
class Z
    // details

class X
    std::vector<Z> vecZ;

    Z& Z(size_t index)
        // massive amounts of code for validating index

        Z& ret = vecZ[index];

        // even more code for determining that the Z instance
        // at index is *exactly* the right sort of Z (a process
        // which involves calculating leap years in which
        // religious holidays fall on Tuesdays for
        // the next thousand years or so)

        return ret;
    const Z& Z(size_t index) const
        // identical to non-const X::Z(), except printed in
        // a lighter shade of gray since
        // we're running low on toner by this point

两个成员函数X::Z()和X::Z() const在大括号内具有相同的代码。这是重复的代码,可能会导致具有复杂逻辑的长函数的维护问题。




struct C {
  shared_ptr<const char> get() const {
    return c;
  shared_ptr<char> get() {
    return const_pointer_cast<char>(static_cast<const C &>(*this).get());
  shared_ptr<char> c;


我认为Scott Meyers的解决方案可以在c++ 11中通过使用tempate helper函数进行改进。这使得意图更加明显,并且可以被许多其他getter重用。

template <typename T>
struct NonConst {typedef T type;};
template <typename T>
struct NonConst<T const> {typedef T type;}; //by value
template <typename T>
struct NonConst<T const&> {typedef T& type;}; //by reference
template <typename T>
struct NonConst<T const*> {typedef T* type;}; //by pointer
template <typename T>
struct NonConst<T const&&> {typedef T&& type;}; //by rvalue-reference

template<typename TConstReturn, class TObj, typename... TArgs>
typename NonConst<TConstReturn>::type likeConstVersion(
   TObj const* obj,
   TConstReturn (TObj::* memFun)(TArgs...) const,
   TArgs&&... args) {
      return const_cast<typename NonConst<TConstReturn>::type>(


struct T {
   int arr[100];

   int const& getElement(size_t i) const{
      return arr[i];

   int& getElement(size_t i) {
      return likeConstVersion(this, &T::getElement, i);

第一个参数总是this指针。第二个是指向要调用的成员函数的指针。在此之后,可以传递任意数量的附加参数,以便将它们转发给函数。 这需要c++ 11,因为有可变模板。


struct A {

    #define GETTER_CORE_CODE       \
    /* line 1 of getter code */    \
    /* line 2 of getter code */    \
    /* .....etc............. */    \
    /* line n of getter code */       

    // ^ NOTE: line continuation char '\' on all lines but the last

   B& get() {

   const B& get() const {





struct C {
  shared_ptr<const char> get() const {
    return c;
  shared_ptr<char> get() {
    return const_pointer_cast<char>(static_cast<const C &>(*this).get());
  shared_ptr<char> c;


class X
    std::vector<Z> vecZ;

    // ReturnType is explicitly 'Z&' or 'const Z&'
    // ThisType is deduced to be 'X' or 'const X'
    template <typename ReturnType, typename ThisType>
    static ReturnType Z_impl(ThisType& self, size_t index)
        // massive amounts of code for validating index
        ReturnType ret = self.vecZ[index];
        // even more code for determining, blah, blah...
        return ret;

    Z& Z(size_t index)
        return Z_impl<Z&>(*this, index);
    const Z& Z(size_t index) const
        return Z_impl<const Z&>(*this, index);


class X
   std::vector<Z> vecZ;

   const Z& z(size_t index) const
      // same really-really-really long access 
      // and checking code as in OP
      // ...
      return vecZ[index];

   Z& z(size_t index)
      // One line. One ugly, ugly line - but just one line!
      return const_cast<Z&>( static_cast<const X&>(*this).z(index) );

 #if 0 // A slightly less-ugly version
   Z& Z(size_t index)
      // Two lines -- one cast. This is slightly less ugly but takes an extra line.
      const X& constMe = *this;
      return const_cast<Z&>( constMe.z(index) );
