class Z
// details
class X
std::vector<Z> vecZ;
Z& Z(size_t index)
// massive amounts of code for validating index
Z& ret = vecZ[index];
// even more code for determining that the Z instance
// at index is *exactly* the right sort of Z (a process
// which involves calculating leap years in which
// religious holidays fall on Tuesdays for
// the next thousand years or so)
return ret;
const Z& Z(size_t index) const
// identical to non-const X::Z(), except printed in
// a lighter shade of gray since
// we're running low on toner by this point
两个成员函数X::Z()和X::Z() const在大括号内具有相同的代码。这是重复的代码,可能会导致具有复杂逻辑的长函数的维护问题。
如果你不喜欢const强制转换,我使用这个c++ 17版本的模板静态帮助器函数,由另一个答案建议,并带有可选的SFINAE测试。
#include <type_traits>
#define REQUIRES(...) class = std::enable_if_t<(__VA_ARGS__)>
#define REQUIRES_CV_OF(A,B) REQUIRES( std::is_same_v< std::remove_cv_t< A >, B > )
class Foobar {
int something;
template<class FOOBAR, REQUIRES_CV_OF(FOOBAR, Foobar)>
static auto& _getSomething(FOOBAR& self, int index) {
// big, non-trivial chunk of code...
return self.something;
auto& getSomething(int index) { return _getSomething(*this, index); }
auto& getSomething(int index) const { return _getSomething(*this, index); }
class X
std::vector<Z> vecZ;
const Z& z(size_t index) const
// same really-really-really long access
// and checking code as in OP
// ...
return vecZ[index];
Z& z(size_t index)
// One line. One ugly, ugly line - but just one line!
return const_cast<Z&>( static_cast<const X&>(*this).z(index) );
#if 0 // A slightly less-ugly version
Z& Z(size_t index)
// Two lines -- one cast. This is slightly less ugly but takes an extra line.
const X& constMe = *this;
return const_cast<Z&>( constMe.z(index) );