between client and server. It started out with IPX over 15 years ago with IP support added 13 years ago. We added TCP/IP support 3 or 4 years ago. Wild guess coming up: The UDP to TCP code ratio is probably about 80/20. The product is a database server, so reliability is critical. We have to handle all of the issues imposed by UDP (packet loss, packet doubling, packet order, etc.) already mentioned in other answers. There are rarely any problems, but they do sometimes occur and so must be handled. The benefit to supporting UDP is that we are able to customize it a bit to our own usage and tweak a bit more performance out of it.
Every network is going to be different, but the UDP communication protocol is generally a little bit faster for us. The skeptical reader will rightly question whether we implemented everything correctly. Plus, what can you expect from a guy with a 2 digit rep? Nonetheless, I just now ran a test out of curiosity. The test read 1 million records (select * from sometable). I set the number of records to return with each individual client request to be 1, 10, and then 100 (three test runs with each protocol). The server was only two hops away over a 100Mbit LAN. The numbers seemed to agree with what others have found in the past (UDP is about 5% faster in most situations). The total times in milliseconds were as follows for this particular test:
1记录 IP: 390760 ms TCP: 416,903毫秒 10个记录 IP: 91,707 ms TCP: 95,662毫秒 100条记录 IP: 29,664 ms TCP: 30,968毫秒